Example ContractsClausesEV Charging Stations
EV Charging Stations
EV Charging Stations contract clause examples

EV Charging Stations. Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold its consent to Tenant’s written request to install 1 or more electric vehicle car charging stations (“EV Stations”) in the parking area serving the Project; provided, however, that Tenant complies with all reasonable requirements, standards, rules and regulations which may be imposed by Landlord, at the time Landlord’s consent is granted, in connection with Tenant’s installation, maintenance, repair and operation of such EV Stations, which may include, without limitation, the charge to Tenant of a reasonable monthly rental amount for the parking spaces used by Tenant for such EV Stations, Landlord’s designation of the location of Tenant’s EV Stations, and Tenant’s payment of all costs whether incurred by Landlord or Tenant in connection with the installation, maintenance, repair and operation of each Tenant’s EV Station(s). Nothing contained in this paragraph is intended to increase the number of parking spaces which Tenant is otherwise entitled to use at the Project under Section 10 of this Lease nor impose any additional obligations on Landlord with respect to Tenant’s parking rights at the Project.

. Tenant shall not, at any time, park or permit to be parked any inoperable passenger vehicles or recreational vehicles in the Outside Areas or on any portion of the Property. Tenant agrees to assume responsibility for compliance by its employees and invitees with the parking provisions contained herein. If Tenant or its employees park any such vehicles within the Property in violation of these provisions, then Landlord may, upon prior written notice to Tenant giving Tenant three (3) days (or any applicable statutory notice period, if longer than three (3) days) to remove such vehicle(s), in addition to any other remedies Landlord may have under this Lease, charge Tenant, as Additional Rent, and Tenant agrees to pay, as Additional Rent, One Hundred Dollars ($100) per day for each day or partial day that each such vehicle is so parked within the Property. Tenant agrees to assume responsibility for compliance by the Tenant Parties with the parking provisions contained herein. Tenant shall have the right to install electric vehicle charging stations (“ECV Stations”) on the Property at Tenant’s sole cost (including without limitation costs of trenching, running conduit, tying in to Building power, repairing and replacing curbs and pavement, etc.), the total number of such ECV Stations being subject to Landlord’s reasonable approval. At or after such time, if any, that Tenant’s Expense Share is less than 100%, Landlord may grant easements and access rights to others for use of the parking areas on the Property, provided that the Required Conditions (as defined in Paragraph 18.2 below) are satisfied. During any Tenant’s Exclusivity Period, Tenant shall have the sole and exclusive access, use and occupancy of all parking areas of the Property and the right at its sole cost and risk, to control all access to the parking areas and tow any unauthorized vehicles, pursuant to parking rules and regulations in place by Tenant. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the ECV Stations shall be for Tenant’s sole and exclusive use, and at all times during the Term, the ECV Stations shall remain the property of Tenant and Tenant shall have the right to control access to the ECV Stations and tow any unauthorized vehicles parked at the ECV Stations.

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Market” means, with respect to the Stations, the “Designated Market Area,” as determined by The Nielsen Company, of the Stations.

Production and Delivery. Utilizing Nexstar’s Stations’ management personnel and facilities, Nexstar may provide live-feed, fully-staffed and produced newscasts for broadcast on Mission’s Stations at such times, if any, as agreed upon by Mission and Nexstar; provided that such newscasts will not comprise more than 15% (by duration) of the programming broadcast on any of Mission’s Stations during any broadcast week. Nexstar will be responsible for delivering such newscasts to Mission’s Stations’ transmission facilities. Mission shall make available to Nexstar # such space in the Mission’s Stations’ studios and facilities as may be reasonably necessary to produce such newscasts, # such non-management-level news personnel as may be necessary to produce such newscasts, and # such technical facilities of Mission’s Stations as may be necessary to produce such newscasts and to deliver such newscasts to Mission’s Stations’ transmission facilities. Nexstar will use reasonable efforts to provide such newscasts that are of a quality appropriate to Mission’s Stations’ market. Such newscasts will be produced exclusively for Mission for broadcast on Mission’s Stations, but may include non-exclusive videotape, graphics, news stories, field reports and other material. Mission personnel will determine the title and format of such newscasts, and such newscasts will have an “on-air appearance” as if they had been originated by Mission through Mission’s Stations.

Emmis shall conduct the business of the Purchased Stations in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practices of the Purchased Stations;

PARKING: Rights to park at the parking garage located at 6100 Horton Street (the “Garage”) or at such other location(s) in the vicinity of the Project designated by Landlord or Landlord’s parking operator from time to time, on an unreserved basis, up to one hundred fifty-one (151) cars, calculated using a ratio of two (2) unreserved parking rights for each 1,000 square feet of Rentable Area of the Premises. The current parking charge is $145. In addition, Tenant shall have the right to use, on an unreserved basis in common with other tenants and Building users, the secured bicycle parking area and charging stations for electric cars inside the Garage.

Check charging system voltage.

Programming. Each Party will maintain for the Stations operated by it separate managerial and other personnel to carry out the selection and procurement of programming for such Stations, and in no event will the Parties or the Stations share services, personnel, or information pertaining to such matters, except as set forth in Section 4(f) below.

all Permits of the Emmis Group (other than FCC Licenses) used primarily in the operation of the Purchased Stations and to conduct the business of the Purchased Stations, to the extent transferable;

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