Example ContractsClausesestoppelsVariants
Estoppels contract clause examples

Confidentiality. Tenant shall keep the terms and conditions of this Lease confidential and shall not # disclose to any third party any terms or conditions of this Lease or any other Lease-related document (including subleases, assignments, work letters, construction contracts, letters of credit, subordination agreements, non-disturbance agreements, brokerage agreements or estoppels) or the contents of any documents, reports, surveys or evaluations related to the Premises or any portion thereof or # provide to any third party an original or copy of this Lease (or any Lease-related document or other document referenced in [Subsection 37(a)]). Landlord shall not release to any third party any non-public financial information or non-public information about Tenant’s ownership structure that Tenant gives Landlord. Notwithstanding the foregoing, confidential information under this Section may be released by Landlord or Tenant under the following circumstances: # if required by Applicable Laws or in any judicial proceeding; provided that the releasing party has given the other party reasonable notice of such requirement, if feasible, # to a party’s attorneys, accountants, brokers, lenders, potential lenders, investors, potential investors and other bona fide consultants or advisers (with respect to this Lease only); provided such third parties agree to be bound by this Section or # to bona fide prospective assignees or subtenants of this Lease; provided they agree in writing to be bound by this Section.

Confidentiality. Tenant agrees that, without the prior written approval of Landlord, Tenant shall not issue any press release, advertisement, internet posting or other similar announcement, statement or disclosure of this Lease, the transactions contemplated hereby, or the parties hereto (or their respective affiliates and advisors), whether before or after the Term Commencement Date. Tenant shall keep the terms and conditions of this Lease and any information provided to Tenant or its employees, agents or contractors pursuant to Article 9 confidential and shall not # disclose to any third party any terms or conditions of this Lease or any other Lease-related document (including subleases, assignments, work letters, construction contracts, letters of credit, subordination agreements, non-disturbance agreements, brokerage agreements or estoppels) or the contents of any documents, reports, surveys or evaluations related to the Project or any portion thereof or # provide to any third party an original or copy of this Lease (or any Lease-related document or other document referenced in [Subsection 38(a)]). Landlord shall not release to any third party any non-public financial information or non-public information about Tenant’s ownership structure that Tenant gives Landlord. Notwithstanding the foregoing, confidential information under this Section may be released by Landlord or Tenant under the following circumstances: # if required by Applicable Laws including, without limitation, securities laws and filing requirements or in any judicial proceeding; provided that the releasing party has given the other party reasonable notice of such requirement, if feasible, # to a party’s attorneys, accountants, brokers, lenders, potential lenders, investors, potential investors and other bona fide consultants or advisers (with respect to this Lease only); provided such third parties agree to be bound by this Section, # to a party’s lenders for purposes of financial reporting or # to bona fide prospective assignees or subtenants of this Lease; provided they agree in writing to be bound by this Section.

Confidentiality. Except as otherwise permitted by the terms of this Lease or in response to an order of a court or other governmental or regulatory authority or otherwise as required by applicable law, rule, deposition, interrogatory, subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process, Tenant and Landlord shall at all times keep the terms and conditions of this Lease confidential and shall not disclose the terms thereof to any third party, except for its accountants, attorneys, lenders, brokers, potential subtenants and assignees, and other professionals and parties who have a legitimate business reason to know the terms of this Lease. Without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, Tenant shall specifically not release any information about lease rates, concessions, options or rights to any current or prospective tenant or occupant of the Building. Tenant hereby acknowledges that Landlord may suffer damages in the event of the breach of this paragraph. The above notwithstanding, # Landlord shall be entitled to discuss and disclose the transaction # to insurance adjusters in connection with claims, # to any Mortgagee, the Board of Managers, any Ground Lessor, or any actual or prospective purchaser, lender, or investor, and # to governmental or quasi-governmental bodies in connection the Turn-Key Work or any subsequent Work within the demised premises (e.g., the New York City Department of Buildings), and # Landlord and Tenant shall be entitled to discuss and disclose the transaction # to the extent Landlord or Tenant (or any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with Landlord or Tenant) is required to do so by securities laws or compliance with other laws or the compliance provisions of any legal authority, or any securities, bond or commodities exchange, or # if required to do so to enforce the terms of this Lease (including, without limitation, in any arbitration or litigation between Landlord and Tenant).

