Example ContractsClausesIntroductions
Introductions contract clause examples

Introductions. When any Platform Company is considering a secured loan facility, Borrower shall use commercially reasonable efforts to introduce a representative of Agent to the chief financial officer or other appropriate officer of such Platform Company to allow Agent’s representative to present possible lending options to such Platform Company.

Introductions. When any Platform Company is considering a secured loan facility, Borrower shall use commercially reasonable efforts to introduce a representative of Agent to the chief financial officer or other appropriate officer of such Platform Company to allow Agent’s representative to present possible lending options to such Platform Company.

Introductions. When any Platform Company is considering a secured loan facility, Borrower shall use commercially reasonable efforts to introduce a representative of Agent to the chief financial officer or other appropriate officer of such Platform Company to allow Agent’s representative to present possible lending options to such Platform Company.

determine each Introduction and maintain a list of all Introductions, Qualifying Employer Channel Accounts and Qualifying Health Plan Accounts;

With the Company's approval in each instance, make introductions to individuals and corporations that might be of assistance to the Company.

The scope of this Agreement covers ad hoc services (including new product introductions activities), clinical supply of Product, commercial supply of Product, and additional services such as AL&P and storage.

Fujifilm is a biopharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization and, Atara and Fujifilm are agreeing to enter into this Agreement under which Fujifilm is appointed to carry out agreed clinical and commercial services for Atara in relation to certain of Atara’s Products, including manufacturing, testing, storage, AL&P, new product introductions and supply of Products to Atara, as more specifically set forth herein.

Because of such introductions and support, the Company is entitled to the benefit of those contacts and relationships. Accordingly, for a reasonable period of time after an Officer leaves the employment of the Company, he or she should not use contacts, relationships, information or other assets obtained or developed during his or her association with the Company to solicit or obtain customers or business, or assist anyone else in doing so.

On or before December 31 2021 the Supplier shall provide the Purchaser with the contact details for and shall make introductions for the Purchaser to any Subcontractors that are appointed by the Supplier for the manufacture of the Products as at such date and the Purchaser may discuss with such Subcontractors entering into direct contracts with the Purchaser for the supply of the Product following the termination of this Supply Agreement.

Takeda shall reasonably cooperate with Poseida (or its designee(s)), at Poseida’s cost, to facilitate a smooth, orderly and prompt transition of the activities related to the Reversion Products to Poseida or such designee, including making introductions to any Third Party providers, contract research organizations, CMOs or subcontractors engaged by Takeda prior to the applicable termination, including with respect to the control and completion of any ongoing clinical trials and the transition of any manufacturing activities to Poseida or its designee.

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