Example ContractsClausesdiligence milestonesVariants
Diligence Milestones
Diligence Milestones contract clause examples

Milestones”) so that Licensee shall not be deemed to be in breach of achieving said Diligence Milestone Event by its deadline. In the event that Licensee believes that, despite using commercially reasonable efforts, it will not achieve one or more such Initial Extended Milestones, then Licensee may notify Licensor in writing thereof in advance of the relevant deadline and the Parties shall negotiate in good faith a second extension of deadlines for said Diligence Milestone Event and all later Diligence Milestone Events (the “Second Extended Milestones”) so that Licensee shall not be deemed to be in breach of achieving said Diligence Milestone Event by its deadline. Upon agreement of the Parties with respect to the deadlines for such Second Extended Milestones, Licensee shall make a non-creditable payment of one-half of the Milestone Fee of the Milestone Event corresponding to said Diligence Milestone Event.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Licensee believes that, despite using commercially reasonably efforts, it will not achieve any Diligence Milestone Event set forth in this Section ‎2.7 by the relevant deadline, it may notify Licensor in writing thereof in advance of the deadline. Licensee shall include with such notice a reasonable explanation of the reasons for such failure. If Licensee so notifies Licensor and such explanation is acceptable to Licensor (in its reasonable discretion), or, in any event, if such failure to meet the Diligence Milestone Event is due to circumstances beyond Licensee’s reasonable control (such as patent infringement or regulatory issues), then the Parties shall negotiate in good faith an initial extension of the deadlines for said Diligence Milestone Event and all later Diligence Milestone Events (the “Initial Extended

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