Example ContractsClausesAdmissions
Admissions contract clause examples
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No Admissions. The Executive acknowledges and agrees that this General Release is not to be construed in any way as an admission of any liability whatsoever by any Company Released Party, any such liability being expressly denied.

No Admissions. Neither the execution of this Agreement by the Company, nor the terms hereof, constitute or should be construed to constitute any admission or evidence of any wrongdoing, liability or violation of any federal, state or local law or the common law on the part of the Company.

NO ADMISSIONS. You understand and agree that the promises and payments in consideration of this Agreement shall not be construed to be an admission of any liability or obligation by the Company to you or to any other person, and that the Company makes no such admission.

No Admissions. By entering into this Supplemental Release, the Company makes no admission that any of the Released Parties have engaged in any unlawful conduct. The Parties understand and acknowledge that this Supplemental Release is not an admission of liability and shall not be used or construed as such in any legal or administrative proceeding.

Settlements; Admissions. [Section 10.4(f)] of the Collaboration Agreement is hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement.

No Admissions. Neither the execution of this U.S. Release Agreement by OraSure, nor the terms hereof, constitute an admission by OraSure of liability to Executive.

Any final arbitration hearing shall be completed within 180 days of the filing of a demand for arbitration and the Arbitrator shall issue a reasoned award within 30 days thereafter. There shall be no interrogatories or requests for admissions.

represent that a “recommendation” is required for acceptance into a Program of Study or that an Admissions Advisor must recommend the Student for acceptance prior to admission unless such recommendation is an independent requirement for admission and is expressly stated in the catalog; or

review complaints made to CEC, its accreditors, the Attorneys General, the Better Business Bureau, or any state or federal governmental body, after the Effective Date of this AVC, which potentially concern or relate to any of CEC’s recruitment, admissions, Student financial aid, or career services practices;

Admissions Advisor” means any natural person employed by CEC who has substantial responsibility for encouraging Prospective Students to apply or enroll in a Program of Study or recruiting Prospective Students, including but not limited to assisting Prospective Students with the application process and informing Prospective Students about Programs of Study at CEC’s institutions, but shall exclude Financial Aid Advisors.

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