Example ContractsClausesGuarantors
Guarantors contract clause examples
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Global Guarantors. The obligations of each Global Guarantor under this Article X shall be automatically reinstated if and to the extent that for any reason any payment by or on behalf of any Person in respect of the Obligations is rescinded or must be otherwise restored by any holder of any of the Obligations, whether as a result of any proceedings in bankruptcy or reorganization or otherwise, and each Global Guarantor agrees that it will indemnify each Secured Party on demand for all reasonable costs and expenses (including the reasonable fees, charges and disbursements of counsel) incurred by such Person in connection with such rescission or restoration, including any such costs and expenses incurred in defending against any claim alleging that such payment constituted a preference, fraudulent transfer or similar payment under any bankruptcy, insolvency or similar Law.

Global Guarantors. Each of the Global Guarantors agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by Law, as between the Global Guarantors, on the one hand, and holders of the Obligations, on the other hand, the Obligations may be declared to be forthwith due and payable as provided in Section 8.02 (and shall be deemed to have become automatically due and payable in the circumstances provided in said Section 8.02) for purposes of Section 10.01 notwithstanding any stay, injunction or other prohibition preventing such declaration (or preventing the Obligations from becoming automatically due and payable) as against any other Person and that, in the event of such declaration (or the Obligations being deemed to have become automatically due and payable), the Obligations (whether or not due and payable by any other Person) shall forthwith become due and payable by the Global Guarantors for purposes of Section 10.01. The Global Guarantors acknowledge and agree that their obligations hereunder are secured in accordance with the terms of the Collateral Documents and that the holders of the Obligations may exercise their remedies thereunder in accordance with the terms thereof.

Global Guarantors. The Domestic Borrower and the Global Guarantors hereby agree as among themselves that, in connection with payments made under this Article X, each Global Guarantor shall have a right of contribution from each other Global Guarantor and the Domestic Borrower (with respect to its guaranty under [Section 10.01(c)]) in accordance with applicable Law. Such contribution rights shall be subordinate and subject in right of payment to the Obligations until such time as the Obligations have been irrevocably paid in full and the commitments relating thereto shall have expired or been terminated, and none of the Global Guarantors shall exercise any such contribution rights until the Obligations have been irrevocably paid in full and the commitments relating thereto shall have expired or been terminated.

Global Guarantors. The guarantee given by the Global Guarantors in this Article X is a guaranty of payment and not of collection, is a continuing guarantee, shall apply to all Obligations whenever arising and shall remain in full force and effect until the Facility Termination Date.

Subsidiary Guarantors. In the event that the Borrower or any the Subsidiary Guarantors shall form or acquire any new Subsidiary (other than a Financing Subsidiary, a Foreign Subsidiary, an Immaterial Subsidiary or a Subsidiary of a Foreign Subsidiary) the Borrower will cause such new Subsidiary to become a “Subsidiary Guarantor” (and, thereby, an “Obligor”) under the Guarantee and Security Agreement pursuant to a Guarantee Assumption Agreement and to deliver such proof of corporate or other action, incumbency of officers, opinions of counsel and other documents as is consistent with those delivered by the Borrower pursuant to [Section 4.01] upon the Effective Date or as the Administrative Agent shall have reasonably requested.

In the event that any Person (other than a Managed Company) becomes a Subsidiary of any Note Party, such Note Party shall, concurrently with such Person becoming a Subsidiary, # cause such Subsidiary to become a Guarantor hereunder and a Grantor under the Pledge and Security Agreement by executing and delivering to Purchasers and Collateral Agent a Counterpart Agreement, and # take all such actions and execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, all such documents, instruments, agreements, and certificates as are reasonably requested by Collateral Agent in connection therewith, including such documents, instruments, agreements, and certificates as are similar to those described in [Sections 3.1(b), 3.1(i), 3.1(j), 3.1(m) and 3.1(n)])])])])]. In addition, such Note Party shall deliver, or cause such Subsidiary (other than a Managed Company) to deliver, as applicable, all such documents, instruments, agreements, and certificates as are reasonably requested by Collateral Agent in order to grant and to perfect a First Priority Lien in favor of Collateral Agent, for the benefit of Secured Parties, in 100% of the Capital Stock of such Subsidiary under the Pledge and Security Agreement (including, as applicable, original certificates evidencing such Capital Stock and related powers or instruments of transfer executed in blank, as applicable). With respect to each such Subsidiary, Company shall send to Collateral Agent prior written notice setting forth with respect to such Person # the date on which such Person is intended to become a Subsidiary of Company, and # all of the data required to be set forth in [Schedules 4.1] and 4.2 with respect to all Subsidiaries of Company; provided, such written notice shall be deemed to supplement [Schedule 4.1] and 4.2 for all purposes hereof automatically upon such Person becoming a Subsidiary.

Payment by Guarantors. Subject to Section 7.2, Guarantors hereby jointly and severally agree, in furtherance of the foregoing and not in limitation of any other right that any Beneficiary may have at law or in equity against any Guarantor by virtue hereof, that upon the failure of Company to pay any of the Guaranteed Obligations when and as the same shall become due, whether at stated maturity, by required prepayment, declaration, acceleration, demand or otherwise (including amounts that would become due but for the operation of the automatic stay under Section 362(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. § 362(a)), Guarantors will upon demand pay, or cause to be paid, in Cash, to Beneficiaries, an amount equal to the sum of the unpaid principal amount of all Guaranteed Obligations then due as aforesaid, accrued and unpaid interest on such Guaranteed Obligations (including interest that, but for Company’s becoming the subject of a case under the Bankruptcy Code, would have accrued on such Guaranteed Obligations, whether or not a claim is allowed against Company for such interest in the related bankruptcy case) and all other Guaranteed Obligations then owed to Beneficiaries as aforesaid.

