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Books contract clause examples

Books and Records. Within 60 days after receiving any Statement (the “Review Notice Period”), Tenant may give Landlord notice (“Review Notice”) stating that Tenant elects to review Landlord’s calculation of the Expense Excess and/or Tax Excess for the Expense Year to which such Statement applies and identifying with reasonable specificity the records of Landlord reasonably relating to such matters that Tenant desires to review. Within a reasonable time after receiving a timely Review Notice (and, at Landlord’s option, an executed confidentiality agreement as described below), Landlord shall deliver to Tenant, or make available for inspection at a location reasonably designated by Landlord, copies of such records. Within 60 days after such records are made available to Tenant (the “Objection Lease Form_FSG Office_California (YR21) Period”), Tenant may deliver to Landlord notice (an “Objection Notice”) stating with reasonable specificity any objections to the Statement, in which event Landlord and Tenant shall work together in good faith to resolve Tenant’s objections. Tenant may not deliver more than one Review Notice or more than one Objection Notice with respect to any Statement. If Tenant fails to give Landlord a Review Notice before the expiration of the Review Notice Period or fails to give Landlord an Objection Notice before the expiration of the Objection Period, Tenant shall be deemed to have approved the Statement. Notwithstanding any contrary provision hereof, Landlord shall not be required to deliver or make available to Tenant records relating to the Base Year, and Tenant may not object to Expenses or Taxes for the Base Year, other than in connection with the first review for an Expense Year performed by Tenant pursuant to this Section 4.6. If Tenant retains an agent to review Landlord’s records, the agent must be with a CPA firm licensed to do business in the State of California with experience reviewing books and records kept for Comparable Buildings and its fees shall not be contingent, in whole or in part, upon the outcome of the review. Tenant shall be responsible for all costs of such review. The records and any related information obtained from Landlord shall be treated as confidential, and as applicable only to the Premises, by Tenant, its auditors, consultants, and any other parties reviewing the same on behalf of Tenant (collectively, “Tenant’s Auditors”). Before making any records available for review, Landlord may require Tenant and Tenant’s Auditors to execute a reasonable confidentiality agreement, in which event Tenant shall cause the same to be executed and delivered to Landlord within 30 days after receiving it from Landlord, and if Tenant fails to do so, the Objection Period shall be reduced by one day for each day by which such execution and delivery follows the expiration of such 30-day period. Notwithstanding any contrary provision hereof, Tenant may not examine Landlord’s records or dispute any Statement if any Rent remains unpaid past its due date. If, for any Expense Year, Landlord and Tenant determine that the sum of Tenant’s Share of the actual Expense Excess plus Tenant’s Share of the actual Tax Excess is less or more than the amount reported, Tenant shall receive a credit in the amount of its overpayment, or pay Landlord the amount of its underpayment, against or with the Rent next due hereunder; provided, however, that if this Lease has expired or terminated and Tenant has vacated the Premises, Landlord shall pay Tenant the amount of its overpayment (less any Rent due), or Tenant shall pay Landlord the amount of its underpayment, within 30 days after such determination.

