Example ContractsClausesinsured claimsVariants
Insured Claims
Insured Claims contract clause examples

Partial Damage - Insured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is an Insured Loss occurs, then Lessor shall, at Lessor's expense (if Lessor receives insurance proceeds, provided that the foregoing limitation shall not apply unless Lessor has maintained the required insurance coverage), repair such damage (but not Lessee's Trade Fixtures or Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations) as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect; provided, however, that Lessee shall, at Lessor's election, make the repair of any damage or destruction the total cost to repair of which is $10,000 or less, and, in such event, Lessor shall make any applicable insurance proceeds available to Lessee on a reasonable basis for that purpose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the required insurance was not in force or the insurance proceeds are not sufficient to effect such repair, the Insuring Party shall promptly contribute the shortage in proceeds (except as to the deductible which is Lessee's responsibility) as and when required to complete said repairs. In the event, however, such shortage was due to the fact that, by reason of the unique nature of the improvements, full replacement cost insurance coverage was not commercially reasonable and available, Lessor shall have no obligation to pay for the shortage in insurance proceeds or to fully restore the unique aspects of the Premises unless Lessee provides Lessor with the funds to cover same, or adequate assurance thereof, within 10 days following receipt of written notice of such shortage and request therefor. If Lessor receives said funds or adequate assurance thereof within said 10 day period, the party responsible for making the repairs shall complete them as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. If such funds or assurance are not received, Lessor may nevertheless elect by written notice to Lessee within 10 days thereafter to: # make such restoration and repair as is commercially reasonable with Lessor paying any shortage in proceeds, in which case this Lease shall remain in full force and effect, or # have this Lease terminate 30 days thereafter. Lessee shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any funds contributed by Lessee to repair any such damage or destruction. Premises Partial Damage due to flood or earthquake shall be subject to Paragraph 9.3, notwithstanding that there may be some insurance coverage, but the net proceeds of any such insurance shall be made available for the repairs if made by either Party.

Partial Damage ­ Insured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is an Insured Loss occurs, then Lessor shall, at Lessor's expense, repair such damage (but not Lessee's Trade Fixtures or Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations) as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect; provided, however, that Lessee shall, at Lessor's election, make the repair of any damage or destruction the total cost to repair of which is $10,000 or less, and, in such event, Lessor shall make any applicable insurance proceeds available to Lessee on a reasonable basis for that purpose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the required insurance was not in force or the insurance proceeds are not sufficient to effect such repair, the Insuring Party shall promptly contribute the shortage in proceeds as and when required to complete said repairs. In the event, however, such shortage was due to the fact that, by reason of the unique nature of the improvements, full replacement cost insurance coverage was not commercially reasonable and available, Lessor shall have no obligation to pay for the shortage in insurance proceeds or to fully restore the unique aspects of the Premises unless Lessee provides Lessor with the funds to cover same, or adequate assurance thereof, within 10 days following receipt of written notice of such shortage and request therefor. If Lessor receives said funds or adequate assurance thereof within said 10 day period, the party responsible for making the repairs shall complete them as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. If such funds or assurance are not received, Lessor may nevertheless elect by written notice to Lessee within 10 days thereafter to: # make such restoration and repair as is commercially reasonable with Lessor paying any shortage in proceeds, in which case this Lease shall remain in full force and effect, or # have this Lease terminate 30 days thereafter. Lessee shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any funds contributed by Lessee to repair any such damage or destruction. Premises Partial Damage due to flood or earthquake shall be subject to Paragraph 9.3, notwithstanding that there may be some insurance coverage, but the net proceeds of any such insurance shall be made available for the repairs if made by either Party.