Waivers by Guarantors. Each Guarantor hereby waives, for the benefit of Beneficiaries: # any right to require any Beneficiary, as a condition of payment or performance by such Guarantor, to # proceed against Company, any other guarantor (including any other Guarantor) of the Guaranteed Obligations or any other Person, # proceed against or exhaust any security held from Company, any such other guarantor or any other Person, # proceed against or have resort to any balance of any Deposit Account or credit on the books of any Beneficiary in favor of Company or any other Person, or # pursue any other remedy in the power of any Beneficiary whatsoever; # any defense arising by reason of the incapacity, lack of authority or any disability or other defense of Company or any other Guarantor including any defense based on or arising out of the lack of validity or the unenforceability of the Guaranteed Obligations or any agreement or instrument relating thereto or by reason of the cessation of the liability of Company or any other Guarantor from any cause other than Payment in Full of all Obligations; # any defense based upon any statute or rule of law that provides that the obligation of a surety must be neither larger in amount nor in other respects more burdensome than that of the principal; # any defense based upon any Beneficiary’s errors or omissions in the administration of the Guaranteed Obligations, except behavior that amounts to bad faith; (e) (i) any principles or provisions of law, statutory or otherwise, that are or could reasonably be expected to be in conflict with the terms hereof and any legal or equitable discharge of such Guarantor’s obligations hereunder, # the benefit of any statute of limitations affecting such Guarantor’s liability hereunder or the enforcement hereof, # any rights to set-offs, recoupments and counterclaims, and # promptness, diligence and any requirement that any Beneficiary protect, secure, perfect or insure any security interest or lien or any property subject thereto; # notices, demands, presentments, protests, notices of protest, notices of dishonor and notices of any action or inaction, including acceptance hereof, notices of default hereunder, notices of any renewal, extension or modification of the Guaranteed Obligations or any agreement related thereto, notices of any extension of credit to Company and notices of any of the matters referred to in Section 7.4 and any right to consent to any thereof; and # any defenses or benefits that may be derived from or afforded by law that limit the liability of or exonerate guarantors or sureties, or that may conflict with the terms hereof.

Additional Subsidiary Guarantors. Notify the Administrative Agent if any Person becomes a Material Subsidiary within 45 days after such occurrence (or such longer period as the Administrative Agent may agree), and thereafter promptly (and in any event, within 30 days after such notification (or such longer period as the Administrative Agent may agree)) or, in the event of any Subsidiary which becomes a Designated Borrower, on or prior to the time such Subsidiary becomes a Designated Borrower, cause such Person to # so long as such Person is not an Excluded Subsidiary or ESOL Holdco (unless, with respect to ESOL Holdco, the ESOL Disposition is not consummated on or before the ESOL Disposition Outside Date or the ESOL Disposition Agreement is terminated prior to the ESOL Disposition Outside Date), # provide an unconditional guaranty of the Obligations of each Borrower by executing and delivering to the Administrative Agent a counterpart of or supplement to the Domestic Subsidiary Guaranty or such other guaranty or document as the Administrative Agent shall deem appropriate for such purpose and # if such Person is required to become or will become a Domestic Loan Party, duly execute and deliver to the Administrative Agent joinders and supplements to the Security Documents or additional agreements granting a security interest in the Collateral of such Domestic Loan Party, in each case in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Administrative Agent (including delivery of all certificates representing owned Equity Interests and other instruments), and # deliver to the Administrative Agent # such certificates of resolutions or other action, incumbency certificates and/or other certificates of Responsible Officers of such Subsidiary as the Administrative Agent may require evidencing the identity, authority and capacity of each Responsible Officer thereof authorized to act as a Responsible Officer in connection with any Loan Document to which it is or may be a party; # such documents and certifications as the Administrative Agent may reasonably require to evidence that such Subsidiary is duly organized or formed and is validly existing, in good standing (if applicable in such Subsidiary’s jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) and qualified to engage in business in each jurisdiction where its ownership, lease or operation of properties or the conduct of its business requires such qualifications, except to the extent that failure to do so could not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, # a supplement to [Schedule 5.19] setting forth the Subsidiaries of the Company necessary to make the representation and warranty set forth in Section 5.19 true and correct and # favorable opinion letters of counsel to such Person (which shall cover, among other things, the legality, validity, binding effect and enforceability of the documentation referred to in clause (a)), all in form, content and scope reasonably satisfactory to the Administrative Agent. In addition to the foregoing, the Company may from time to time cause any Subsidiary that is not a Material Subsidiary or a Designated Borrower to become a Subsidiary Guarantor by providing the documentation required under [clauses (a) and (b) of this Section 6.13]. If one or more Material Subsidiaries are created in connection with, or result from the consummation of, an Acquisition by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, then, notwithstanding the notice and timing provisions set forth herein above, the Company shall cause such Subsidiaries to provide the guaranty contemplated by this Section and execute and deliver the related documents required by this Section concurrently with the consummation of such Acquisition. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, in no event shall any Excluded Subsidiary that is excluded by virtue of clauses (a), (b) or (e) of the definition thereof be required to provide a guaranty of any Obligations of the Company or any Designated Borrower that is a Domestic Subsidiary.

[[Borrower:Organization]] 3 Great Pasture Road Danbury, CT 06810 Attention: Jason Few Email: [[Email]]

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