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Landlord Delay
Landlord Delay contract clause examples

Landlord Delay. For each day that a Landlord Delay exists, the Commencement Date shall be extended by one (1) day. For the purpose of this Lease, “Landlord Delay” shall mean any delay in the completion of the Tenant Improvements caused by # Landlord’s failure to timely approve or respond to requests or review plans and specifications within the time periods set forth in this Lease; or # any other act or omission of Landlord or its agents, employees or contractors that causes a delay in the completion of the Tenant Improvements.

"Landlord Delay" shall mean the number of calendar days of delay occurring after Substantial Completion of the Base Building Improvements which causes Tenant to be unable to complete the Tenant Improvements on or before the date that is six months after the Substantial Completion Date and which results from a delay occurring as the direct result of: (i) Landlord’s failure to approve any matter requiring Landlord’s approval in violation of the requirements of Section 3.2 or Section 3.4 [Exhibit B] pertaining to such approval or (ii) material and unreasonable interference by Landlord or of any of Landlord’s employees, contractors or agents with the construction of the Tenant Improvements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Landlord Delay shall occur unless Tenant notifies Landlord in writing within ten (10) Business Days after the event giving rise to such Landlord Delay occurs, specifying in detail the conduct giving rise to such Landlord Delay.

Landlord Delay. A “Landlord Delay” means the length of any actual delay in the permitting, construction or completion of the Landlord’s Work or Tenant Improvements which actually and directly delays Substantial Completion of the Landlord’s Work beyond the Intended Commencement Date or materially delays substantial completion of the Tenant Improvements, which # is not caused by Force Majeure, and # is caused by:

Landlord Delay. As used herein, the term "Landlord Delay" shall mean # the failure of Landlord to timely approve or disapprove any matter requiring Landlord’s approval relating to the construction of the Tenant Improvements (to the extent the same is not subject to a deemed approval provision therein or herein); # unreasonable (when judged in accordance with industry custom and practice) interference by Landlord, its agents or contractors (except as otherwise allowed by this Tenant Work Letter) with the substantial completion of the Tenant Improvements and which objectively preclude or delay the construction of the Tenant Improvements which interference is not abated within 24 hours’ oral or written notice from Tenant, and # failure to provide Tenant with reasonable access after the achieving the Delivery Condition, # any delay that is expressly a Landlord Delay under this Tenant Work Letter, except for delays caused by Tenant BB Delay. The Initial Premises Outside Date and the Must-Take Premises Outside Date shall be extended by one day for each day of actual delay in completion of the Tenant Improvements caused by Landlord Delay.

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