Books and Records. Within 60 days after receiving any Statement (the “Review Notice Period”), Tenant may give Landlord notice (“Review Notice”) stating that Tenant elects to review Landlord’s calculation of the Expense Excess and/or Tax Excess for the Expense Year to which such Statement applies and identifying with reasonable specificity the records of Landlord reasonably relating to such matters that Tenant desires to review. Within a reasonable time after receiving a timely Review Notice (and, at Landlord’s option, an executed confidentiality agreement as described below), Landlord shall deliver to Tenant, or make available for inspection at a location reasonably designated by Landlord, copies of such records. Within 60 days after such records are made available to Tenant (the “Objection Period”), Tenant may deliver to Landlord notice (an “Objection Notice”) stating with reasonable specificity any objections to the Statement, in which event Landlord and Tenant shall work together in good faith to resolve Tenant’s objections. Tenant may not deliver more than one Review Notice or more than one Objection Notice with respect to any Expense Year. If Tenant fails to give Landlord a Review Notice before the expiration of the Review Notice Period or fails to give Landlord an Objection Notice before the expiration of the Objection Period, Tenant shall be deemed to have approved the Statement. Notwithstanding any contrary provision hereof, Landlord shall not be required to deliver or make available to Tenant records relating to the Base Year, and Tenant may not object to Expenses or Taxes for the Base Year, other than in connection with the first review for an Expense Year performed by Tenant pursuant to this Section 4.6. If Tenant retains an agent to review Landlord’s records, the agent must be with a CPA firm licensed to do business in the State of California and its fees shall not be contingent, in whole or in part, upon the outcome of the review_ Tenant shall be responsible for all costs of such review; provided, however, that if Landlord and Tenant determine that the sum of Expenses and Taxes for the Expense Year in question was overstated by more than 5%, Landlord, within 30 days after receiving paid invoices therefor from Tenant, shall reimburse Tenant for the reasonable amounts paid by Tenant to third parties in connection with such review. The records and any related information obtained from Landlord shall be treated as confidential, and as applicable only to the Premises, by Tenant, its auditors, consultants, and any other parties reviewing the same on behalf of Tenant (collectively, “Tenant’s Auditors”). Before making any records available for review, Landlord may require Tenant and Tenant’s Auditors to execute a reasonable confidentiality agreement, in which event Tenant shall cause the same to be executed and delivered to Landlord within 30 days after receiving it from Landlord, and if Tenant fails to do so, the Objection Period shall be reduced by one day for each day by which such execution and delivery follows the expiration of such 30-day period. Notwithstanding any contrary provision hereof, Tenant may not examine Landlord’s records or dispute any Statement if any Rent remains unpaid past its due date. If, for any Expense Year, Landlord and Tenant determine that the sum of Tenant’s Share of the actual Expense Excess plus Tenant’s Share of the actual Tax Excess is less or more than the amount reported, Tenant shall receive a credit in the amount of its overpayment against Rent then or next due hereunder, or pay Landlord the amount of its underpayment with the Rent next due hereunder; provided, however, that if this Lease has expired or terminated and Tenant has vacated the Premises, Landlord shall pay Tenant the amount of its overpayment (less any Rent due), or Tenant shall pay Landlord the amount of its underpayment, within 30 days after such determination.

Audit Rights. Within 60 days after receiving Landlord’s statement of Expenses (or, with respect to the Base Year Expenses, within 60 days after receiving Landlord’s initial statement of Expenses for the applicable Base Year) (each such period is referred to as the “Review Notice Period”), Tenant may give Landlord written notice (“Review Notice”) that Tenant intends to review Landlord’s records of the Expenses for the calendar year (or Base Year, as applicable) to which the statement applies, and within 60 days after sending the Review Notice to Landlord (such period is referred to as the “Request for Information Period”), Tenant shall send Landlord a written request identifying, with a reasonable degree of specificity, the information that Tenant desires to review (the “Request for Information”). Within a reasonable time after Landlord’s receipt of a timely Request for Information and executed Audit Confidentiality Agreement (referenced below), Landlord, as determined by Landlord, shall forward to Tenant, or make available for inspection on site at such location deemed reasonably appropriate by Landlord, such records (or copies thereof) for the applicable calendar year (or Base Year, as applicable) that are reasonably necessary for Tenant to conduct its review of the information appropriately identified in the Request for Information. Within 60 days after any particular records are made available to Tenant (such period is referred to as the “Objection Period”), Tenant shall have the right to give Landlord written notice (an “Objection Notice”) stating in reasonable detail any objection to Landlord’s statement of Expenses for that year which relates to the records that have been made available to Tenant. If Tenant provides Landlord with a timely Objection Notice, Landlord and Tenant shall work together in good faith to resolve any issues raised in Tenant’s Objection Notice. If Landlord and Tenant determine that Expenses for the calendar year are less than reported, Landlord shall provide Tenant with a credit against the next installment of Rent in the amount of the overpayment by Tenant. Likewise, if Landlord and Tenant determine that Expenses for the calendar year are greater than reported, Tenant shall pay Landlord the amount of any underpayment within 30 days. If Tenant fails to give Landlord an Objection Notice with respect to any records that have been made available to Tenant prior to expiration of the Objection Period applicable to the records which have been provided to Tenant, Tenant shall be deemed to have approved Landlord’s statement of Expenses with respect to the matters reflected in such records and shall be barred from raising any claims regarding the Expenses relating to such records for that year. If Tenant fails to provide Landlord with a Review Notice prior to expiration of the Review Notice Period or fails to provide Landlord with a Request for Information prior to expiration of the Request for Information Period described above, Tenant shall be deemed to have approved Landlord’s statement of Expenses and shall be barred from raising any claims regarding the Expenses for that year.

