Example ContractsClausesdip budgetVariants
DIP Budget
DIP Budget contract clause examples

Annual Operating Budget. Subject to the approval of the Lessee as provided in Section 10.2, not less than ninety (90) days following the Commencement Date, Manager shall prepare an initial operating budget (the “Initial Operating Budget”) for the period beginning with the Commencement Date and ending on December 31 of the year in which the Commencement Date occurs unless such date falls within 60 days prior to December 31, in which case such Initial Operating Budget shall cover the next succeeding calendar year. Such Initial Operating Budget may be refined (based on information then available) as of the Commencement Date, subject to the approval of the Lessee as provided in Section 10.2. Thereafter, the Manager shall deliver, by a date to be reasonably determined by the Lessee but not later than November 1 of each succeeding Fiscal Year, to Lessee for approval by Lessee a proposed budget for the Hotel, which may be revised from time to time (the “Annual Operating Budget”), setting forth in detail an estimated profit and loss statement for the next twelve (12) Accounting Periods, including a schedule of hotel room rentals and other rentals for the Hotel, such budgets to be substantially in the format of Exhibit D attached hereto. The Manager may modify or amend a previously approved Initial Operating Budget or an Annual Operating Budget, only in accordance with Section 10.2 or as otherwise provided in this Agreement.

Operation in the Absence of an Approved Annual Operating Budget. If the Annual Operating Budget for any subsequent calendar year has not been approved by Lessee by January 1 of that year, the Manager shall continue to operate under the respective Annual Operating Budget or Initial Operating Budget, as the case may be, for the previous year with such adjustments as may be necessary to reflect # those expenses that vary in correlation with Gross Revenues and occupancy and # deletion of non-recurring expense items set forth on the previous Annual Operating Budget and increased insurance costs, taxes, utility costs, and debt service payments; however, no capital expenditures with respect to the Hotel (other than repairs in the ordinary course or emergency repairs) shall be made for that year until an Annual Operating Budget for such year is approved, unless the Lessee specifically consents thereto in writing.

Budgeting Process. The Annual Operating Budget and the Initial Operating Budget submitted to Lessee by Manager shall be subject to the approval of Lessee (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned). The Annual Operating Budget and the Initial Operating Budget shall not be deemed accepted by Lessee in the absence of its express written approval. Not later than thirty (30) days after receipt by Lessee of a proposed Annual Operating Budget or the Initial Operating Budget (or such longer period as Lessee may reasonably request on Notice to Manager), Lessee may deliver an AOB Objection Notice with reasonable detail to Manager stating that Lessee objects to any information contained in or omitted from such proposed Annual Operating Budget or Initial Operating Budget and setting forth the nature of such objections with reasonable specificity. Failure of Lessee to deliver express written approval of the Annual Operating Budget or the Initial Operating Budget or an AOB Objection Notice shall be deemed rejection of Manager’s proposed Annual Operating Budget or Initial Operating Budget in its entirety. Upon receipt of any AOB Objection Notice, Manager shall, after consultation with Lessee, modify the proposed Initial Operating Budget or Annual Operating Budget, as the case may be, taking into account Lessee’s objections, and shall resubmit the same to Lessee for Lessee’s approval within fifteen (15) days thereafter, and Lessee may deliver further AOB Objection Notices (if any) within fifteen (15) days thereafter (in which event, the re-submission and review process described above in this sentence shall continue until the proposed Initial Operating Budget or Annual Operating Budget in question is accepted and consented to by Lessee). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, Lessee shall have the right at any time subsequent to the acceptance and consent with respect to any Annual Operating Budget or the Initial Annual Budget, on Notice to Manager, to revise such Initial Operating Budget or Annual Operating Budget or to request that Manager prepare for Lessee’s approval a revised Initial Annual Budget or Annual Operating Budget, taking into account such circumstances as Lessee deems appropriate and with due consideration of input from Manager regarding such revised budget; provided, however, that the revision of an Initial Operating Budget or Annual Operating Budget shall not be deemed a revocation of Manager’s authority with respect to such actions as Manager may have already taken

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