Example ContractsClausesDIP Budget
DIP Budget
DIP Budget contract clause examples
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Each DIP Budget and all projected consolidated balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements of the Credit Parties delivered to the Administrative Agent were prepared in good faith on the basis of the assumptions stated therein, which assumptions were believed in good faith by the Borrower to be fair in light of the conditions existing at the time of delivery of such report or projection.

The Credit Parties shall have, as measured monthly, actual aggregate production of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids from their Oil and Gas Properties equaling at least ninety percent (90%) of the aggregate amount of production of such commodities forecasted in the DIP Budget for such month, as reported to the Administrative Agent within forty (40) days following the end of each applicable month.

DIP Orders” means, together or individually, as applicable, the Interim DIP Order and the Final DIP Order.

Budget Carry Forward. To the extent the Development Costs for a given Calendar Year are less than the Development Costs included in the Global Development Budget for such Calendar Year, because Development activities planned for such Calendar Year have been delayed to a subsequent Calendar Year, the Financial Working Group shall agree upon an appropriate adjustment to the Global Development Budget for subsequent Calendar Years to reflect such delay (but without increasing the total cumulative Development Costs under the Global Development Budget).

Annual Budget Forecast. Not later than 120 days after the end of each fiscal year, a forecast of Borrower’s revenues and expenses for the upcoming fiscal year.

Annual Budget Plan. As soon as available, but in any event within sixty (60) days of the end of each fiscal year, a copy of the detailed annual operating budget and cash flows or plan of the Company for the then fiscal year on a quarterly basis, in form and detail reasonably acceptable to the Agent and the Required Lenders, together with a summary of the material assumptions made in the preparation of such annual budget or plan;

Projected Operating Budget. Furnish Agent and Lenders, no later than seventy-five (75) days after the beginning of each Borrower's fiscal year commencing with fiscal year 2023, a month by month projected operating budget and cash flow of Borrowers on a consolidated basis for such fiscal year (including an income statement for each month and a balance sheet as at the end of the last month in each fiscal quarter), such projections to be accompanied by a certificate signed by a Responsible Officer of each Borrower to the effect that such projections have been prepared on the basis of sound financial planning practice consistent with past budgets and financial statements and that such officer has no reason to question the reasonableness of any material assumptions on which such projections were prepared.

Projected Operating Budget. Deliver to Agent, no later than then last day of DZSI’s fiscal years commencing with fiscal year 2019, Projections for the coming/following fiscal year, such Projections to be accompanied by a certificate signed by the President or Chief Financial Officer of DZSI to the effect that such Projections have been prepared on the basis of sound financial planning practice consistent with past budgets and financial statements and that such officer has no reason to question the reasonableness of any material assumptions on which such Projections were prepared.

Each Fiscal Year during the Term, Manager shall prepare a budget (“Capital Improvement Budget”) of the expenditures necessary for replacement of FF&E and building replacements of the nature contemplated by Section 8.1 during the ensuing Fiscal Year and shall provide such Capital Improvement Budget to Lessee and Landlord for approval at the same time Manager submits the Annual Operating Budget. The Capital Improvement Budget shall not be deemed accepted by Lessee and Landlord in the absence of their respective express written approval. Not later than thirty (30) days after receipt by Lessee and Landlord of a proposed Capital Improvement Budget (or such longer period as Lessee and Landlord may reasonably request on Notice to Manager), Lessee and/or Landlord may deliver a Notice (a “CIB Objection Notice”) to Manager stating that Lessee and/or Landlord objects to any information contained in or omitted from such proposed Capital Improvement Budget and setting forth the nature of such objections with reasonable specificity. Failure of Lessee and/or Landlord to deliver a CIB Objection Notice shall be deemed rejection of Manager’s proposed Capital Improvement Budget in its entirety. Upon receipt of any CIB Objection Notice, Manager shall, after consultation with Lessee and Landlord, modify the proposed Capital Improvement Budget, taking into account Lessee’s and/or Landlord’s objections, and shall resubmit the same to Lessee and Landlord for Lessee’s approval within fifteen (15) days thereafter, and Lessee and/or Landlord may deliver further CIB Objection Notices (if any) within fifteen (15) days thereafter (in which event, the re-submission and review process described above in this sentence shall continue until the proposed Capital Improvement Budget in question is accepted and consented to by Lessee and Landlord). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, Lessee and Landlord shall have the right at any time subsequent to the acceptance and consent with respect to any Capital Improvement Budget, on Notice to Manager, to revise such Capital Improvement Budget or to request that Manager prepare

Annual Operating Budget. Subject to the approval of the Lessee as provided in Section 10.2, not less than ninety (90) days following the Commencement Date, Manager shall prepare an initial operating budget (the “Initial Operating Budget”) for the period beginning with the Commencement Date and ending on December 31 of the year in which the Commencement Date occurs unless such date falls within 60 days prior to December 31, in which case such Initial Operating Budget shall cover the next succeeding calendar year. Such Initial Operating Budget may be refined (based on information then available) as of the Commencement Date, subject to the approval of the Lessee as provided in Section 10.2. Thereafter, the Manager shall deliver, by a date to be reasonably determined by the Lessee but not later than November 1 of each succeeding Fiscal Year, to Lessee for approval by Lessee a proposed budget for the Hotel, which may be revised from time to time (the “Annual Operating Budget”), setting forth in detail an estimated profit and loss statement for the next twelve (12) Accounting Periods, including a schedule of hotel room rentals and other rentals for the Hotel, such budgets to be substantially in the format of Exhibit D attached hereto. The Manager may modify or amend a previously approved Initial Operating Budget or an Annual Operating Budget, only in accordance with Section 10.2 or as otherwise provided in this Agreement.

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