Tenant shall have the right during the Term, by providing written notice to Landlord (the “Review Notice”) within ninety (90) days after receiving Landlord's statement of actual Operating Expenses for any year, to review Landlord's records relating to Operating Expenses for such year as well as for the immediately preceding year (provided, however, Tenant shall not be permitted to review any year more than once). Within a reasonable period of time after receipt of a timely Review Notice, Landlord shall make such records available for Tenant's review at either Landlord's home office or at the office of the property manager for the Building. If Tenant fails to give Landlord written notice stating in reasonable detail any objection to Landlord's statement ofactual Operating Expenses within sixty (60) days after such records are made available to Tenant for review then Tenant shall be deemed to have approved Landlord's statement of Operating Expenses for such year and Tenant shall have no further right to object or contest such statement. Upon Landlord's receipt of a timely objection notice from Tenant, Landlord and Tenant shall work together in good faith to resolve the discrepancy between Landlord' s statement and Tenant's review. If Landlord and Tenant determine that Operating Expenses for the year in question are less than reported in Landlord's statement, Landlord shall provide Tenant with a credit against future Rent in the amount of any overpayment by Tenant. Likewise, if Landlord and Tenant determine that Operating Expenses for the year in question are greater than reported in Landlord's statement, Tenant shall forthwith pay to Landlord the amount of underpayment by Tenant. Any information obtained by Tenant pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be treated as confidential and Landlord may require that Tenant execute a commercially reasonable confidentiality agreement as a condition of Tenant's review. If Tenant retains an agent to review Landlord's books and records for any year, such agent must # be a CPA firm # not be compensated on a contingency basis, and # execute a commercially reasonable confidentiality agreement with respect to such review. Tenant shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred by Tenant in connection with such review, unless such review discloses an overcharge in excess of three percent (3%), in which case Landlord shall pay all costs of such review not to exceed $7,500. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Tenant shall not be permitted to review Landlord's records or to dispute any statement of Operating Expenses if Tenant is in default hereunder beyond all applicable notice and cure periods or if Tenant has not first paid to Landlord the amount due as shown on Landlord's statement of actual Operating Expenses.

Tenant, within sixty (60) days after receiving Landlord's determination of Operating Expenses, may give Landlord written notice ("Review Notice") that Tenant intends to review Landlord's records of the Operating Expenses (excluding Real Property Taxes) for the calendar year to which the statement applies. Within a reasonable time after receipt of the Review Notice, Landlord shall make all pertinent records available for inspection that are reasonably necessary for Tenant to conduct its review. If any records are maintained at a location other than the management office for the Building, Tenant may either inspect the records at such other location or pay for the reasonable cost of copying and shipping the records. If, after Tenant has performed its review described above in this Section 3, Tenant retains an agent to review Landlord's records (an “Audit”), the agent must be with a CPA firm licensed to do business in the state where the Property is located. Tenant shall be solely responsible for all costs, expenses and fees incurred for Tenant’s own review and for any Audit. Within ninety (90) days after the records are made available to Tenant, Tenant shall have the right to give Landlord written notice (an "Objection Notice") stating in reasonable detail any objection to Landlord's statement of Operating Expenses for that year. If Tenant fails to give Landlord an Objection Notice within the ninety (90)-day period or fails to provide Landlord with a Review Notice within the sixty (60)- day period described above, Tenant shall be deemed to have approved Landlord's determination of Operating Expenses and shall be barred from raising any claims regarding Operating Expenses for that year. If Tenant provides Landlord with a timely Objection Notice, Landlord and Tenant shall work together in good faith to resolve any issues raised in Tenant's Objection Notice. If Landlord and Tenant determine that Operating Expenses for the calendar year are less than reported, Landlord shall provide Tenant with a credit against the next installment of Tenant's Proportionate Share of Operating Expenses in the amount of the overpayment by Tenant. Likewise, if Landlord and Tenant determine that Operating Expenses for the calendar year are greater than reported, Tenant shall pay Landlord the amount of any underpayment within thirty (30) days. The records obtained by Tenant shall be treated as confidential. In no event shall Tenant be permitted to examine Landlord's records or to dispute any statement of Operating Expenses unless Tenant has paid and continues to pay all Rent when due. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary specified herein: # if an Audit is performed and proves that total Operating Expenses for the applicable calendar year were overstated by more than five percent (5%), then Landlord shall reimburse Tenant for Tenant’s third-party costs and expenses incurred in connection with such Audit in an amount not to exceed $5,000; and # if an Audit is performed and fails to prove that total Operating Expenses for the applicable calendar year were overstated by more than five percent (5%), then Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for Landlord’s third-party costs and expenses incurred in connection with such Audit in an amount not to exceed $5,000.