Partial Damage - Insured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is an Insured Loss occurs, then Lessor shall, at Lessor’s expense, repair such damage (but not Lessee’s Trade Fixtures or Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations) as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect; provided, however, that Lessee shall, at Lessor’s election, make the repair of any damage or destruction the total cost to repair of which is $5,000 or less, and, in such event, Lessor shall make any applicable insurance proceeds available to Lessee on a reasonable basis for that purpose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the required insurance was not in force or the insurance proceeds are not sufficient to effect such repair, the Insuring Party shall promptly contribute the shortage in proceeds as and when required to complete said repairs. In the event, however, such shortage was due to the fact that, by reason of the unique nature of the improvements, full replacement cost Insurance coverage was not commercially reasonable and available, Lessor shall have no obligation to pay for the shortage in insurance proceeds or to fully restore the unique aspects of the Premises unless Lessee provides Lessor with the funds to cover same, or adequate assurance thereof, within 10 days following receipt of written notice of such shortage and request therefor. If Lessor receives said funds or adequate assurance thereof within said 10 day period, the party responsible for making the repairs shall complete them as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. If such funds or assurance are not received, Lessor may nevertheless elect by written notice to Lessee within 10 days thereafter to; # make such restoration and repair as is commercially reasonable with Lessor paying any shortage in proceeds, in which case this Lease shall remain in full force and effect, or # have this Lease terminate 30 days thereafter. Lessee shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any funds contributed by Lessee to repair any such damage or destruction. Premises Partial Damage due to flood or earthquake shall be subject to Paragraph 9.3, notwithstanding that there may be some insurance coverage, but the net proceeds of any such insurance shall be made available for the repairs if made by either Party.

Partial Damage Insured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is an Insured Loss occurs, then Landlord shall, at Tenant’s expense, repair such damage (but not Tenant’s Trade Fixtures or Tenant Owned Alterations and Utility Installations) as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect. Premises Partial Damage due to flood or earthquake shall be subject to Section 9.4, notwithstanding that there may be some insurance coverage, but the net proceeds of any such insurance shall be made available for the repairs.

Partial Damage ­ Uninsured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is not an Insured Loss occurs, unless caused by a negligent or willful act of Lessee (in which event Lessee shall make the repairs at Lessee's expense), Lessor may either: # repair such damage as soon as reasonably possible at Lessor's expense (subject to reimbursement pursuant to Paragraph 4.2), in which event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, or # terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Lessee within 30 days after receipt by Lessor of knowledge of the occurrence of such damage. Such termination shall be effective 60 days following the date of such notice. In the event Lessor elects to terminate this Lease, Lessee shall have the right within 10 days after receipt of the termination notice to give written notice to Lessor of Lessee's commitment to pay for the repair of such damage without reimbursement from Lessor. Lessee shall provide Lessor with said funds or satisfactory assurance thereof within 30 days after making such commitment. In such event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, and Lessor shall proceed to make such repairs as soon as reasonably possible after the required funds are available. If Lessee does not make the required commitment, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in the termination notice.

Partial Damage - Uninsured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is not an Insured Loss occurs, unless caused by a negligent or willful act of Lessee (in which event Lessee shall make the repairs at Lessee's expense), Lessor may either: # repair such damage as soon as reasonably possible at Lessor's expense, in which event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, or # terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Lessee within 30 days after receipt by Lessor of knowledge of the occurrence of such damage. Such termination shall be effective 60 days following the date of such notice. In the event Lessor elects to terminate this Lease, Lessee shall have the right within 10 days after receipt of the termination notice to give written notice to Lessor of Lessee's commitment to pay for the repair of such damage without reimbursement from Lessor. Lessee shall provide Lessor with said funds or satisfactory assurance thereof within 30 days after making such commitment. In such event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, and Lessor shall proceed to make such repairs as soon as reasonably possible after the required funds are available. If Lessee does not make the required commitment, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in the termination notice.

Partial Damage - Uninsured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is not an Insured Loss occurs, unless caused by a negligent or willful act of Lessee (in which event Lessee shall make the repairs at Lessee’s expense), Lessor may either: # repair such damage as soon as reasonably possible at Lessor’s expense (subject to reimbursement pursuant to Paragraph 4.2), in which event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, or # terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Lessee within 30 days after receipt by Lessor of knowledge of the occurrence of such damage, Such termination shall be effective 60 days following the date of such notice. In the event Lessor elects to terminate this Lease, Lessee shall have the right within 10 days after receipt of the termination notice to give written notice to Lessor of Lessee’s commitment to pay for the repair of such damage without reimbursement from Lessor. Lessee shall provide Lessor with said funds or satisfactory assurance thereof within 30 days after making such commitment. In such event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, and Lessor shall proceed to make such repairs as soon as reasonably possible after the required funds are available. If Lessee does not make the required commitment, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in the termination notice.

