Example ContractsClausesDilution Reserve
Dilution Reserve
Dilution Reserve contract clause examples

Total Reserves” means, at any time the sum of: # the Yield Reserve, plus # the greater of # the Minimum Reserve and # the Loss Reserve plus the Dilution Reserve; plus # the Dilution Reserve (Monetized Receivables).

Ratios” shall mean, collectively, the Default Ratio, the Default Trigger Ratio, the Delinquency Ratio, the Dilution Ratio, the Dilution Reserve Ratio, the Dilution Trigger Ratio, the Loss Reserve Ratio and the Receivables Collection Turnover.

Required Reserve Percentage” means, on any day, the sum of # the Yield Reserve Percentage, plus # the greater of # the sum of # the Dynamic Loss Reserve Percentage, plus # the Dilution Reserve Percentage and # the sum of # the Loss Reserve Floor Percentage, plus # the Dilution Reserve Floor Percentage.

Dilution Reserve: a reserve equal to 1.00% of the Value of Eligible Accounts for each percentage point (or portion thereof) that the Dilution Percent exceeds 5.00%.

Dilution Reserve: a reserve equal to 1.00% of the Value of Eligible Accounts for each percentage point (or portion thereof) that the Dilution Percent exceeds 5.00%.

Servicer on such day multiplied by (b) (i) the Dilution Reserve Percentage on such day, divided by # 100% minus the Dilution Reserve Percentage on such day.

Dilution Reserve (Monetized Receivables)” means, on any day, an amount equal to: # the aggregate Outstanding Balance of Monetized Receivables at the close of business of each Servicer on such day multiplied by (b) (i) the Dilution Reserve Percentage on such day, divided by # 100% minus the Dilution Reserve Percentage on such day.

Without limiting Lender's discretion to implement other reserves or to increase the amount of the dilution reserve, a dilution reserve in an amount of not less than

Dynamic Reserve” means the sum of the Loss Reserve, the Yield Reserve, the Dilution Reserve and the Servicing Reserve.

Contractual Dilution Reserve” means the FOB Destination Reserve, the Instrument Reserve, the Cardinal Rebate Reserve and the Customer Rebate Reserve.

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