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Manner of Exercising Option
Manner of Exercising Option contract clause examples
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Manner of Construction. Landlord may impose, as a condition of its consent to all Alterations or repairs of the Premises, the requirement that Tenant to utilize only contractors, mechanics and materialmen approved by Landlord, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Tenant shall construct such Alterations and perform such repairs in compliance with any and all applicable rules and regulations of any federal, state, county or municipal code or ordinance and pursuant to a valid building permit, and issued by the city in which the Building is located. Landlord’s approval of the plans, specifications and working drawings for Tenant’s Alterations shall create no responsibility or liability on the part of Landlord for their completeness, design sufficiency, or compliance with all laws, rules and regulations of governmental agencies or authorities. All work with respect to any Alterations must be done in a good and workmanlike manner and diligently prosecuted to completion to the end that the Premises shall at all times be a complete unit except during the period of work. Tenant shall cause all Alterations to be performed

Manner of Construction. Landlord may impose, as a condition to Tenant's right to perform any Alterations, such commercially reasonable requirements as Landlord in its reasonable discretion may deem desirable, including, but not limited to, # the requirement that Tenant utilize for such purposes only contractors reasonably approved by Landlord, and # any Lines (including riser cables) installed by Tenant shall be # appropriately insulated to prevent excessive electromagnetic fields or radiation, # surrounded by a protective conduit reasonably acceptable to Landlord, and # identified in accordance with Landlord's Building standard requirements. Tenant shall be solely responsible for acquiring a permit for all Alterations, furnishing of a copy of such permit and approvals to Landlord prior to the commencement of the work, and complying with all conditions of said permit in a prompt and expeditious manner. If such Alterations will involve the use of or disturb Hazardous Materials, Tenant shall notify Landlord prior to performing such Alterations and comply with Landlord's reasonable rules and regulations concerning such Hazardous Materials. Tenant shall construct all Alterations in a good and workmanlike manner, in conformance with any and all Applicable Laws and Landlord's construction rules and regulations; provided, however, that prior to commencing to construct any Alteration, Tenant shall meet with Landlord to discuss Landlord's design parameters and Code compliance issues. In performing the work of any such Alterations, Tenant shall have the work performed in such manner so as not to obstruct access to the Project or any portion thereof, by any other tenant of the Project, and so as not to obstruct the business of Landlord or other tenants in the Project. Tenant shall not use (and upon notice from Landlord shall cease using) contractors, services, workmen, labor, materials or equipment that, in Landlord's reasonable judgment and despite the implementation of commercially reasonable staging and scheduling efforts, would nevertheless disturb labor harmony with the workforce or trades engaged in performing other work, labor or services in or about the Project. In addition to Tenant's obligations under Article 9 of this Lease, upon completion of any Alterations, to the extent required by Applicable Law, Tenant shall cause a Notice of Completion to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of the county in which the Project is located in accordance with Section 8182 of the Civil Code of the State of California or any successor statute. Tenant shall, promptly following the completion of any Alterations (including any Cosmetic Alterations) and request by Landlord, compile and deliver to Landlord a "close-out package" in such format reasonably designated by Landlord at the commencement of the particular Alteration (e.g., paper and/or electronic files) containing, without limitation, the following items (to the extent reasonably deemed necessary by Landlord for the particular Alterations): # as-built drawings and final record CAD drawings, # warranties and guarantees from all contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers, # all permits, approvals and other documents issued by any governmental agency in connection with the Alterations, # an independent air balance report, if required due to the nature of the Alterations, # lien releases for all work performed at the Project, and # such other information or materials as may be reasonably requested by Landlord.

General Requirements. Unless Landlord and Tenant otherwise agree in writing, Tenant shall # procure or cause others to procure on its behalf all necessary permits before undertaking any Alterations in the Premises (and provide copies thereof to Landlord); # perform all of such Alterations in a good and workmanlike manner, employing materials of good quality and in compliance with Landlord’s construction rules and regulations, all insurance requirements of this Lease, and Legal Requirements; and # defend, indemnify and hold the Landlord Parties harmless from and against any and all Claims occasioned by or growing out of such Alterations.

Contractors. All Alterations shall be performed only by contractors, engineers or architects approved by Landlord, and shall be made in accordance with complete and detailed architectural, mechanical and engineering plans and specifications approved in writing by Landlord. Without limiting Landlord’s right to disapprove Major Alterations in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion, Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold or delay its approval of any such contractors, engineers, architects, plans or specifications; provided, however, that Landlord may specify contractors, engineers or architects to perform work affecting the structural portions of the Project or the Building Systems. Tenant shall engage only labor that is harmonious and compatible with other labor working in the Project. In the event of any labor disturbance caused by persons employed by Tenant or Tenant’s contractor, Tenant shall immediately take all actions necessary to eliminate such disturbance.

Approval Required. Tenant will not make, or cause or permit to be made, any additions, alterations, installations or improvements in or to the Premises (collectively, “Alterations”), without the prior written consent of Landlord. Unless Landlord has waived such requirement in writing, together with Tenant’s request for approval of any Alteration, Tenant must also submit details with respect to the proposed source of funds for the payment of the cost of the Alteration by Tenant, design concept, plans and specifications, names of proposed contractors, and financial and other pertinent information about such contractors (including without limitation, the labor organization affiliation or lack of affiliation of any contractors), certificates of insurance to be maintained by Tenant’s contractors, hours of construction, proposed construction methods, details with respect to the quality of the proposed work and evidence of security (such as payment and performance bonds) to assure timely completion of the work by the contractor and payment by the contractor of all costs of the work. With respect to any Alteration which is visible from outside the Premises, such proposed Alteration must, in the opinion of Landlord, also be architecturally and aesthetically harmonious with the remainder of the Building.