Confidentiality. Tenant acknowledges that the content of this Lease and any related documents are confidential information. Tenant shall keep such confidential information strictly confidential and shall not disclose (except as may be required by applicable law, judicial proceeding or court order) such confidential information to any person or entity other than Tenant's financial, legal, and space planning consultants, auditors, lenders or prospective lenders, assignees, or purchasers or prospective purchasers, partners or prospective partners, members and investors or prospective members or investors, and any proposed Transferee. Landlord agrees that if it obtains any confidential information regarding Tenant (not including the terms of this Lease) (“Confidential Information”) Landlord will keep such confidential information strictly confidential and shall not disclose such confidential information to any person or entity other than Landlord’s financial, legal, and space planning consultants, auditors, lenders or prospective lenders, assignees, or purchasers or prospective purchasers, partners or prospective partners, members and investors or prospective members or investors, on a need to know basis. Landlord’s obligation of confidentiality shall not apply to information that # is or becomes generally available to, or known by, the public other than as a result of a disclosure by the Landlord in violation of the provisions above, # is or becomes available to Landlord from a source (other than Tenant) not actually known by Landlord to be bound by a confidentiality agreement (whether oral or written) in favor of Tenant with respect to such information, # was known to the Landlord prior to the date of this Lease (other than in connection with the negotiation of the Lease), # is independently developed by Landlord without use of the Confidential Information, or # is required to be disclosed by law, rule, regulation, subpoena or court order.

Confidentiality. Tenant acknowledges that the content of this Lease and any related documents are confidential information. Tenant shall keep such confidential information strictly confidential and shall not disclose such confidential information to any person or entity other than Tenant's financial, legal, and space planning consultants, its prospective assignees or sublessees, or as required by law. Notwithstanding this [Section 24.29], Landlord hereby acknowledges that as of the date of this Lease, Tenant is a publicly-traded company and nothing in this Lease shall prohibit Tenant from disclosing the existence of this Lease, any key terms or other information as may be necessary to comply with any rules, regulations, requests of the US Securities and Exchange Commission or other applicable laws.

Confidentiality. Tenant and Landlord each agrees to keep the material terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rental rates) of this Lease confidential, except that such information may be disclosed to Tenant’s and Landlord’s respective and potential investors, advisors, consultants, attorneys, agents and lenders, whom Tenant and Landlord, as applicable, shall cause to keep such information confidential, and except as required by Laws (including, without limitation, where required pursuant to Laws applicable to public companies or on the advice of counsel to comply with the holder’s regulatory compliance programs enacted pursuant to applicable Laws). In addition, # Landlord agrees, on behalf of itself and its agents and employees, to keep confidential any information regarding Tenant’s use, business or operations obtained in the course of Landlord’s negotiation of this Lease or in Landlord’s performance of its rights and obligations pursuant to this Lease and # Tenant agrees, on behalf of itself and its agents and employees, to keep confidential any information regarding Landlord or the Property obtained in the course of Tenant’s negotiation of this Lease or in Tenant’s performance of its rights and obligations pursuant to this Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may disclose the terms and conditions of this Lease or information otherwise required to be kept confidential hereunder in connection with any legal proceeding brought under this Agreement. In no event shall information that is available to the general public or from sources other than the parties (provided that the supplying party is not violating any confidentiality obligation hereunder) be subject to the provisions of this [Article 42].