sufficient to effect such repair, the Insuring Party shall promptly contribute the shortage in proceeds as and when required to complete said repairs. In the event, however, such shortage was due to the fact that, by reason of the unique nature of the improvements, full replacement cost insurance coverage was not commercially reasonable and available, Lessor shall have no obligation to pay for the shortage in insurance proceeds or to fully restore the unique aspects of the Premises unless Lessee provides Lessor with the funds to cover same, or adequate assurance thereof, within 10 days following receipt of written notice of such shortage and request therefor. If Lessor receives said funds or adequate assurance thereof within said 10 day period, the party responsible for making the repairs shall complete them as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. If such funds or assurance are not received, Lessor may nevertheless elect by written notice to Lessee within 10 days thereafter to: # make such restoration and repair as is commercially reasonable with Lessor paying any shortage in proceeds, in which case this Lease shall remain in full force and effect, or # have this Lease terminate 30 days thereafter. Lessee shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any funds contributed by Lessee to repair any such damage or destruction. Premises Partial Damage due to flood or earthquake shall be subject to Paragraph 9.3, notwithstanding that there may be some insurance coverage, but the net proceeds of any such insurance shall be made available for the repairs if made by either Party. 9.3 Partial Damage- Uninsured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is not an Insured Loss occurs, unless caused by a negligent or willful act of Lessee (in which event Lessee shall make the repairs at Lessee's expense), Lessor may either: # repair such damage as soon as reasonably possible at Lessor's expense (subject to reimbursement pursuant to Paragraph 4.2), in which event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, or # terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Lessee within 30 days after receipt by Lessor of knowledge of the occurrence of such damage. Such termination shall be effective 60 days following the date of such notice. In the event Lessor elects to terminate this Lease, Lessee shall have the right within 10 days after receipt of the termination notice to give written notice to Lessor of Lessee's commitment to pay for the repair of such damage without reimbursement from Lessor. Lessee shall provide Lessor with said funds or satisfactory assurance thereof within 30 days after making such commitment. In such event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, and Lessor shall proceed to make such repairs as soon as reasonably possible after the required funds are available. If Lessee does not make the required commitment, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in the termination notice. 9.4 Total Destruction. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, if a Premises Total Destruction occurs, this Lease shall terminate 60 days following such Destruction. If the damage or destruction was caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Lessee, Lessor shall have the right to recover Lessor's damages from Lessee, except as provided in Paragraph 8.6. 9.5 Damage Near End of Term. If at any time during the last 6 months of this Lease there is damage for which the cost to repair exceeds one month's Base Rent, whether or not an Insured Loss, Lessor may terminate this Lease effective 60 days following the date of occurrence of such damage by giving a written termination notice to Lessee within 30 days after the date of occurrence of such damage. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Lessee at that time has an exercisable option to extend this Lease or to purchase the Premises, then Lessee may preserve this Lease by, # exercising such option and # providing Lessor with any shortage in insurance proceeds (or adequate assurance thereof) needed to make the repairs on or before the earlier of # the date which is 10 days after Lessee's receipt of Lessor's written notice purporting to terminate this Lease, or # the day prior to the date upon which such option expires. If Lessee duly exercises such option during such period and provides Lessor with funds (or adequate assurance thereof) to cover any shortage in insurance proceeds, Lessor shall, at Lessor's commercially reasonable expense, repair such damage as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect. If Lessee fails to exercise such option and provide such funds or assurance during such period, then this Lease shall terminate on the date specified in the termination notice and Lessee's option shall be extinguished. 9.6 Abatement of Rent; Lessee's Remedies. (a) Abatement. In the event of Premises Partial Damage or Premises Total Destruction or a Hazardous Substance Condition for which Lessee is not responsible under this Lease, the Rent payable by Lessee for the period required for the repair, remediation or restoration of such damage shall be abated In proportion to the degree to which Lessee's use of the Premises is impaired, but not to exceed the proceeds received from the Rental Value insurance. All other obligations of Lessee hereunder shall be performed by Lessee, and Lessor shall have no liability for any such damage, destruction, remediation, repair or restoration except as provided herein. (b) Remedies. If Lessor is obligated to repair or restore the Premises and does not commence, in a substantial and meaningful way, such repair or restoration within 90 days after such obligation shall accrue, Lessee may, at any time prior to the commencement of such repair or restoration, give written notice to Lessor and to any Lenders of which Lessee has actual notice, of Lessee's election to terminate this Lease on a date not less than 60 days following the giving of such notice. If Lessee gives such notice and such repair or restoration is not commenced within 30 days thereafter, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in said notice. If the repair or restoration is commenced within such 30 days, this Lease shall continue in full force and effect. "Commence" shall mean either the unconditional authorization of the preparation of the required plans, or the beginning of the actual work on the Premises, whichever first occurs. 9.7 Termination; Advance Payments. Upon termination of this Lease pursuant to Paragraph 6.2(g) or Paragraph 9, an equitable adjustment shall be made concerning advance Base Rent and any other advance payments made by Lessee to Lessor. Lessor shall, in addition, return to Lessee so much of Lessee's Security Deposit as has not been, or is not then required to be, used by Lessor. 9.8 Waive Statutes. Lessor and Lessee agree that the terms of the Lease shall govern the effect or any damage to or destruction of the Premises with respect to termination of this Lease and hereby waive the provisions of any present or future statute to the extent inconsistent herewith. including, but not limited to. Section 1932(2) and 1933(4) of the California Civil Code (as may be amended or supplemented from time to time). 10. Real Property Taxes. 10.1 Definition. As used herein, the term "Real Property Taxes" shall include any form of assessment; real estate, general, special, ordinary or extraordinary, or rental levy or tax (other than inheritance, personal income or estate taxes); improvement bond; and/or license fee imposed upon or levied against any legal or equitable interest of Lessor in the Project, Lessor's right to other income therefrom, and/or Lessor's business of leasing, by any authority having the direct or indirect power to tax and where the funds are generated with reference to the Project address. The term "Real Property Taxes" shall also include any tax, fee, levy, assessment or charge, or any increase therein: # imposed by reason of events occurring during the term of this Lease, including but not limited to, a change in the ownership of the Project, # a change in the improvements thereon, and/or # levied or assessed on machinery or equipment provided by Lessor to Lessee pursuant to this Lease. In calculating Real Property Taxes for any calendar INITIALS 2017 AIR CRE. All Rights Reserved. Page 10 of 20 Last Edited: 2/26/2018 3:14 PM INITIALS MTN-26 00, Revised 01-03-2017

