Example ContractsClausestenant allowanceVariants
Tenant Allowance
Tenant Allowance contract clause examples
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Tenant Improvement Allowance. Lessee shall be entitled to a one-time tenant improvement allowance in the amount of Two Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Six Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($234,600.00) for costs related to the design and construction of tenant improvements in the Premises (the “Tenant Improvement Allowance”) and Lessee shall specify the building address associated with use of the Tenant Improvement Allowance. The Tenant Improvement Allowance must be disbursed in accordance with the terms of this Section 11 no later than the last day of the eighteenth (18th) month following the Extended Term Commencement Date. The construction of all tenant improvements desired by Lessee and constructed with the use of the Tenant Improvement Allowance (“New Tenant Improvements”) shall be performed in accordance with the terms of this Section 11. Lessor shall work with Lessor’s architect and Lessee to develop plans and specifications (“Preliminary Plans”) for the New Tenant Improvements. Within ten (10) days of Lessee’s receipt of the Preliminary Plans for any New Tenant Improvements, Lessee shall provide Lessor with either its consent to the same or reasonably detailed objections thereto. If Lessee provides such objections, Lessor shall revise and re-submit the Preliminary Plans for the New Tenant Improvements and thereafter Lessee shall have five (5) days to consent or provide reasonably detailed objections to the same, and the process shall repeat until Lessee has consented to the Preliminary Plans for the New Tenant Improvements (“Final Plans”). If Lessee shall fail to respond within such five (5) day period, Lessor may send a second written request for approval. Lessee’s failure to respond within five (5) days of such second written request shall be deemed its approval of such Preliminary Plans. Lessor, at Lessee’s sole expense (subject to the Tenant Improvement Allowance), shall cause to be constructed New Tenant Improvements in accordance with the Final Plans. Lessee shall be liable for all fees and costs of the design and construction of any tenant improvements in excess of the Tenant Improvement Allowance (such difference referred to herein as the “Tenant Improvement Shortfall”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that Lessor’s disbursements of the Tenant Improvement Allowance shall be made pari passu with Lessee’s contribution of its own funds towards the costs of constructing the tenant improvements as such costs become due (i.e. in proportion of Tenant Improvement Shortfall payable by Lessee to the Tenant Improvement Allowance). Lessor shall disburse the Tenant Improvement Allowance directly to the applicable design professional, contractor, materialman or other laborer (“Contractor”) in connection with the construction of such tenant improvements upon receipt of paid invoices for work completed, conditional/unconditional lien releases, and other documentation reasonably required by Lessor. For the avoidance of doubt, Lessee may submit to Lessor reimbursement requests from the Tenant Improvement Allowance for work completed prior to the date of this Amendment, provided that # such work was completed by a Contractor approved by Lessor, and # Lessee delivers to Lessor receipt of paid invoices for work completed, conditional/unconditional lien releases, and other documentation reasonably required by Lessor. Lessee shall not be entitled to receive any cash payment or credit against Rent or otherwise for any portion of the Tenant Improvement Allowance which is not used to pay for the construction of the tenant improvements contemplated hereunder.

Tenant Improvement Allowance. Tenant shall be entitled to a one-time tenant improvement allowance (the “Tenant Improvement Allowance”) in the amount of up to, but not exceeding One Hundred Forty-Five Dollars ($145) per rentable square foot of the Premises (i.e., up to Two Million Two Hundred Fifty-One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Dollars ($2,251,270), for costs relating to the initial design and construction of Tenant’s improvements which are permanently affixed to the Premises (the “Tenant Improvements”), which costs may include the cost of an inspection and report covering the Premises by a Certified Access Inspection specialist provided

Allowance. Tenant shall be entitled to an allowance (the “Tenant Improvement Allowance”) in an amount not to exceed $110.00 per square foot of Rentable Area of the Premises for the costs relating to the design, permitting and construction of Tenant’s improvements which will be permanently affixed to the Premises in accordance with this Workletter (the “Tenant Improvements”). In no event will Landlord be obligated to make disbursements pursuant to this Workletter in a total amount which exceeds the Tenant Improvement Allowance. Tenant agrees that it shall commence the Tenant Improvements promptly following the Commencement Date and diligently proceed to complete the same. Tenant must submit Payment Request Supporting Documentation (defined below) for such work in accordance with this Workletter no later than April 1, 2020, after which date Landlord’s obligation to fund such costs shall expire.

