Example ContractsClausesInitiation – Written Request
Initiation – Written Request
Initiation – Written Request contract clause examples
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Initiation”. Initiation means, with respect to any clinical trial, the date on which the first volunteer or patient in such trial has received his or her initial dose of the Licensed Product.

Within ​ days after the Effective Date and receipt of an invoice from Atea, Roche shall pay to Atea three hundred and fifty million US Dollars (US$ 350,000,000).

Written Notice. Any termination shall only be valid if made in writing and delivered to the other Party under the address set forth in Section 16.1.

Written Disclosure. [[Organization A:Organization]] may elect to prepare and furnish to Licensee one or more written descriptions of the Technology and Patent Rights or portions thereof. Licensee agrees to review the written descriptions promptly after receiving them and indicate in writing to [[Organization A:Organization]] whether there are any details or aspects with which Licensee does not concur. Absent a sufficiently detailed objection by Licensee, those written descriptions will be deemed binding on the parties for all purposes under this Agreement as to the description of the Technology and Patent Rights so described.

Written Consent. The Requisite Shareholders have executed a written consent approving and adopting the applicable New Organizational Documents (defined below) which require shareholder approval, an executed copy of which is attached hereto as [Exhibit G] (including the documents and transactions authorized therein, the “Written Consent”). For the purposes of this Agreement, “Written Consent” shall refer to, individual and collectively, the Written Consent of each Stockholder Group (defined below) included as part of [Exhibit G].

Except in the case of notices and other communications expressly permitted to be given by telephone, all notices and other communications to any party herein to be effective shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand or overnight courier service, mailed by certified or registered mail or sent by telecopy, as follows:

Written Consent. A resolution circulated to all the Shareholders for the time being and signed by such number of the Shareholders as required to approve such resolution under [Section 7.6], shall be valid and effective as if it had been a resolution passed at a meeting of the Shareholders duly convened and held and may consist of several documents in the like form, each signed by one or more persons. Executed minutes of Shareholders’ Meeting and executed resolutions adopted in lieu of the Shareholders’ Meeting shall be kept in the minute book of the Company at the Company’s domicile.

Initiation of Proceeding. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, no Indemnitee shall be entitled to indemnification pursuant to this Agreement in connection with any Proceeding or part thereof initiated by such Indemnitee against Indemnitor, the Company or any other director or officer of the Company unless # the Company has joined in or the Board has consented to the initiation of such Proceeding or part thereof; or # the Proceeding or part thereof is one to enforce indemnification rights under this Agreement.

Initiation of Arbitration. Pursuant to Section 110 of the Arbitration Act, the parties agree that a party may initiate Arbitration by giving written notice to the other party (“Arbitration Notice”) in the same manner that notice is permitted under Section 7.11 of the Agreement; provided, however, that the Arbitration Notice may not be given by email or fax. Arbitration will be deemed initiated as of the date that the Arbitration Notice is deemed delivered to such other party under Section 7.11 of the Agreement (the “Service Date”). After the Service Date, information may be delivered, and notices may be given, by email or fax pursuant to Section 7.11 of the Agreement or any other method permitted thereunder. The Arbitration Notice must describe the nature of the controversy, the remedies sought, and the election to commence Arbitration proceedings. All Claims in the Arbitration Notice must be pleaded consistent with the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.

Initiation of Appeal. Following the entry of the Arbitration Award, either party (the “Appellant”) shall have a period of thirty (30) calendar days in which to notify the other party (the “Appellee”), in writing, that the Appellant elects to appeal (the “Appeal”) the Arbitration Award (such notice, an “Appeal Notice”) to a panel of arbitrators as provided in Paragraph 5.2 below. The date the Appellant delivers an Appeal Notice to the Appellee is referred to herein as the “Appeal Date”. The Appeal Notice must be delivered to the Appellee in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 4.1 above with respect to delivery of an Arbitration Notice. In addition, together with delivery of the Appeal Notice to the Appellee, the Appellant must also pay for (and provide proof of such payment to the Appellee together with delivery of the Appeal Notice) a bond in the amount of 110% of the sum the Appellant owes to the Appellee as a result of the Arbitration Award the Appellant is appealing. In the event an Appellant delivers an Appeal Notice to the Appellee (together with proof of payment of the applicable bond) in compliance with the provisions of this Paragraph 5.1, the Appeal will occur as a matter of right and, except as specifically set forth herein, will not be further conditioned. In the event a party does not deliver an Appeal Notice (along with proof of payment of the applicable bond) to the other party within the deadline prescribed in this Paragraph 5.1, such party shall lose its right to appeal the Arbitration Award. If no party delivers an Appeal Notice (along with proof of payment of the applicable bond) to the other party within the deadline described in this Paragraph 5.1, the Arbitration Award shall be final. The parties acknowledge and agree that any Appeal shall be deemed part of the parties’ agreement to arbitrate for purposes of these Arbitration Provisions and the Arbitration Act.

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