Example ContractsClausesHydro Québec
Hydro Québec
Hydro Québec contract clause examples

Hydro-Québec” means Hydro-Québec, a body politic and corporate, duly incorporated and regulated by the Hydro-Québec Act (R.S.Q., Chapter H-5). As of the Execution Date, Hydro-Québec has four divisions: HQP, TransÉnergie, Hydro-Québec Distribution and Hydro-Québec Équipment.

Execution by Hydro-Québec Equipment, a division of Hydro-Québec, of a contract that provides for the engineering, procurement, or construction of the converter station associated with the Québec Line by the Québec Converter Station Contract Deadline;

Affiliate” means, with respect to a specified Person, any other Person that directly or indirectly Controls, is Controlled by or is under common Control with the specified Person; provided, however, that, with respect to HQUS, a Person shall not be an “Affiliate” of HQUS unless such Person is Hydro-Québec (including, for the avoidance of doubt, a division of Hydro-Québec) or Controlled by Hydro-Québec.

The Québec Line will be constructed by TransÉnergie, a division of Hydro-Québec and an Affiliate of HQUS.

System upgrades to the existing Québec transmission system as determined by the Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie System Impact Study (OASIS #203T), as it may be updated.

“TransÉnergie OATT” means the Hydro-Québec Open Access Transmission Tariff, as amended or accepted by the Régie de l’énergie from time to time.

For purposes of any assets, liabilities or entities located in the Province of Québec and for all other purposes pursuant to which the interpretation or construction of this Agreement may be subject to the Laws of the Province of Québec or a court or tribunal exercising jurisdiction in the Province of Québec, # "personal property" shall include "movable property", # "real property" or "real estate" shall include "immovable property", # "tangible property" shall include "corporeal property", # "intangible property" shall include "incorporeal property", # "security interest", "mortgage" and "lien" shall include a "hypothec", "right of retention", "prior claim" and a resolutory clause, # all references to filing, perfection, priority, remedies, registering or recording under the Uniform Commercial Code or a Personal Property Security Act shall include publication under the Civil Code of Québec, # all references to "perfection" of or "perfected" liens or security interest shall include a reference to an "opposable" or "set up" lien or security interest as against third parties, # any "right of offset", "right of setoff" or similar expression shall include a "right of compensation", # "goods" shall include "corporeal movable property" other than chattel paper, documents of title, instruments, money and securities, # an "agent" shall include a "mandatory", # "construction liens" shall include "legal hypothecs"; # "joint and several" shall include "solidary"; # "gross negligence or willful misconduct" shall be deemed to be "intentional or gross fault"; # "beneficial ownership" shall include "ownership on behalf of another as mandatory"; # "easement" shall include "servitude"; # "priority" shall include "prior claim"; # "survey" shall include "certificate of location and plan"; # "state" shall include "province"; # "fee simple title" shall include "absolute ownership"; and # "accounts" shall include "claims". The parties hereto confirm that it is their wish that this Agreement and any other document executed in connection with the transactions contemplated herein be drawn up in the English language only and that all other documents contemplated thereunder or relating thereto, including notices, may also be drawn up in the English language only. Les parties aux présentes confirment que c'est leur volonté que cette convention et les autres documents de crédit soient rédigés en langue anglaise seulement et que tous les documents, y compris tous avis, envisagés par cette convention et les autres documents peuvent être rédigés en langue anglaise seulement.

Québec Interpretation. For all purposes of any assets, liabilities or entities located in the Province of Québec and for all purposes pursuant to which the interpretation or construction of this Agreement may be subject to the laws of the Province of Québec or a court or tribunal exercising jurisdiction in the Province of Québec, # “personal property” shall include “movable property”, # “real property” shall include “immovable property”, # “tangible property” shall include “corporeal property”, # “intangible property” shall include “incorporeal property”, # “security interest”, “mortgage” and “lien” shall include a “hypothec”, “prior claim” and a “resolutory clause”, # all references to filing, registering or recording under the UCC or PPSA shall include publication under the Civil Code of Québec, # all references to “perfection” of or “perfected” liens or security interest shall include a reference to an “opposable” or “set up” lien or security interest as against third parties, # any “right of offset”, “right of setoff” or similar expression shall include a “right of compensation”, # “goods” shall include “corporeal movable property” other than chattel paper, documents of title, instruments, money and securities, # an “agent” shall include a “mandatary”, # “construction liens” shall include “legal hypothecs”, # “joint and several” shall include “solidary”, # “gross negligence or willful misconduct” shall be deemed to be “intentional or gross fault”, # “beneficial ownership” shall include “ownership on behalf of another as mandatary”, # “easement” shall include “servitude”, # “priority” shall include “prior claim”, # “survey” shall include “certificate of location and plan”, and # “fee simple title” shall include “absolute ownership”.

Hydro Generation” has the meaning provided in the recitals to this Agreement.

The Company’s Net Generation Capacity means its total generation capacity minus pumped hydro/battery storage.

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