Example ContractsClausesDistribution Date
Distribution Date
Distribution Date contract clause examples
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Distribution. ROIC Shares and TSR Shares that become non-forfeitable under Section 1 shall be distributed as soon as practicable after the Vesting Date, but notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in all events within the “short-term deferral” period determined under Treasury Regulation Section 1.409A-1(b)(4).

Distribution. Until the Closing Date, the Seller is entitled to distribute any cash in the Company at the Effective Date (each a “Distribution” and collectively the “Distributions”) by way of # the payment by the Company to the Seller of the Profit Transfer Claim for the period ended 31 December 2017 (as mentioned in 4.4.2) # the release and distribution (Aufösung und Ausschüttung) and/or withdrawal (Entnahme) of profit reserves (Gewinnrücklagen) in the meaning of [Section 272] # HGB and/or free reserves freie Kapitalrücklagen) in the meaning of [Section 272] # No. 4 HGB. Any such Distribution is to be made in cash to the Seller safe for an amount of EUR 4,000,000.00 (in words: Euro four million) (the “WCF Amount”), it being understood that such amount shall be the aggregate amount of cash in all Group Entities at the Effective Date, the Seller's claim for which shall be settled on the Closing Date by way of set-off (Aüfrechnung) against the Company's claim for payout of the Working Capital Facility (as defined below) in accordance with [Section 8.2.l(n)] below. If and to the extent the aggregate amount of the Distributions (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the WCF Amount and the payment of the Profit Transfer Claim Liability for December 2017 with an amount of EUR 3.324.446) does not exceed an amount of EUR 15,713,222.00 (including the Profit Transfer Claim December 2017 and free reserves in an amount of EUR 12.388.776) (the “Aggregate Reserves Amount”) as provided by the Company in [Exhibit 4.3].1, such Distributions shall not be challenged and/or claimed back under any circumstances by the Purchaser or the Company (provided that the WCF Amount stays in the Group as per the above provisions in [Section 4.3.1]).

Distribution. Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the contrary, a QDRO may provide that any benefits of a Participant payable to an Alternate Payee that are separately accounted for shall be distributed immediately or at any other time specified in the order. If the order does not specify the time at which benefits shall be payable to the Alternate Payee, the Alternate Payee may elect to have benefits commence at any time after the order is determined to be qualified.

Distribution. Within 10 business days of the Company satisfying the Performance Criteria, the Company’s CFO shall provide a certification to the Company’s Compensation Committee (the “CFO Certification) that the Performance Criteria have been met for the prior fiscal quarter and the name of each employee, director or consultant as of the last day of the prior fiscal quarter who have equity awards subject to the Performance Criteria. Unless otherwise provided in the Restricted Stock Unit Deferral Election Form attached hereto as [Appendix A], the Company shall, subject to the Time-Based Vesting Requirements, deliver a certificate evidencing shares of Award Stock to the Participant, direct its transfer agent to register such shares in book entry form or directly to the Participant consistent with applicable laws: # if the Performance Criteria is achieved for the first time and the First Time Vesting Date has passed, within 10 days of the CFO Certification for the first, second, third and fourth fiscal quarters in a calendar year and no event later than seventy-five (75) days following the quarter ended; or # if the Performance Criteria was previously achieved, within thirty (30) days following the satisfaction of the Time-Based Vesting Requirements. For purposes of clarification, if the Performance Criteria have been met for the first time after the Second Time Vesting Date and on or before the quarter ending associated with the Third Time Vesting Date, then Participant shall receive the number of Restricted Stock Units associated with all prior Time Vesting Dates. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Restricted Stock Units vest due to: # a Change in Control, the certificate evidencing shares of Award Stock shall be delivered immediately upon the Change in Control, or # a termination of employment due to death or Disability, the certificate evidencing shares of Award Stock shall be delivered within thirty (30) days following such termination of employment. For the Restricted Stock Unit Deferral Election Form to be effective, it must be received by the Company on the Effective Date, or to the extent that none of the Restricted Stock Units vest within 12 months of the Effective Date, no later than 30 days following the Effective Date. The Company must achieve the Performance Criteria no later than the quarter ending during the Third Time Vesting Date to receive any distributions under this Restricted Stock Unit Agreement.

No Distribution. Counterparty is not entering into the Transaction to facilitate a distribution of the Shares (or any security that may be converted into or exercised or exchanged for Shares, or whose value under its terms may in whole or in significant part be determined by the value of the Shares) or in connection with any future issuance of securities.

No Distribution. The Administrator may require each person acquiring Stock pursuant to an Award to represent to and agree with the Company in writing that such person is acquiring the shares without a view to distribution thereof.

Non-Distribution. Palogic is not acquiring the Common Shares with a view to a distribution thereof as that term is used in Section 2(a)(11) of the Securities Act in a manner which would require registration under the Securities Act or any state securities laws.

Distribution Election. A Member must elect in writing, at the time he or she submits a Deferral Election under Section 4.03, the form of distribution the Member elects for the amounts deferred pursuant to the applicable Deferral Agreement. The Member's election shall only apply to the amounts deferred pursuant to the Deferral Agreement for that calendar year. If the Member does not elect a form of distribution for a calendar year, the applicable form of distribution for amounts deferred for that calendar year will be a single lump sum. The form of distribution elected in a Deferral Agreement need not be the same across prior or subsequent Deferral Agreements. A Member may elect a form of distribution different than the form of distribution applicable to his or her Pension Benefit.

Vote Distribution. All voting rights shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations provided in this Declaration and in the Articles and Bylaws. When more than one Person holds an interest or interests in any Lot (“Co-Owner”), all such Co-Owners shall be Members and may attend any meetings of the Association, but only one such Co-Owner shall be entitled to exercise the votes to which the Lot is entitled. Such Co-Owners may from time to time all designate in writing one of their number to vote. Fractional votes shall not be allowed, and the Class A votes for each Lot shall be exercised, if at all, as a unit. Where no voting Co-Owner is designated or if such designation has been revoked, the votes for such Lot shall be exercised as the majority of the Co-Owners of the Lot mutually agree. Unless the Board receives a written objection from a Co-Owner, it shall be presumed that the corresponding voting Co-Owner is acting with the consent of his or her Co-Owners. No votes shall be cast for any Lot where the Co-Owners present in person or by proxy owning the majority interests in such Lot cannot agree to said votes or other action. The nonvoting Co-Owner or Co-Owners shall be jointly and severally responsible for all of the obligations imposed upon the jointly owned Lot and shall be entitled to all other benefits of ownership. All agreements and determinations lawfully made by the Association in accordance with the voting percentages established herein, or in the Bylaws, shall be deemed to be binding on all Owners, their successors and assigns.

Unless otherwise required by the laws and regulations, each payment received by the Facility Agent under Clause 8.3 (Payment by the Borrower) hereof shall be distributed in such order and amount as set out below:

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