Upon the execution and delivery of this Lease by Landlord and Tenant, Landlord shall make available to Tenant a tenant improvement allowance of up to $5.00 per rentable square foot of the Premises (the “Improvement Allowance”). The Improvement Allowance may be applied to hard and soft costs incurred in connection with the design and construction of fixed and permanent improvements in the Premises desired by Tenant and reasonably acceptable to Landlord (the “Premises Improvements”). Tenant shall engage directly with architects and contractors to plan and construct the Premises Improvements and the design, construction and completion of the Premises Improvements shall be Tenant’s responsibility. Tenant acknowledges that upon the expiration of the Term of the Lease, the Premises Improvements shall become the property of Landlord and may not be removed by Tenant. Tenant shall pay to Landlord an administration fee equal to 1% of the cost of the Premises Improvements for monitoring and inspecting the Premises Improvements, which administration fee shall be payable out of the Improvement Allowance. Except for the Improvement Allowance, Tenant shall be solely responsible for all of the costs of the Premises Improvements. During the course of design and construction of the Premises Improvements, Landlord shall reimburse Tenant for the cost of the Tenant Improvements not more than once a month against a draw request in Landlord’s standard form, containing evidence of payment of the applicable costs and lien waivers (including a conditional lien release for each progress payment and unconditional lien releases for the prior month’s progress payments), to the extent of Landlord’s approval thereof for payment, no later than 30 days following receipt of such draw request. Upon completion of the Premises Improvements (and prior to any final disbursement of the Improvement Allowance) Tenant shall deliver to Landlord the following items: # statements setting forth the names of all contractors and subcontractors who did work on the Premises Improvements and final lien waivers from all such contractors; and # “as built” plans or marked-up construction drawings for the Premises Improvements. Landlord shall be entitled to receive the benefit of all construction warranties and manufacturer’s equipment warranties relating to equipment installed in the Premises as part of the Premises Improvements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the cost of the Premises Improvements exceeds the Improvement Allowance, Tenant shall be required to pay such excess prior to the distribution of the then-remaining unpaid TI Allowance. Tenant shall have no right to any portion of the Improvement Allowance that is not requested for disbursement by Tenant pursuant to the terms set forth above for the payment of Premises Improvements costs prior to the date that is 12 months after the 47 Wiggins Premises Commencement Date, provided that to the extent that, following the 47 Wiggins Premises Commencement Date, there exists a Force Majeure event that restricts construction activities in the [[Address A:Address]] area, which precludes the construction of the Premises Improvements, then such 12-month period shall be delayed 1 day for each day that such Force Majeure event preclude Tenant’s construction of the Premises Improvements.

Tenant Improvements Allowance. Tenant shall be entitled to a tenant improvement allowance (the “Tenant Improvements Allowance”) in the maximum aggregate amount of $1,650,455.00 (i.e., $205.00 per rentable square foot of the entire Premises initially leased hereunder) (the “Maximum Allowance Amount”) for the hard costs and customary soft costs incurred by Landlord including, without limitation out-of-pocket architectural and engineering fees and a five (5%) project management fee payable to Landlord or its affiliates and permits, relating to the initial design and construction of Tenant’s improvements which are to be permanently affixed to the Premises in accordance with this Tenant Work Letter (the “Tenant Improvements”). At least eight-five percent (85%) of the Maximum Allowance Amount must be applied towards the hard costs of the Tenant Improvements. For the avoidance of any doubt, the purchase and installation of data and telecommunications cabling shall not be included in the definition of Tenant Improvements and there shall not be any project management fee payable with respect to costs and expenses related thereto. Landlord agrees to keep Tenant advised as to the progress of the work by providing copies of the Contractor’s applications for payment. The Tenant Improvements are described on the allocation of responsibility attached as Attachment 2 (the “Base TI Requirements”), and Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that the Tenant Improvements Allowance shall be utilized subject to and pursuant to this Tenant Work Letter to construct the Tenant Improvements as described in the Base TI Requirements. In no event shall Landlord be obligated to make disbursements pursuant to this Tenant Work Letter in a total amount which exceeds the Maximum Allowance (as it may be increased by the Additional Allowance below). All Tenant Improvements for which the Tenant Improvements Allowance has been made available shall be deemed Landlord’s property under the terms of the Lease.