Landlord's Records. Upon Tenant's written request given not more than ninety (90) days after Tenant's receipt of a Statement for a particular Expense Year, and provided that Tenant is not then in default under this Lease beyond the applicable notice and cure period provided in this Lease, specifically including, but not limited to, the timely payment of Additional Rent (whether or not a component thereof is the subject of the audit contemplated herein), Landlord shall furnish Tenant with such reasonable supporting documentation pertaining to the calculation of the Excess set forth in the Statement as Tenant may reasonably request. Landlord shall provide said documentation pertaining to the relevant Excess to Tenant within sixty (60) days after Tenant's written request therefor. Within one hundred eighty (180) days after receipt of a Statement by Tenant (the "Audit Period"), if Tenant disputes the amount of the Excess set forth in the Statement, an independent certified public accountant (which accountant # is a member of a nationally or regionally recognized certified public accounting firm which has previous experience in auditing financial operating records of landlords of office buildings, # shall not already be providing primary accounting and/or lease administration services to Tenant and shall not have provided primary accounting and/or lease administration services to Tenant in the past three (3) years, # is not working on a contingency fee basis [i.e., Tenant must be billed based on the actual time and materials that are incurred by the certified public accounting firm in the performance of the audit], and # shall not currently or in the future be providing accounting and/or lease administration services to another tenant in the Building and/or the Project in connection with a review or audit by such other tenant of similar expense records), designated and paid for by Tenant, may, after reasonable notice to Landlord and at reasonable times, audit Landlord's records with respect to the Excess set forth in the Statement at Landlord's corporate offices, provided that # Tenant is not then in default under this Lease (beyond the applicable notice and cure periods provided under this Lease), # Tenant has paid all amounts required to be paid under the applicable Estimate Statement and Statement, and # a copy of the audit agreement between Tenant and its particular certified public accounting firm has been delivered to Landlord prior to the commencement of the audit. In connection with such audit, Tenant and Tenant's certified public accounting firm must agree in advance to follow Landlord's reasonable rules and procedures regarding an audit of the aforementioned Landlord records, and shall execute a commercially reasonable confidentiality agreement regarding such audit. Any audit report prepared by Tenant's certified public accounting firm shall be delivered concurrently to Landlord and Tenant within the Audit Period. Tenant's failure to audit the amount of the Excess set forth in any Statement within the Audit Period shall be deemed to be Tenant's approval of such Statement and Tenant, thereafter, waives the right or ability to audit the amounts set forth in such Statement. If after such audit, Tenant still disputes such Excess, an audit to determine the proper amount shall be made, at Tenant's expense, by an independent certified public accountant (the "Accountant") selected by Landlord and subject to Tenant's reasonable approval; provided that if such audit by the Accountant proves that the Direct Expenses in the subject Expense Year were overstated by more than five percent (5%), then the cost of the Accountant and the cost of such audit shall be paid for by Landlord. Tenant hereby acknowledges that Tenant's sole right to audit Landlord's records and to contest the amount of Direct Expenses payable by Tenant shall be as set forth in this [Section 4.6], and Tenant hereby waives any and all other rights pursuant to applicable law to audit such records and/or to contest the amount of Direct Expenses payable by Tenant.

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