Tenant shall make no alterations, additions or improvements other than the Tenant Improvements in or to the Premises or engage in any construction, demolition, reconstruction, renovation or other work (whether major or minor) of any kind in, at or serving the Premises (“Alterations”) without Landlord’s prior written approval, which approval may be subject to the consent of one or more Lenders, if required under any applicable Loan Document, but which approval Landlord shall not otherwise unreasonably withhold; provided, however, that, in the event any proposed Alteration affects # any structural portions of the Building, including exterior walls, the roof, the foundation or slab, foundation or slab systems (including barriers and subslab systems) or the core of the Building, # the exterior of the Building or # any Building systems, including elevator, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, security, life safety and power, then Landlord may withhold its approval in its sole and absolute discretion. Tenant shall, in making any Alterations, use only those architects, contractors, suppliers and mechanics of which Landlord has given prior written approval, which approval shall be in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion. In seeking Landlord’s approval, Tenant shall provide Landlord, at least sixty (60) days in advance of the desired commencement date of any proposed construction, with plans, specifications, bid proposals, certified stamped engineering drawings and calculations by Tenant’s engineer of record or architect of record (including connections to the Building’s structural system, modifications to the Building’s envelope, non-structural penetrations in slabs or walls, and modifications or tie-ins to life safety systems), work contracts, requests for laydown areas and such other information concerning the nature and cost of the Alterations as Landlord may reasonably request, provided that Tenant shall not commence any such Alterations that require Landlord’s consent unless and until Tenant has received the written approval of Landlord and any and all Lenders whose consent is required under any applicable Loan Document. In no event shall Tenant use or Landlord be required to approve any architects, consultants, contractors, subcontractors or material suppliers that Landlord reasonably believes could cause labor disharmony or may not have sufficient experience, in Landlord’s reasonable opinion, to perform work in an occupied Class “A” laboratory research building and in lab areas. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold, condition, or delay its approval of strictly cosmetic changes to the Premises that do not require any permits or more than three (3) total contractors and subcontractors (“Cosmetic Alterations”); provided that # the cost of any Cosmetic Alterations does not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) in any one instance or One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) annually, # such Cosmetic Alterations are not reasonably expected to have any material adverse effect on the Project and do not # require any structural or other substantial modifications to the Premises, # require any changes to or adversely affect the Building systems, # affect any portion of the Building or Project that is exterior to the Premises or # trigger any requirement under Applicable Laws that would require Landlord to make any alteration or improvement to the Premises, the Building or the Project.

Before commencing construction of any Alterations, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with a valid permit for the construction of the Alterations from the building department or other agency having jurisdiction in the municipality in which the Building is located (unless the Alterations are of a nature not requiring a building permit). If required by law, Tenant shall keep the original building permit posted on the Premises during the construction of the Alterations.

Tenant shall not make or permit to be made any alterations, additions, or improvements in or to the Premises (“Alterations”) without first obtaining the prior written consent of Landlord which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed with respect to non-structural Alterations that do not cost more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) in any one calendar year, are not visible from outside of the Premises and do not affect the operating or life safety systems of the Building, but which consent may otherwise be withheld in Landlord' s sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord's consent shall not be required for cosmetic Alterations, such as painting, hanging pictures, and installing carpeting so long as Tenant provides Landlord not less than five (5) business days prior written notice of any such Alteration for which Tenant has engaged a third party contractor. All Alterations # must comply with all Applicable Laws, # must be compatible with the Building and its mechanical, electrical, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and life safety systems; # must not interfere with the use and occupancy of any other portion of the Building by any other tenant or their invitees; and # must not affect the integrity of the structural portions of the Building. In addition, Landlord may impose as a condition to such consent such additional requirements as Landlord in its commercially reasonable discretion deems necessary or desirable, including, without limitation: # Tenant's submission to Landlord, for Landlord's prior written approval (not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed), of all plans and specifications relating to the Alterations; # Landlord's prior written approval (not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) of the time or times when the Alterations are to be performed; # Landlord's prior written approval (not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) of the contractors and subcontractors performing work in connection with the Alterations (provided, however, that Tenant shall be entitled to use its own architect and general contractor for the performance of Tenant's Work as set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto); # Tenant's receipt of all necessary permits and approvals from all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Premises prior to the construction of the Alterations; # Tenant's delivery to Landlord of such bonds and insurance as Landlord reasonably requires; # Tenant's payment to Landlord of a commercially reasonable fee for Landlord's supervision of any Alterations not to exceed 2% of the cost of the Alterations in question; # Tenant's and Tenant's contractor's compliance with such construction rules and regulations and building standards as Landlord promulgates from time to time; and # Tenant' s delivery to Landlord of “as built” drawings of the Alterations in such form or medium as Landlord may reasonably require.All direct and indirect costs relating to any modifications, alterations or improvements of Building, whether outside or inside of the Premises, required by any governmental agency or by law as a condition or as the result of any Alteration requested or effected by Tenant shall be borne by Tenant. Tenant shall not permit any mechanic's lien or other liens to be placed upon the Premises or the Building as a result of any materials, services or labor ordered by or provided to Tenant or any of Tenant's agents, officers, or employees. Without waiving any other rights or remedies under this Lease, Landlord may bond or insure or otherwise discharge any such lien and Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for any amount paid by Landlord in connection therewith as Additional Rent within ten (10) days after being invoice therefor.

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