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Books contract clause examples
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Books and Records. The Seller’s books and records will be maintained separately from those of the Servicer, the Parent, the Performance Guarantors, the Originators and any of their Affiliates and in a manner such that it will not be difficult or costly to segregate, ascertain or otherwise identify the assets and liabilities of the Seller.

Closing of Books. The Company will not close its stockholder books or records in any manner which prevents the timely exercise of this Warrant, pursuant to the terms hereof.

Books and Records. The Seller shall maintain proper books of record and account of the transactions contemplated hereby, in which full, true and correct entries in conformity with GAAP consistently applied shall be made of all financial transactions contemplated hereunder.

Books and Records. All books, records, accounts and similar repositories of Confidential Information of the Company and its Subsidiaries, whether prepared by the Executive or otherwise coming into the Executive's possession, shall be the exclusive property of the Company and shall be returned immediately to the Company and its Subsidiaries on termination of this Agreement or on the Board's request at any time.

Borrower shall maintain full and complete books of account and other records reflecting the results of its operation of the Property in a form reasonably satisfactory to Lender, and Borrower (and Guarantor, where indicated) will furnish, or cause to be furnished to Lender:

Books and Records. Each Party will keep and maintain accurate and complete records regarding Research Costs, during the three (3) preceding Calendar Years. Upon ​ days’ prior written notice from the other Party (the “Auditing Party”), the Party required to maintain such records (as applicable, the “Audited Party”) will permit an independent certified public accounting firm of internationally recognized standing, selected by the Auditing Party and reasonably acceptable to the Audited Party, to examine the relevant books and records of the Audited Party and its Affiliates, as may be reasonably necessary to verify the Summary Statements and Reconciliation Reports. An examination by the Auditing Party under this Section 2.9.1(d) will occur not more than ​ in any Calendar Year and will be limited to the pertinent books and records for any Calendar Year ending not more than ​ months before the date of the request. The accounting firm will be provided access to such books and records at the Audited Party’s facility or facilities where such books and records are normally kept and such examination will be conducted during the Audited Party’s normal business hours. The Audited Party may require the accounting firm to sign a customary non-disclosure agreement before providing the accounting firm access to its facilities or records. Upon completion of the audit, the accounting firm will provide both the Auditing Party and the Audited Party a written report disclosing whether the applicable Summary Statements and Reconciliation Reports are correct or incorrect and the specific details concerning any discrepancies. No other information will be provided to the Auditing Party. If the report or information submitted by the Audited Party results in an underpayment or overpayment, the Party owing underpaid or overpaid amount will promptly pay such amount to the other Party, and, if, as a result of such inaccurate

Books and Records. Keep proper books of record and account in which full, true and correct entries will be made of all dealings or transactions of or in relation to its business and affairs (including without limitation accruals for taxes, assessments, charges, levies and claims, allowances against doubtful Receivables and accruals for depreciation, obsolescence or amortization of assets), all in accordance with, or as required by, GAAP consistently applied in the opinion of such independent public accountant as shall then be regularly engaged by Borrowers.

. The minute books and stock record books of the Company, all of which have been made available to the Buyer, are materially complete and correct as of the date hereof and have been maintained in accordance with sound business practices. The minute books of the Company contain accurate and complete records of all meetings, and actions taken by written consent of, holders of its Shares, its board of directors or other governing body, and any committees thereof, prior to the date hereof, and no meeting, or action taken by written consent, of any of the foregoing has been held prior to the date hereof for which minutes have not been prepared and are not contained in such minute books. As of the date hereof, all of those books and records are in the possession of the Company.

Books and Records. At all times keep proper books of record and account into which full and correct entries shall be made in accordance with GAAP;

Books and Records. Upon the reasonable request of the Collateral Agent, mark its books and records (and shall cause the issuer of the Pledged Shares of such Pledgor to mark its books and records) to reflect the security interest granted to the Collateral Agent, for the benefit

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