Example ContractsClausesFor U
For U
For U contract clause examples

U.S. Real Property Holding Corporation. The Company is not and has never been a U.S. real property holding corporation within the meaning of Section 897 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Company shall so certify upon Purchaser’s request.

U.S. Government Securities, in each case maturing within one year from the date of acquisition thereof;

U.S. dollar denominated syndicated loans currently being executed, or that include language similar to that contained in this [Section 2.16], are being executed or amended (as applicable) to incorporate or adopt a new benchmark interest rate to replace LIBOR;

U.S. Dollars, Canadian dollars, pounds sterling, euros, the national currency of any participating member state of the European Union or, in the case of any Foreign Subsidiary, such local currencies held by it from time to time in the ordinary course of business;

U.S. Relative Market Size” means the result obtained by ​.

U.S. Development Costs” means any Development Costs (including, without limitation, any filing fees required for, and other costs associated with, any Regulatory Filings) incurred by a Party (or for its account by an Affiliate or a Third Party) that are solely intended to support approval of the Co-Developed Product within the Co-Development Territory, regardless of where those costs are physically incurred.

[U.S. Resolution Stay Protocol. The parties agree that # to the extent that prior to the date hereof both parties have adhered to the 2018 ISDA U.S. Resolution Stay Protocol (the “Protocol”), the terms of the Protocol are incorporated into and form a part of this Confirmation, and for such purposes this Confirmation shall be deemed a Protocol Covered Agreement and each party shall be deemed to have the same status as “Regulated Entity” and/or “Adhering Party” as applicable to it under the Protocol; # to the extent that prior to the date hereof the parties have executed a separate agreement the effect of which is to amend the qualified financial contracts between them to conform with the requirements of the QFC Stay Rules (the “Bilateral Agreement”), the terms of the Bilateral Agreement are incorporated into and form a part of this Confirmation and each party shall be deemed to have the status of “Covered Entity” or “Counterparty Entity” (or other similar term) as applicable to it under the Bilateral Agreement; or # if clause (i) and [clause (ii)] do not apply, the terms of Section 1 and [Section 2] and the related defined terms (together, the “Bilateral Terms”) of the form of bilateral template entitled “Full-Length Omnibus (for use between U.S. G-SIBs and Corporate Groups)” published by ISDA on November 2, 2018 (currently available on the 2018 ISDA U.S. Resolution Stay Protocol page at www.isda.org and, a copy of which is available upon request), the effect of which is to amend the qualified financial contracts between the parties thereto to conform with the requirements of the QFC Stay Rules, are hereby incorporated into and form a part of this Confirmation, and for such purposes this Confirmation shall be deemed a “Covered Agreement,” Dealer shall be deemed a “Covered Entity” and Counterparty shall be deemed a “Counterparty Entity.” In the event that, after the date of this Confirmation, both parties hereto become adhering parties to the Protocol, the terms of the Protocol will replace the terms of this paragraph. In the event of any inconsistencies between this Confirmation and the terms of the Protocol, the Bilateral Agreement or the Bilateral Terms (each, the “QFC Stay Terms”), as applicable, the QFC Stay Terms will govern. Terms used in this paragraph without definition shall have the meanings assigned to them under the QFC Stay Rules. For purposes of this paragraph, references to “this Confirmation” include any related credit enhancements entered into between the parties or provided by one to the other. In addition, the parties agree that the terms of this paragraph shall be incorporated into any related covered affiliate credit enhancements, with all references to Dealer replaced by references to the covered affiliate support provider. “QFC Stay Rules” mean the regulations codified at 12 C.F.R. 252.2, 252.81–8, 12 C.F.R. 382.1-7 and 12 C.F.R. 47.1-8, which, subject to limited exceptions, require an express recognition of the stay-and-transfer powers of the FDIC under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and the Orderly Liquidation Authority under Title II of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the override of default rights related directly or indirectly to the entry of an affiliate into certain insolvency proceedings and any restrictions on the transfer of any covered affiliate credit enhancements.]24

U.S. Citizens are considered Small-Risk Nationals (SRNs) as the U.S. has less than 25 TB cases per 100,000 persons. A TB testing method of either a TB skin test (TST) or Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) may be used for pre-deployment and annual re-screening of all U.S. Citizens employed under the contract. For a contact investigation, all personnel with a positive TST or IGRA will be evaluated for potential active TB with a symptom screen, exposure history and CXR. A physical copy of all TST, IGRA, and/or CXRs and radiographic interpretation must be provided at the deployment center designated in the contract, or as otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer, prior to deployment and prior to installation access badge renewal.

U.K. Taxes. To the extent (if any) that U.K. Taxes apply to any payment made under any Loan Document, Borrowers shall not be required to make any increased payment to a Lender under this Section, or to indemnify any Lender under this Section, Section 2.14 or Section 9.3 with respect to U.K. Taxes on any payment made under a Loan Document if, on the date such payment is due:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; Confidentiality and Inventions Agreement. Executive agrees to timely file all documents required by the Department of Homeland Security to verify his/her identity and lawful employment in the United States. In addition, as a condition to Executive’s employment with the Company, Executive is required to complete, sign, return, and abide by the Company’s Employee Confidentiality and Inventions Agreement.

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