fully restore the unique aspects of the Premises unless Lessee provides Lessor with the funds to cover same, or adequate assurance thereof, within 10 days following receipt of written notice of such shortage and request therefor. If Lessor receives said funds or adequate assurance thereof within said 10 day period, the party responsible for making the repairs shall complete them as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. If such funds or assurance are not received, Lessor may nevertheless elect by written notice to Lessee within 10 days thereafter to: # make such restoration and repair as is commercially reasonable with Lessor paying any shortage in proceeds, in which case this Lease shall remain in full force and effect, or # have this Lease terminate 30 days thereafter. Lessee shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any funds contributed by Lessee to repair any such damage or destruction. Premises Partial Damage due to flood or earthquake shall be subject to Paragraph 9.3, notwithstanding that there may be some insurance coverage, but the net proceeds of any such insurance shall be made available for the repairs if made by either Party. 9.3 Partial Damage - Uninsured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is not an Insured Loss occurs, unless caused by a negligent or willful act of Lessee (in which event Lessee shall make the repairs at Lessee's expense), Lessor may either: # repair such damage as soon as reasonably possible at Lessor's expense (subject to reimbursement pursuant to Paragraph 4.2), in which event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, or # terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Lessee within 30 days after receipt by Lessor of knowledge of the occurrence of such damage. Such termination shall be effective 60 days following the date of such notice. In the event Lessor elects to terminate this Lease, Lessee shall have the right within 10 days after receipt of the termination notice to give written notice to Lessor of Lessee's commitment to pay for the repair of such damage without reimbursement from Lessor. Lessee shall provide Lessor with said funds or satisfactory assurance thereof within 30 days after making such commitment. In such event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, and Lessor shall proceed to make such repairs as soon as reasonably possible after the required funds are available. If Lessee does not make the required commitment, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in the termination notice. 9.4 Total Destruction. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, if a Premises Total Destruction occurs, this Lease shall terminate 60 days following such Destruction. If the damage or destruction was caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Lessee, Lessor shall have the right to recover Lessor's damages from Lessee, except as provided in Paragraph 8.6. 9.5 Damage Near End of Term. If at any time during the last 6 months of this Lease there is damage for which the cost to repair exceeds one month's Base Rent, whether or not an Insured Loss, Lessor may terminate this Lease effective 60 days following the date of occurrence of such damage by giving a written termination notice to Lessee within 30 days after the date of occurrence of such damage. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Lessee at that time has an exercisable option to extend this Lease or to purchase the Premises, then Lessee may preserve this Lease by, # exercising such option and # providing Lessor with any shortage in insurance proceeds (or adequate assurance thereof) needed to make the repairs on or before the earlier of # the date which is 10 days after Lessee's receipt of Lessor's written notice purporting to terminate this Lease, or # the day prior to the date upon which such option expires. If Lessee duly exercises such option during such period and provides Lessor with funds (or adequate assurance thereof) to cover any shortage in insurance proceeds, Lessor shall, at Lessor's commercially reasonable expense, repair such damage as soon as reasonably possible and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect. If Lessee fails to exercise such option and provide such funds or assurance during such period, then this Lease shall terminate on the date specified in the termination notice and Lessee's option shall be extinguished. 