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Books and Records. The Borrower shall maintain, and cause (if it is an Affiliate of the Borrower) the Facility Administrator to maintain, proper and complete financial and accounting books and records. The Borrower shall maintain or shall cause to be maintained # with respect to Solar Assets held by any Borrower Subsidiary or Tax Equity Opco, accounts and records as to each Solar Asset that are proper, complete, accurate and sufficiently detailed so as to permit # the reader thereof to know as of the most recently ended calendar month the status of each Solar Asset including payments made and payments owing (and whether or not such payments are past due), and # reconciliation of payments on each Solar Asset held by a Solar Asset Subsidiary and the amounts from time to time deposited in respect thereof in the Solar Asset Subsidiary Operating Account or the Revenue Account and # with respect to the Borrower Subsidiaries and Tax Equity Funds, accounts and records as to the Borrower Subsidiaries and Tax Equity Funds that are proper, complete, accurate and sufficiently detailed so as to permit # the reader thereof to know as of the most recently ended calendar quarter the status of the Borrower Subsidiaries and Tax Equity Funds, including payments made and payments owing (and whether or not such payments are past due) and # the amounts from time to time deposited in respect of the Borrower Subsidiary Distributions in the Revenue Account.

Books and Records. Maintain proper books of record and account, in which full, true and correct entries in conformity with GAAP consistently applied shall be made of all financial transactions and matters involving the assets and business of the Borrower or such Subsidiary, as the case may be.

Books and Records . Maintain proper books of record and account, in which entries that are full, true and correct in all material respects and are in conformity with GAAP consistently applied shall be made of all material financial transactions and matters involving the assets and business of the Covenant Entities.

Books and Records. The Company shall keep correct and complete books and records of account at the principal office of the Company. The books and records shall be maintained with respect to accounting matters in accordance with sound accounting practices.

Books and Records. All books, records, accounts and similar repositories of Confidential Information of the Company and its Subsidiaries, whether prepared by the Executive or otherwise coming into the Executive's possession, shall be the exclusive property of the Company and shall be returned immediately to the Company and its Subsidiaries on termination of this Agreement or on the Board1s request at any time.

Maintain proper books of record and account, in which full, true and correct entries in a manner sufficient to prepare financial statements in accordance with GAAP consistently applied shall be made of all financial transactions and matters involving the assets and business of such Loan Party or such Subsidiary, as the case may be.

Books and Records. Manager shall maintain an adequate and separate accounting system in connection with its management and operation of the Premises. The books and records shall be kept in accordance with GAAP and in the format specified in the Uniform System of Accounts and shall be maintained at all times either on the Premises, at the principal office of Manager, or in storage, for at least three (3) years after the Fiscal Year to which the books and records relate. Lessee, the Affiliates of Lessee, the Landlord (to the extent permitted under the Lease), any Holder (to the extent permitted under the Hotel Mortgage), any Franchisor (to the extent permitted under any applicable Franchise Agreement), or their respective employees or duly authorized agents, shall have the right and privilege of examining, copying, reproducing and inspecting the books and records at any and all times; provided, however, that such books and records shall not include # employee records which must remain confidential pursuant to either Legal Requirements or confidentiality agreements, or # any Manager Intellectual Property. These rights shall be in addition to those specified in [Section 6.4], or elsewhere in this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, all such books and records shall be turned over to Lessee so as to insure the orderly continuance of the operation of the Hotel; provided however, that all such books and records thereafter shall be available to Manager at the Hotel at all reasonable times for inspection, audit, examination and copying for a period of three (3) years.

Books and Records. All Books and Records maintained with respect to the Hotel, including guest records but excluding employee records, shall be the sole property of Lessee but may be used by Manager during the Term in connection with its management and operation of the Hotel.

Books and Records. The Seller shall maintain proper books of record and account of the transactions contemplated hereby, in which full, true and correct entries in conformity with GAAP consistently applied shall be made of all financial transactions contemplated hereunder.

Books and Records. Within 60 days after receiving any Statement (the “Review Notice Period”), Tenant may give Landlord notice (“Review Notice”) stating that Tenant elects to review Landlord’s calculation of the Expense Excess and/or Tax Excess for the Expense Year to which such Statement applies and identifying with reasonable specificity the records of Landlord reasonably relating to such matters that Tenant desires to review. Within a reasonable time after receiving a timely Review Notice (and, at Landlord’s option, an executed confidentiality agreement as described below), Landlord shall deliver to Tenant, or make available for inspection at a location reasonably designated by Landlord, copies of such records. Within 60 days after such records are made available to Tenant (the “Objection Lease Form_FSG Office_California (YR21) Period”), Tenant may deliver to Landlord notice (an “Objection Notice”) stating with reasonable specificity any objections to the Statement, in which event Landlord and Tenant shall work together in good faith to resolve Tenant’s objections. Tenant may not deliver more than one Review Notice or more than one Objection Notice with respect to any Statement. If Tenant fails to give Landlord a Review Notice before the expiration of the Review Notice Period or fails to give Landlord an Objection Notice before the expiration of the Objection Period, Tenant shall be deemed to have approved the Statement. Notwithstanding any contrary provision hereof, Landlord shall not be required to deliver or make available to Tenant records relating to the Base Year, and Tenant may not object to Expenses or Taxes for the Base Year, other than in connection with the first review for an Expense Year performed by Tenant pursuant to this Section 4.6. If Tenant retains an agent to review Landlord’s records, the agent must be with a CPA firm licensed to do business in the State of California with experience reviewing books and records kept for Comparable Buildings and its fees shall not be contingent, in whole or in part, upon the outcome of the review. Tenant shall be responsible for all costs of such review. The records and any related information obtained from Landlord shall be treated as confidential, and as applicable only to the Premises, by Tenant, its auditors, consultants, and any other parties reviewing the same on behalf of Tenant (collectively, “Tenant’s Auditors”). Before making any records available for review, Landlord may require Tenant and Tenant’s Auditors to execute a reasonable confidentiality agreement, in which event Tenant shall cause the same to be executed and delivered to Landlord within 30 days after receiving it from Landlord, and if Tenant fails to do so, the Objection Period shall be reduced by one day for each day by which such execution and delivery follows the expiration of such 30-day period. Notwithstanding any contrary provision hereof, Tenant may not examine Landlord’s records or dispute any Statement if any Rent remains unpaid past its due date. If, for any Expense Year, Landlord and Tenant determine that the sum of Tenant’s Share of the actual Expense Excess plus Tenant’s Share of the actual Tax Excess is less or more than the amount reported, Tenant shall receive a credit in the amount of its overpayment, or pay Landlord the amount of its underpayment, against or with the Rent next due hereunder; provided, however, that if this Lease has expired or terminated and Tenant has vacated the Premises, Landlord shall pay Tenant the amount of its overpayment (less any Rent due), or Tenant shall pay Landlord the amount of its underpayment, within 30 days after such determination.

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