Example ContractsClausesEnrollment
Enrollment contract clause examples
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At the beginning of the Plan year, each Participant must be enrolled in the Plan subject to the approvals and eligibility criteria set forth in [Sections 4 and 6]6]. The enrollment process is as follows:

ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS. As a condition to participation. each selected employee shall complete, execute and return to the Committee (in the manner specified by the Committee) a Plan Agreement, an Election Form and a Beneficiary Designation Form. In addition, the Committee shall establish from time to time such other enrollment requirements as it determines in its sole and absolute discretion are necessary.

At the beginning of the Plan year, each Participant must be enrolled in the Plan subject to the approvals and eligibility criteria set forth in Sections 4 and 6. The enrollment process is as follows:

Enrollment Requirements. As a condition to participation, each selected Employee shall complete, execute and return to the Plan Administrator # an Election Form, and # an Endorsement and Beneficiary Designation Form(s). In addition, the Plan Administrator shall establish from time to time such other enrollment requirements as it determines in its sole discretion are necessary.

Any individual who is an Eligible Employee immediately prior to the first Offering Period that commences as of the Effective Date shall automatically be enrolled in that Offering Period. On or after the Effective Date, an Eligible Employee shall be required, as a condition to continued participation in the first Offering Period, to complete an Enrollment Agreement provided by the Company or a third party designated by the Company, in accordance with such procedures and by the Cut-Off Date required for such continued participation; provided, however, that the Enrollment Agreement may not be delivered to the Company or a third party designated by the Company earlier than the effective date of the registration statement on Form S-8 with respect to the issuance of Common Stock under the Plan.

Continuance of Enrollment. Once enrolled, a Participant’s enrollment carries forward to each subsequent Offering Period, unless and until such Participant’s employment with the Company ends, the Participant changes payroll withholding as described in Section 11(d) below, or the Participant withdraws from participation as described in Section 12 below.

Automatic Re-Enrollment. Following the end of each Offering Period, each Participant shall automatically be re-enrolled in the next Offering Period at the applicable rate of payroll deductions or periodic cash contributions in effect on the last Trading Day of the prior Offering Period or otherwise as provided under Section 6, unless # the Participant has experienced a Termination of Employment, or

When hiring or promoting employees during the Plan year who may be eligible for participation in the Plan, the following procedures must be followed:

Except as otherwise set forth in an Offering Document or determined by the Administrator, an Eligible Employee may become a Participant in the Plan for an Offering Period by delivering a subscription agreement to the Company by such time prior to the Enrollment Date for such Offering Period (or such other date specified in the Offering Document) designated by the Administrator and in such form (which may be electronic) as the Company provides.

. A Participant’s completion of a subscription agreement will enroll such Participant in the Plan for each subsequent Offering Period on the terms contained therein until the Participant either submits a new subscription agreement, withdraws from participation under the Plan as provided in Article VII or otherwise becomes ineligible to participate in the Plan.

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