9.6 Abatement of Rent; Lessee's Remedies. (a) Abatement. In the event of Premises Partial Damage or Premises Total Destruction or a Hazardous Substance Condition for which Lessee is not responsible under this Lease, the Rent payable by Lessee for the period required for the repair, remediation or restoration of such damage shall be abated in proportion to the degree to which Lessee's use of the Premises is impaired, but not to exceed the proceeds received from the Rental Value insurance. All other obligations of Lessee hereunder shall be performed by Lessee, and Lessor shall have no liability for any such damage, destruction, remediation, repair or restoration except as provided herein. (b) Remedies. If Lessor is obligated to repair or restore the Premises and does not commence, in a substantial and meaningful way, such repair or restoration within 90 days after such obligation shall accrue, Lessee may, at any time prior to the commencement of such repair or restoration, give written notice to Lessor and to any Lenders of which Lessee has actual notice, of Lessee's election to terminate this Lease on a date not less than 60 days following the giving of such notice. If Lessee gives such notice and such repair or restoration is not commenced within 30 days thereafter, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in said notice. If the repair or restoration is commenced within such 30 days, this Lease shall continue in full force and effect. "Commence" shall mean either the unconditional authorization of the preparation of the required plans, or the beginning of the actual work on the Premises, whichever first occurs. 9.7 Termination; Advance Payments. Upon termination of this Lease pursuant to Paragraph 6.2(g) or Paragraph 9, an equitable adjustment shall be made concerning advance Base Rent and any other advance payments made by Lessee to Lessor. Lessor shall, in addition, return to Lessee so much of Lessee's Security Deposit as has not been, or is not then required to be, used by Lessor. 10. Real Property Taxes. 10.1 Definition. As used herein, the term "Real Property Taxes" shall include any form of assessment; real estate, general, special, ordinary or extraordinary, or rental levy or tax (other than inheritance, personal income or estate taxes); improvement bond; and/or license fee imposed upon or levied against any legal or equitable interest of Lessor in the Project, Lessor's right to other income therefrom, and/or Lessor's business of leasing, by any authority having the direct or indirect power to tax and where the funds are generated with reference to the Project address. The term "Real Property Taxes" shall also include any tax, fee, levy, assessment or charge, or any increase therein: # imposed by reason of events occurring during the term of this Lease, including but not limited to, a change in the ownership of the Project, # a change in the improvements thereon, and/or # levied or assessed on machinery or equipment provided by Lessor to Lessee pursuant to this Lease. In calculating Real Property Taxes for any calendar year, the Real Property Taxes for any real estate tax year shall be included in the calculation of Real Property Taxes for such calendar year based upon the number of days which such calendar year and tax year have in common. 10.2 Payment of Taxes. Except as otherwise provided in Paragraph 10.3, Lessor shall pay the Real Property Taxes applicable to the Project, and said payments shall be included in the calculation of Common Area Operating Expenses in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 4.2. 10.3 Additional Improvements. Common Area Operating Expenses shall not include Real Property Taxes specified in the tax assessor's records and work sheets as being caused by additional improvements placed upon the Project by other lessees or by Lessor for the exclusive enjoyment of such other lessees. Notwithstanding Paragraph 10.2 hereof, Lessee shall, however, pay to Lessor at the time Common Area Operating Expenses are payable under Paragraph 4.2, the entirety of any increase in Real Property Taxes if assessed solely by reason of Alterations, Trade Fixtures or Utility Installations placed upon the Premises by Lessee or at Lessee's request or by reason of any alterations or improvements to the Premises made by Lessor subsequent to the execution of this Lease by the Parties. 10.4 Joint Assessment. If the Building is not separately assessed, Real Property Taxes allocated to the Building shall be an equitable proportion of the Real Property Taxes for all of the land and improvements included within the tax parcel assessed, such proportion to be determined by Lessor from the respective valuations assigned in the assessor's work sheets or such other information as may be reasonably available. Lessor's reasonable determination thereof, in good faith, shall be conclusive. 10.5 Personal Property Taxes. Lessee shall pay prior to delinquency all taxes assessed against and levied upon Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations, Trade Fixtures, furnishings, equipment and all personal property of Lessee contained in the Premises. When possible, Lessee shall cause its Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations, Trade Fixtures, furnishings, equipment and all other personal property to be assessed and billed separately from the real property of Lessor. If INITIALS© 2019 AIR CRE. All Rights Reserved. MTN-26.22, Revised 06-10-2019 INITIALS a Work Letter; Last Edited: 1/22/2020 1:04 PMPage 9 of 17

