Example ContractsClausesEmployment Location
Employment Location
Employment Location contract clause examples
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Duties and Location. You shall perform such duties as are required by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer (the “CEO”), to whom you will report. Your primary office location shall be the Company’s office located in Irvine, California. The Company reserves the right to reasonably require you to perform your duties at places other than your primary office location from time to time, and to require reasonable business travel.

Schedule and Location. The Employee will be employed on a full-time basis and shall devote his best efforts and his full business time and attention (except for permitted vacation periods and reasonable periods of illness or other incapacity) to the business and affairs of the Company. The Employee shall render his services in accordance with such policies as the Company may establish in writing from time to time for the conduct of its employees, provided that in the event of any conflict between any such policy and the terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall govern. Employee is currently employed by the Company and provides service on a remote basis. The Company agrees that Employee may continue to work remotely after execution of this Employment Agreement.

Duties and Location. Executive shall perform such duties as are commensurate with those of a President and Chief Medical Officer, which as of the Effective Date shall include those duties as are set forth in the position description previously provided to Executive by the Company. Executive will report to the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. Executive’s primary office location shall be at Executive’s current principal place of residence in Redwood City, California, although she will be required to travel on occasion to fulfill her duties as CMO, including routine travel to the Company’s headquarters. If and when the Company establishes a California office in the San Francisco Bay Area (within 30 miles of Redwood City), within 30 days thereafter, Executive will be required to report to and work from such office. The parties intend for the Company’s California office to be in Redwood City.

Duties and Location. You will perform those duties and responsibilities as are customary for the position of Chief Medical Officer and as may be directed by the Chief Executive Officer of Iterum Therapeutics plc (the “Parent”), to whom you will report. Your primary office location will be in the Company’s offices in Old Saybrook, Connecticut. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company reserves the right to reasonably require you to perform your duties at places other than your primary office location from time to time, and to require reasonable business travel. The Company may modify your job title and duties as it deems necessary and appropriate in light of the Company’s needs and interests from time to time.

Location of Offices. The principal place of business and chief executive office of the Borrower and the offices where the Borrower keeps all Records are located at the addresses referred to in [Schedule H] and have been so for the four months preceding the Closing Date (or at such other locations as to which the notice and other requirements specified in [Section 6.02(i)] shall have been satisfied).

Title; Position; Location. You will continue to serve as the Company’s Vice President, Finance and Chief Accounting Officer. You also will continue to report to the Company’s Chief Financial Officer and will perform the duties and responsibilities customary for such position and such other related duties as are lawfully assigned by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. You will perform your duties from the Company’s corporate offices located in Burlingame, California (with the exception of the period during which any current shelter-in-place order or similar work-from-home arrangement affecting your employment with the Company remains in effect), subject to customary travel as reasonably required by the Company and necessary to perform your job duties.

Location and Offices. Change its “location” (as such term is defined in the UCC) or move its principal place of business and chief executive office and the offices where it keeps its records concerning or related to the Receivables, to a location or address other than the locations and addresses set forth on [Schedule 6.3(f)] or, upon 30 days’ prior written notice to the Company and the Administrator, at such other locations or addresses in jurisdictions where all action required by [Section 7.3] shall have been taken and completed.

Location of Borrowers. Each Borrower’s chief executive office is located at the location set forth in [Schedule 4.15], as such schedule may be updated from time to time. Until written notice is given to Agent by Borrowing Agent of any other office at which each Borrower keeps its records pertaining to Receivables, all such records shall be kept at such Borrower’s respective executive office listed above.

Location of Collateral. All tangible items of Collateral, other than Inventory in transit and items of Collateral with an aggregate value not in excess of $2,500,000, shall at all times be kept by Borrowers at the business locations set forth in [Schedule 8.6.1], except that Borrowers may # make sales or other dispositions of Collateral in accordance with [Section 10.2.6]; and # move Collateral to another location in the United States, upon 30 days (or such lesser period as Agent may agree) prior written notice to Agent (which notice shall be deemed to supplement [Schedule 8.6.1]).

Duties and Location. Employee shall perform such duties as are required by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, to whom Employee will report. Employee shall devote substantially all of Employee’s business time and attention to the performance of Employee’s duties hereunder, except for approved vacation periods and reasonable periods of illness or other incapacities permitted by the Company’s general employment policies. Employee shall not engage in any other business, profession or occupation for compensation or otherwise that would conflict or interfere with the rendition of services to the Company, either directly or indirectly.

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