Example ContractsClausesEnforcement Expenses
Enforcement Expenses
Enforcement Expenses contract clause examples
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Enforcement. Executive understands and agrees that any breach or threatened breach by Executive of any of the provisions of [Sections 10 through 15] of this Agreement shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement, and in the event of such a breach or threatened breach of this Agreement, [[Nucor Corporation:Organization]] shall be entitled to pursue any and all of its remedies under law or in equity arising out of such breach. If [[Nucor Corporation:Organization]] pursues either a temporary restraining order or temporary injunctive relief, then Executive agrees to expedited discovery with respect thereto and waives any requirement that [[Nucor Corporation:Organization]] post a bond. Executive further agrees that in the event of Executive’s breach of any of the provisions of [Sections 10 through 15] of this Agreement, unless otherwise prohibited by law:

Enforcement. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, without regard to its choice of law principles. If either party breaches this Agreement or any dispute arises out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys’ fees, paralegals’ fees and costs, at all levels. THE PARTIES SPECIFICALLY WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN CONNECTION WITH ANY SUCH ACTION. However, nothing in this paragraph is intended to, nor shall be construed to abrogate any contrary rights under the ADEA.

Enforcement. This Release shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, without regard to its choice of law principles. If either party breaches this Release or any dispute arises out of or relating to this Release, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys’ fees, paralegals’ fees and costs, at all levels. THE PARTIES SPECIFICALLY WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN CONNECTION WITH ANY SUCH ACTION. However, nothing in this paragraph is intended to, nor shall be construed to abrogate any contrary rights under the ADEA.

Enforcement. You also agree that breach of the provisions in this [Section 4] would cause the Company to suffer irreparable harm for which money damages would not be an adequate remedy and, therefore, if you breach any provision in this [Section 4], the Company shall be entitled to seek an injunction restraining you from violating such provision without the posting of any bond. If the Company institutes any action or proceeding to enforce the terms of any such provision, you hereby waive the claim or defense that the Company has an adequate remedy at law, and agree not to assert such claim or defense in such action or proceeding. The foregoing shall not prejudice the Company’s right to seek to require you to account for and pay over to the Company the compensation, profits, monies, accruals and other benefits derived or received by you as a result of any transaction constituting a breach of any of the provisions set forth in this [Section 4] if such breach occurs during the twenty-four (24) month period following your Termination Date. Without limiting the foregoing, you further agree that, in the event your employment is terminated for any reason and you fail to comply with [Section 4] of this Agreement, the Company shall have the immediate right to cease making any severance payments under [Section 3.3] of this Agreement and shall have the right to require you to repay any severance payments that had been paid to you prior to the date of such breach.

Enforcement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under present or future laws, such provision shall be fully severable; this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision had never comprised a portion of this Agreement; and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision or by its severance from this Agreement. Furthermore, in lieu of such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision there shall be added automatically as part of this Agreement a provision as similar in terms to such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal, valid, and enforceable.

Enforcement. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, without regard to its choice of law principles. If either party breaches this Agreement or any dispute arises out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys’ fees, paralegals’ fees and costs, at all levels. THE PARTIES SPECIFICALLY WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN CONNECTION WITH ANY SUCH ACTION. However, nothing in this paragraph is intended to, nor shall be construed to abrogate any contrary rights under the ADEA.

Enforcement. This Release shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, without regard to its choice of law principles. If either party breaches this Release or any dispute arises out of or relating to this Release, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys’ fees, paralegals’ fees and costs, at all levels. THE PARTIES SPECIFICALLY WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN CONNECTION WITH ANY SUCH ACTION. However, nothing in this paragraph is intended to, nor shall be construed to abrogate any contrary rights under the ADEA.

Enforcement. Any claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Executive’s employment with the Company or the termination thereof, other than an action for injunctive relief as provided below, shall be resolved by confidential, final and binding arbitration conducted by Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services (“JAMS”) to be held in Orange County, California, under the then-existing JAMS rules, rather than by litigation in court, trial by jury, administrative proceeding, or in any other forum. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The Company shall promptly pay all costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred by the Executive or his beneficiaries in resolving any claim hereunder in which the Executive or his beneficiaries shall prevail. In all other cases the parties shall bear their own costs and expenses, except that the Executive shall pay all costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the Company in resolving such claim if the arbitrator(s) determine such claim to have been brought by the Executive # in bad faith or # without any reasonable basis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that any breach of [Subsection (a) or (b)])] above is likely to cause irreparable injury to the Company and that damages for any breach of [Subsections (a), (b) or (g)])])] are difficult to calculate. Therefore, upon breach of [Subsections (a), (b) or (g)])])] hereof, the Company shall, at its election, be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief from a court or such other relief or remedies, including damages, to which it may be entitled, and shall not be required to submit the matter to arbitration.

Enforcement. The parties hereby agree that if the scope or enforceability of any of the covenants contained in these Terms and Conditions is in dispute, a court or other trier of fact may modify and enforce the covenant in the form necessary to provide the Company with the maximum protection afforded by applicable law.

Enforcement. This Plan is intended to constitute an enforceable contract between the Company and each Participant subject to the terms hereof.

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