Example ContractsClausesemployment locationVariants
Employment Location
Employment Location contract clause examples

Location and Attendance. The JSC may meet in person, or by means of telephone conference call or videoconference. Each Party shall use reasonable efforts to cause its representatives to attend JSC meetings. If a Party’s representative to the JSC or any subcommittee is unable to attend a meeting, such Party may designate an alternate to attend such meeting in place of the absent representative. In addition, each Party may, at its discretion, invite non-voting employees, and, with the consent of the other Party, consultants or scientific advisors, to attend the meetings of the JSC.

JSC.The JSC shall meet by audio or video teleconference, or in person, as agreed by the JSC, on ​ as agreed by the Parties, or as necessary to make determinations as required of it. Any member of the JSC may designate a substitute to attend and perform the functions of that member at any meeting of the JSC and each Party may, in its reasonable discretion, invite non-member representatives of such Party to attend such meetings with advance written notice to the other Party. Either Party may request a meeting of the JSC, which shall occur as soon as reasonably necessary to address the stated purpose of the meeting. For clarity, the JSC will timely meet in a manner sufficient to address any urgent issues.

The JSC shall meet at least twice each Calendar Year, or more or less frequently as the Parties mutually deem appropriate, on such dates and at such places and times as provided herein or as the Parties shall agree. Members of the JSC may attend a meeting either in person or by telephone, video conference or similar means in which each participant can hear what is said by, and be heard by, the other participants; provided that at least one (1) per Calendar Year shall be held in person.

Meetings. The JSC will hold meetings at such times as it elects to do so, but such meetings will be held at least once every calendar month unless the JSC decides on a different frequency. Meetings of the JSC may be held in person, or by audio or video teleconference, at the JSC’s discretion, with in-person JSC meetings being held at locations selected on an alternating basis by the Parties. Each Party will be responsible for all of its own expenses in connection with participating in the JSC meetings.

JSC Meetings. The JSC will hold meetings (either in-person or by teleconference, videoconference or some other electronic means) at such times and places as the ​ may reasonably determine, provided that, unless the Parties agree otherwise, the JSC will meet at least once per ​ by teleconference, videoconference or some other electronic means. ​ costs associated with attending meetings of the JSC. Each Party may from time to time invite ​. Each individual attending any JSC meeting hereunder (whether as a JSC member or invitee) will be bound by written non-use, non-disclosure terms and conditions at least as restrictive as those set forth in this Agreement with respect to the Confidential Information of the other Party.

JSC Meetings. The JSC shall hold meetings at such times as it elects to do so, but in no event shall such meetings be held less frequently than once every quarter. Meetings of the JSC may be held in person, or by audio or video teleconference, provided that meetings shall be in person only be mutual agreement of the Parties. JSC meetings shall be chaired by a JSC representative of the Parties on an alternating basis and, if in-person, held at locations selected on an alternating basis by the Parties, with the first in-person JSC meeting to be chaired by a Eucure representative and held at a location to be selected by Eucure. In person meetings shall provide the opportunity for some, but not all, of a Party’s members to attend remotely by audio or video teleconference. Each Party shall be responsible for all of its own expenses in connection with participating in the JSC meetings. Each Party may from time to time invite a reasonable number of its representatives, who are not members of the JSC, to attend meetings in a non-voting capacity; provided that such participants are bound by confidentiality and non-use obligations consistent with the terms of this Agreement; and provided further that each Party shall provide reasonable prior written notice to the other Party if it has invited any Third Party (including any consultant) to attend such a meeting and the attendance of such Third Party shall be subject to the consent of the other Party.

Non-Member Attendance. Each Party may from time to time invite a reasonable number of participants, in addition to its representatives, to attend the JSC meetings in a non-voting capacity; provided that if either Party intends to have any Third Party (including any consultant) attend such a meeting, such Party will provide prior written notice to the other Party. Such Party will also ensure that such Third Party is bound by confidentiality and non-use obligations consistent with the terms of this Agreement.

meeting; provided, however, that either Party may propose additional topics to be included on such agenda, either prior to or in the course of such meeting. The JSC may meet in person, by videoconference or by teleconference, as the Parties agree. Each Party shall bear the expense of its respective JSC members’ participation in JSC meetings. A reasonable number of additional representatives of a Party may attend meetings of the JSC in a non-voting capacity, provided that such additional members are bound in writing by obligations of confidentiality at least as restrictive as those contained in this Agreement. Meetings of the JSC are effective only if at least one (1) representative of each Party is present or participating in such meeting. The chairperson of the JSC is responsible for preparing reasonably detailed written minutes of all JSC meetings that reflect, without limitation, all material decisions made at such meetings. The JSC chairperson shall send draft meeting minutes to each member of the JSC for review and approval within ​ Business Days after each JSC meeting. Such minutes will be deemed approved unless one or more members of the JSC object to the accuracy of such minutes within ​ Business Days of receipt.

Non-Member Attendance. Each Party may from time to time invite a reasonable number of participants relevant to items on the issued agenda, in addition to its representatives, to attend the JSC meetings in a non‑voting capacity; provided that if either Party intends to have any Third Party (including any consultant) attend such a meeting, such Party shall provide prior written notice to the other Party. Such Party shall also ensure that such Third Party is bound by confidentiality and non-use obligations consistent with the terms of this Agreement.

Meeting Attendees / Guests. In addition to the members of the JSC, the Co-Chairs of each subcommittee (if any) and a reasonable number of additional representatives of a Party or advisors may attend the meetings of the JSC in a non-voting capacity for the limited purpose of providing input with respect to a particular matter on the agenda. A list of all representatives of each Party expected to attend the meeting shall be included on the meeting agenda and distributed to the JSC prior to the relevant meeting.

Non-Member Attendance. Each Party may from time to time invite a reasonable number of its representatives, who are not members of the JSC, to attend the JSC meetings in a non-voting capacity; provided, that such participants are bound by confidentiality and non-use obligations consistent with the terms of this Agreement; and provided, further, that each Party will provide reasonable prior written notice to the other Party if it has invited any Third Party (including any consultant) to attend such a meeting and the attendance of such Third Party will be subject to the consent of the other Party.

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