Confidentiality. Tenant acknowledges that the terms and conditions of this Lease are to remain confidential for Landlord's benefit, and may not be disclosed by Tenant to anyone, by any manner or means, directly or indirectly, without Landlord's prior written consent; however, Tenant may disclose the terms and conditions of this Lease if required by Law or court order, to its attorneys, accountants, employees and existing or prospective financial partners provided same are advised by Tenant of the confidential nature of such terms and conditions and agree to maintain the confidentiality thereof (in each case, prior to disclosure). Tenant shall be liable for any disclosures made in violation of this Section by Tenant or by any entity or individual to whom the terms of and conditions of this Lease were disclosed or made available by Tenant. The consent by Landlord to any disclosures shall not be deemed to be a waiver on the part of Landlord of any prohibition against any future disclosure.

Tenant acknowledges that the terms under which the Landlord has leased the Premises to Tenant (including, without limitation, the rental rate(s), term and other financial and business terms), constitute confidential information of Landlord (“Confidential Information”). Tenant covenants and agrees to keep the Confidential Information confidential and not to disclose the same to third parties; provided, however, that such Confidential Information may be disclosed by Tenant to those of its officers, employees, investors, attorneys, accountants, lenders and financial advisors (collectively, “Representatives”) who need to know such information in connection with Tenant’s use and occupancy of the Premises and for financial reporting and credit related activities or to prospective subtenants or assignees. In addition, Tenant may disclose this Lease, including any amendments hereto, to the extent necessary in order to comply with any legal requirements or SEC filing requirement. Neither Landlord nor Tenant shall make or permit to be made any press release regarding this Lease without the prior approval of the other party, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Tenant furthermore agrees to inform its Representatives of the confidential nature of such Confidential Information and to use all reasonable efforts to cause each Representative to treat such Confidential Information confidentially and in accordance with the terms of this paragraph.

Confidentiality. Tenant acknowledges that the content of this Lease and any related documents are confidential information. Except as otherwise required by law, Tenant shall keep such confidential information strictly confidential and shall not disclose such confidential information to any person or entity other than Tenant's financial, legal, and space planning consultants, prospective purchasers, prospective lenders, investors, or any independent auditors, third party's designated to review Direct Expenses, its directors, officers, employees, attorneys, or proposed Transferees. Landlord acknowledges that the content of this Lease and any related documents (including financial statements provided by Tenant pursuant to Article 17 above) are confidential information. Landlord shall keep such confidential information strictly confidential and shall not disclose such confidential information to any person or entity other than Landlord's financial, legal and space planning consultants, or its directors, officers, employees, attorneys, accountants, prospective lenders, prospective purchasers, and current and potential partners. Moreover, Landlord has advised Tenant that Landlord is obligated by law to regularly provide financial information concerning the Landlord and/or its affiliates (including [[Organization A:Organization]] Corporation, a public company whose shares of stock are listed on the New York Stock Exchange) to the shareholders of its affiliates, to the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory agencies, and to auditors and underwriters, which information may include the fact that Tenant is a tenant at the Project and summaries of financial information concerning leases, rents, costs and results of operations of its real estate business, including any rents or results of operations affected by this Lease. To the extent Tenant is a publicly traded corporation or as otherwise required by law, Tenant may be obligated to regularly provide financial information concerning Tenant and/or its affiliates to the shareholders of its affiliates, to the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory agencies, and to auditors and underwriters, which information may include summaries of financial information concerning leases, rents, costs, and results of operations of its business, including any financial obligations set forth in this Lease and copies of material contracts, such as this Lease. This provision shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease for one (1) year.

Confidentiality. Tenant acknowledges that the content of this Lease and any related documents are confidential information. Tenant shall keep such confidential information strictly confidential and shall not disclose such confidential information to any person or entity other than Tenant’s affiliates, investors, lenders, potential investors, potential lenders, or financial, legal, and space planning consultants. In addition, Tenant may disclose such information without violating this section to the extent that disclosure is reasonably necessary # for Tenant to enforce its rights or defend itself under this Lease; # for required submissions to any state or federal regulatory body; or # for compliance with a valid order of a court or other governmental body having jurisdiction, or any law, statute, or regulation.

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