Partial Damage – Uninsured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is not an Insured Loss occurs, unless caused by a negligent or willful act of Tenant (in which event Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the cost of the repairs), Landlord may either: # repair such damage as soon as reasonably possible at Landlord’s expense, in which event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, or # terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Tenant within thirty (30) days after receipt by Landlord of knowledge of the occurrence of such damage. Such termination shall be effective sixty (60) days following the date of such notice. In the event Landlord elects to terminate this Lease, Tenant shall have the right within ten (10) days after receipt of the termination notice to give written notice to Landlord of Tenant’s commitment to pay for the repair of such damage without reimbursement from Landlord. Tenant shall provide Landlord with said funds or satisfactory assurance thereof within thirty (30) days after making such commitment. In such event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, and Landlord shall proceed to make such repairs as soon as reasonably possible after the required funds are available. If Tenant does not make the required commitment, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in the termination notice.

In the event of a partial destruction of the Premises by fire or other perils covered by extended coverage insurance not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the full insurable value thereof, and provided that # the damage thereto is such that the Premises may be repaired, reconstructed or restored within a period of twelve (12) months from the date of the happening of such casualty, # Landlord shall receive insurance proceeds from its insurer or Lender sufficient to cover the cost of such repairs, reconstruction and restoration (except for any deductible amount provided by Landlord’s policy, which deductible amount, if paid by Landlord, shall constitute an Insurance Cost, # the repair, reconstruction or restoration of the damage or destruction is permitted by all applicable Loan Documents or otherwise consented to by any and all Lenders whose consent is required thereunder and # such casualty was not intentionally caused by a Tenant Party, then Landlord shall commence and proceed diligently with the work of repair, reconstruction and restoration of the Premises, and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect.

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