Example ContractsClausesmanagerVariants
Manager contract clause examples

Alliance Manager. Within ​ following the Effective Date, each Party shall appoint an individual to act as the Alliance Manager for such Party (each, an “Alliance Manager”). Each Alliance Manager shall thereafter be permitted to attend meetings of the JSC or any of its subcommittees as a nonvoting observer. The Alliance Managers shall be the primary point of contact for the Parties regarding the activities contemplated under this Agreement and shall help facilitate all such activities hereunder.

Alliance Managers. Promptly following the Effective Date, each Party shall designate an individual to serve as the main point of contact for each Party to exchange information, facilitate communication and coordinate the Parties’ activities hereunder (each, an “Alliance Manager”). The Alliance Managers shall attend the meetings of the JSC. For all other Committees, the Alliance Managers may participate in meetings but are not required to participate. The Alliance Managers shall not be counted as members of any Committee (and shall not vote on matters discussed at any Committee meeting). Each Party may change its designated Alliance Manager from time to time upon written notice to the other Party.

Alliance Managers. Each Party shall appoint an individual to act as an alliance manager for such Party (each, an “Alliance Manager”) by providing the name and contact information for the Alliance Manager to the JSC. Each Party may change its Alliance Manager from time to time in its sole discretion upon written notice to the JSC. The Alliance Managers shall be the primary point of contact for the Parties regarding the activities contemplated by the Agreement, and the Parties shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that any requests for information and data made outside of the JSC are made through the Alliance Mangers. The Alliance Managers shall attend all meetings of the JSC. For clarity, the Alliance Managers may also be members of the JSC.

forth herein), the Alliance Managers shall each be the primary point of contact for the Parties regarding the collaboration and related activities contemplated by this Agreement and shall help facilitate all such activities hereunder. Each Alliance Manager shall be permitted to attend meetings of the JSC and any sub-committee as a nonvoting observer. Either Party, upon prior written notice to the other Party, may change its Alliance Manager. For clarity, the same employee may, but need not, be both the Alliance Manager and a Project Manager.

Alliance Managers. Within ​ days following the Effective Date, each Party shall appoint a representative (“Alliance Manager”) to facilitate communications between the Parties (including, coordinating the exchange of Know-How of each Party as required under this Agreement) and to act as a liaison between the Parties with respect to such other matters as the Parties may mutually agree in order to maximize the efficiency of the collaboration. Each Party may replace its Alliance Manager with an alternative representative at any time with prior written notice to the other Party. Each Party’s Alliance Managers shall be entitled to attend all JSC and Working Group meetings, as applicable, except if the other Party specifically requests the exclusion of Alliance Managers (including its own Alliance Managers) from a particular meeting. Each Alliance Manager may bring any matter to the attention of the JSC where such Alliance Manager reasonably believes that such matter requires attention of the JSC. Each Alliance Manager shall be responsible with creating and maintaining a collaborative work environment within the JSC. For clarity, an Alliance Manager may also be a member of the JSC and/or one or more Working Groups.

Each Party shall appoint a business representative who possesses a general understanding of the relevant technical, business and legal issues to act as its Alliance Manager (each, an “Alliance Manager”). The Alliance Managers shall be responsible for creating and maintaining collaborative, efficient and responsive communication within and between the Parties, and for day-to-day management of operational matters other than matters within the remit of the JSC or subcommittees. The Alliance Managers shall have no authority to modify this Agreement or waive any non-compliance with its terms. Alliance Managers may attend JSC and subcommittee meetings as observers.

. Within ​ following the Effective Date, each Party shall appoint one (1) individual to act as the Alliance Manager for such Party (each, an “Alliance Manager”). Without limiting the responsibilities and authorities of Project Managers or the JSC (as expressly set ​ Certain information in this document has been omitted as the information is not material and would be competitively harmful if publicly disclosed.

Alliance Manager. Each Party will assign an Alliance Manager, who will be a non-voting member of the JSC and the primary contact for all non-technical matters of governance, who will organize JSC meetings as reasonably necessary and lead the drafting of minutes. Either Alliance Manager may also call for ad-hoc meetings if one of the Parties deems that necessary.

Alliance Managers. Promptly after the Effective Date, each Party shall appoint an individual to act as the alliance manager for such Party (each, an “Alliance Manager”). The Alliance Managers shall not be members of any Committee, but shall be permitted to attend meetings of any Committee as a nonvoting observer. The Alliance Managers shall be the primary point of contact for the Parties regarding their collaboration under this Agreement and shall facilitate communication regarding all activities under this Agreement, including relating to decisions made by the Committees. Each Party may change its designated Alliance Manager from time to time upon notice to the other Party. The name and contact information for each Alliance Manager and any replacement shall be promptly provided to the other Party.

Alliance Managers. Each Party shall appoint an individual to act as its alliance manager under this Agreement as soon as practicable after the Effective Date (the “Alliance Manager”), which Zai Alliance Manager shall be fluent in English. The Alliance Managers shall: # serve as the primary points of contact between the Parties for the purpose of providing the other Party with information on the progress of a Party’s activities under this Agreement; # be responsible for facilitating the flow of information and otherwise promoting communication, coordination and collaboration between the Parties, provided that all communications between the Parties shall be in English; # facilitate the prompt resolution of any disputes; and # attend JSC (as a non-voting participant) and JDC meetings. An Alliance Manager may also bring any matter to the attention of the JSC or JDC if such Alliance Manager reasonably believes that such matter warrants such attention. Each Party may replace its Alliance Manager at any time upon written notice to the other Party.

Responsibilities. The Alliance Managers shall be appointed members of the JSC and shall attend all JSC meetings and support the other members of JSC in the discharge of their responsibilities. In addition to the Alliance Managers’ duties as members of the JSC, each Alliance Manager: # will be the point of first referral for routine communications between the Parties; # will be a point of contact for coordinating activities between the Parties and attempting to resolve any conflicts; # will identify and bring disputes to the attention of the JSC in a timely manner; and # will take responsibility for ensuring that activities, such as the conduct of required JSC and Sub-Committee meetings and production of meeting minutes, occur as set forth in this Agreement, and that relevant action items resulting from such meetings are appropriately carried out or otherwise addressed.

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