Tenant Improvement Allowance. Commencing as of the Possession Date, Tenant shall be entitled to use the "Tenant Improvement Allowance", as defined in Section 5 of the Summary to this Lease, for the costs relating to the initial design and construction of Tenant's improvements, which are permanently affixed to the Premises or which are "Tenant Improvement Allowance Items," as that term is defined in Section 2.2.1, below (collectively, the "Tenant Improvements"). In addition to the Tenant Improvement Allowance Landlord will reimburse Tenant in an amount not to exceed $5,360,530.00 (the "Base Building Allowance"), for actual costs incurred by Tenant in connection with certain infrastructure work (that is approved in advance by Landlord, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) (the “Base Building Work”) to be performed by Tenant with respect to the HVAC system, including, which may include (subject to Landlord’s approval, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed), without limitation, installation, repair and/or replacement of HVAC systems, ductwork, serving a 1,000 Kw generator and related equipment and piping, architectural finishes, manufacturing and lab utility generation and distribution, power distribution, air filtration and purification, electrical work, and other systems and equipment that exclusively serve the Premises (the "Base Building Costs"), provided that Tenant separately accounts for such Base Building Costs. In connection with the foregoing, Landlord and Tenant agree to work in good faith with one another to develop a mutually agreeable scope of upgrades and modifications to the HVAC system serving the Building. The Base Building Allowance will be disbursed in the same manner as Landlord disburses the Tenant Improvement Allowance pursuant to this Tenant Work Letter. Such Base Building Allowance work shall # be constructed pursuant to the Tenant Work Letter, # be deemed to be a part of the Tenant Improvements, and # be deemed to be a component of the Tenant Improvement Allowance Items, but shall be accounted for and disbursed separately from the Tenant Improvement Allowance. In no event shall Landlord be obligated to make disbursements pursuant to this Tenant Work Letter or otherwise in connection with Tenant's construction of the Tenant Improvements or any Tenant Improvement Allowance Items, as defined below, in a total amount which exceeds the sum of the Tenant Improvement Allowance, Base Building Allowance and Additional TI Allowance (defined below). All Tenant Improvements that have been paid for with or reimbursed from the Tenant Improvement Allowance, Base Building Allowance, Additional TI Allowance shall be deemed Landlord's property under the terms of the Lease; provided, however, Landlord may, by written notice to Tenant given concurrently with Landlord's approval of the "Final Working Drawings", as that term is defined in [Section 3.3], below, require Tenant, prior to the end of the Lease Term, or given following any earlier termination of this Lease, at Tenant's expense, to remove any Tenant Improvements and to repair any damage to the Premises and Building caused by such removal. Any portion of the Tenant Improvement Allowance that is not disbursed or allocated for disbursement by December 31, 2022 (the “Allowance Deadline”), shall revert to Landlord and Tenant shall have no further rights with respect thereto.

Tenant Improvement Allowance. Subject to any restrictions, conditions or limitations expressly set forth in this Tenant Work Letter or in the Lease or as otherwise expressly provided by mutual written agreement of Landlord and Tenant, the cost of construction of the Tenant Improvements shall be paid or reimbursed by Landlord up to a maximum amount as set forth in Section 5 of the Summary to the Lease (the "Tenant Improvement Allowance"), which amount is being made available by Landlord to be applied towards the Cost of Improvements for the construction of the Tenant Improvements in the Premises. Tenant shall be responsible, at its sole cost and expense, for payment of the entire Cost of Improvements of the Tenant Improvements in excess of the Tenant Improvement Allowance, including (but not limited to) any costs or cost increases incurred as a result of delays (unless caused by Landlord), governmental requirements or unanticipated conditions (unless caused by Landlord), and for payment of any and all costs and expenses relating to any alterations, additions, improvements, furniture, furnishings, equipment, fixtures and personal property items which are not eligible for application of Tenant Improvement Allowance funds under the restrictions expressly set forth below in this paragraph, but Tenant shall be entitled to use or apply the entire Tenant Improvement Allowance toward the Cost of Improvements of the Tenant Improvements (subject to any applicable restrictions, conditions, limitations, reductions or charges set forth in the Lease or in this Tenant Work Letter) prior to being required to expend any of Tenant’s own funds for the Tenant Improvements. The funding of the Tenant Improvement Allowance shall be made on a monthly basis or at other convenient intervals mutually approved by Landlord and Tenant and in all other respects shall be based on such commercially reasonable disbursement conditions and procedures as Landlord, Project Manager and Landlord’s lender (if any) may reasonably prescribe. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, under no circumstances shall the Tenant Improvement Allowance or any portion thereof be used or useable by Tenant for any moving or relocation expenses of Tenant, or for any Cost of Improvement (or any other cost or expense) associated with any moveable furniture or trade fixtures, personal property or any other item or element which, under the applicable provisions of the Lease, will not become Landlord’s property and remain with the Building upon expiration or termination of the Lease, and except as otherwise expressly provided in this Tenant Work Letter or expressly approved by Landlord in writing, any portion of the Tenant Improvement Allowance which has not been claimed or drawn by Tenant prior to the later to occur of # the date that is 18 months after the Lease Commencement Date, and # the date of receipt of the Substantial Completion Certificate, shall expire and shall no longer be available to Tenant thereafter. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the Tenant Improvements shall not include (and Landlord shall be solely responsible for and the Tenant Improvement Allowance shall not be used for) the following: # costs incurred due to the presence of any Hazardous Materials in the Premises, if any; # costs to bring the Project into compliance with Applicable Laws to the extent required in order to allow Tenant to obtain a certificate of occupancy or its [[Organization A:Organization]] equivalent, for the Premises for the Permitted Use assuming a normal and customary office occupancy density;

