Example ContractsClausesPerquisites
Perquisites contract clause examples

Perquisites. The Company shall provide to the Executive all employee and executive perquisites which other senior executive officers of the Company are generally entitled to receive, in accordance with Company policy set by the Board from time to time including paid time off of no less than four weeks per calendar year.

Perquisites. During the Agreement Period, Executive shall receive the perquisites described in [Exhibit A] (that is attached to this Agreement and incorporated herein).

Perquisites. During the Term, the Executive shall be eligible to receive perquisites on a basis no less favorable than as are provided by the Company from time to time to other senior executives of the Company generally.

Perquisites. During the Employment Term, Employer will provide to Executive the following perquisites:

Perquisites. During the Term, Executive shall be entitled to fringe benefits and perquisites consistent with the practices of the Bank, and to the extent that the Bank provides similar benefits or perquisites (or both) to similarly situated executives of the Bank.

Perquisites. Executive will be entitled to participate in the Company’s perquisite programs, as such are made generally available to the Company’s senior executives, subject to the terms of such programs.

Perquisites. Executive will be entitled to participate in the Company’s perquisite programs, as such are made generally available to the Company’s senior executives, subject to the terms of such programs.

Other Perquisites. Executive shall be entitled to receive the other benefits and perquisites set forth in Exhibit A.

Executive Benefits/Perquisites. Executive shall be entitled [[Organization A:Organization]] such other benefits, including health insurance, dental, 401(k), and other benefits and perquisites in such form and in such manner and at such times as Company shall from time [[Organization A:Organization]] time adopt and establish for its executive-level employees generally. Executive shall be subject [[Organization A:Organization]] eligibility and other requirements of applicable benefit plans.

Other Executive Perquisites. The Company shall provide Executive with other executive perquisites as may be made available to or deemed appropriate for Executive by the Board or a committee of the Board and participation in all other Company-wide employee benefits as are available to the Company’s executives from time to time, including any plans, programs, or arrangements relating to retirement, deferred compensation, profit sharing, 401(k), and employee stock ownership.

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