Tenant Improvement Allowance. Tenant shall be entitled to a one-time tenant improvement allowance in the amount of # One Million Eighty-Eight Thousand Forty and 00/100 Dollars ($1,088,040.00) (i.e., $15.00 per 72,536 rentable square feet of the Existing Premises) (the “Existing Premises Tenant Improvement Allowance”) and # One Million Two Hundred Twenty Thousand Four Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($1,220,400.00) (i.e., $50.00 per 24,408 rentable square feet of the Expansion Premises) (the “Expansion Premises Tenant Improvement Allowance” and together with the Existing Premises Tenant Improvement Allowance, collectively, the “Tenant Improvement Allowance”) for the costs relating to the initial design and construction of Tenant's improvements, which are permanently affixed to the Existing Premises and Expansion Premises, respectively, or which are “Tenant Improvement

Allowance. Tenant shall be entitled to a one-time tenant improvement allowance (the “Allowance”) in the amount of $4,159,870.00 to be applied toward the Allowance Items (defined in Section 1.2 below). Tenant shall be responsible for all costs associated with the Tenant Improvement Work, including the costs of the Allowance Items, to the extent such costs exceed the lesser of # the Allowance, or # the aggregate amount that Landlord is required to disburse for such purpose pursuant to this Work Letter. Notwithstanding any contrary provision hereof, if Tenant fails to use the entire Allowance by April 30, 2011, the unused amount shall revert to Landlord and Tenant shall have no further rights with respect thereto.

Tenant Improvement Allowance. Commencing as of the Execution Date, Tenant shall be entitled to use the "Tenant Improvement Allowance", as defined in Section 5 of the Summary to this Lease, for the costs relating to the initial design and construction of Tenant's improvements, which are permanently affixed to the Premises or which are "Tenant Improvement Allowance Items," as that term is defined in Section 2.2.1, below (collectively, the "Tenant Improvements"). In no event shall Landlord be obligated to make disbursements pursuant to this Tenant Work Letter or otherwise in connection with Tenant's construction of the Tenant Improvements or any Tenant Improvement Allowance Items, as defined below, in a total amount which exceeds the sum of the Tenant Improvement Allowance. All Tenant Improvements for which the Tenant Improvement Allowance has been made available shall be deemed Landlord's property under the terms of the Lease; provided, however, Landlord may, by written notice to Tenant given concurrently with Landlord's approval of the "Final Working Drawings", as that term is defined in Section 3.3, below, require Tenant, prior to the end of the Lease Term, or given following any earlier termination of this Lease, at Tenant's expense, to remove any Tenant Improvements and to repair any damage to the Premises and Building caused by such removal and return the affected portion of the Premises to a Building standard general office condition, provided, however, that Landlord may not require Tenant to remove any Alterations which are otherwise consistent with typical tenant improvements in the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industries. Landlord hereby acknowledges and agrees that the following do not need to be removed if installed: clean suites, and any office space. Any portion of the Tenant Improvement Allowance that is not disbursed or allocated for disbursement by December 31, 2020, shall revert to Landlord and Tenant shall have no further rights with respect thereto.

Improvement Allowance. Tenant shall be entitled to a one-time improvement allowance (the "Improvement Allowance") in the amount of Six Million Seven Hundred Sixty-Seven Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($6,767,500) (i.e., Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($50.00) per rentable square foot of the Premises) for the costs relating to the initial design and construction of the improvements, which are permanently affixed to the Premises (the "Improvements"). In addition to the Improvement Allowance, Tenant shall be entitled to an amount up to $0.15 per rentable square foot of the entire Premises towards the cost of one (1) preliminary space plan for the entire Premises (the "Space Planning Allowance"). Landlord shall not be obligated to pay a total amount for the design and construction of the Improvements which exceeds the Improvement Allowance and the Space Planning Allowance, as applicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any contrary provision of this Lease, all Improvements shall be deemed Landlord's property under the terms of this Lease. Any unused portion of the Improvement Allowance remaining as of the date twelve (12) months after the last Delivery Date, shall remain with Landlord and Tenant shall have no further right thereto.

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