Beneficiary Designation. A Participant may designate a beneficiary to receive any Options that may be exercised after death or to receive any other Award that may be paid after his death, as provided for in the Award Agreement. Such designation and any change or revocation of such designation shall be made in writing in the form and manner prescribed by the Committee (or its delegee). In the event that the designated beneficiary dies prior to the Participant, or in the event that no beneficiary has been designated, any Awards that may be exercised or paid following the Participant’s death shall be transferred or paid in accordance with the Participant’s will or the laws of descent and distribution.
Beneficiary Designation.Designations. A Participant may designate a beneficiaryBeneficiary to receive any Options or SARs that may be exercised after his death or to receive any other Award that may be paid after his death, as provided for in the Award Agreement. Such designation and any change or revocation of such designation shall be made in writing in the form and manner prescribed by the Committee (or its delegee). In the event that the designated beneficiaryBeneficiary dies prior to the Participant, or in the event that no beneficiaryBeneficiary has been designated, any Awards that may be exercised or paid following the Participant’Participant's death shall be transferred or paid in accordance with the Participant’Participant's will or the laws of descent and distribution. If the Participant and his Beneficiary shall die in circumstances that cause the Committee (or its delegee), in its discretion, to be uncertain which shall have been the first to die, the Participant shall be deemed to have survived the Beneficiary.
Beneficiary Designation. ADesignation of Beneficiary. Each Participant may designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to exercise any Award or receive a payment under any Options that may be exercisedAward payable on or after death or to receive any other Award that may be paid after his death, as provided for in the Award Agreement. Such designation and any change or revocation ofParticipants death. Any such designation shall be made in writing in theon a written or electronic form and manner prescribedapproved by the Committee (or its delegee). In the event that the designated beneficiary dies prior to the Participant, or in the event that no beneficiary has been designated, any Awards that may be exercised or paid following the Participant’s deathand shall be transferredeffective upon its receipt by the Company or paid in accordance withan agent selected by the Participant’s will or the laws of descent and distribution.Company.
Beneficiary Designation. A Participant mayDesignation of Beneficiary. Each Optionee and Grantee may, with the consent of the Committee, designate a beneficiaryperson or persons to receive any Options that may be exercised after death or to receive any other Award that may be paid after his death, as provided for in the Award Agreement. Such designation and any change or revocation of such designation shall be made in writing in the form and manner prescribed by the Committee (or its delegee). In the event that the designated beneficiary dies prior to the Participant, or in the event that no beneficiary has been designated,of his/her death, any Awards thatOption or Award or any amount payable pursuant thereto, to which he/she would then be entitled. Such designation will be made upon forms supplied by and delivered to the Company and may be exercisedrevoked in writing. If an Optionee or paid followingGrantee fails effectively to designate a beneficiary, then his/her estate will be deemed to be the Participant’s death shall be transferred or paid in accordance with the Participant’s will or the laws of descent and distribution.beneficiary.
Beneficiary Designation. A Participant mayDesignation of Beneficiary. Each Grantee may, with the consent of the Committee, designate a beneficiaryperson or persons to receive any Options that may be exercised after death or to receive any other Award that may be paid after his death, as provided for in the Award Agreement. Such designation and any change or revocation of such designation shall be made in writing in the form and manner prescribed by the Committee (or its delegee). In the event that the designated beneficiary dies prior to the Participant, or in the event that no beneficiary has been designated,of his/her death, any Awards thatOption or Award or any amount payable pursuant thereto, to which he/she would then be entitled. Such designation will be made upon forms supplied by and delivered to the Company and may be exercised or paid followingrevoked in writing. If a Grantee fails effectively to designate a beneficiary, then his/her estate will be deemed to be the Participant’s death shall be transferred or paid in accordance with the Participant’s will or the laws of descent and distribution.beneficiary.
Beneficiary Designation. A ParticipantAn Option Holder may designate a beneficiaryBeneficiary to receive any Options that may be exercised after death or to receive any other Award that may be paid after his death, as provided for in the Award Agreement.death. Such designation and any change or revocation of such designation shall be made in writing in the form and manner prescribed by the Committee (or its delegee).Committee. In the event that the designated beneficiaryBeneficiary dies prior to the Participant,Option Holder, or in the event that no beneficiaryBeneficiary has been designated, any AwardsOptions that may be exercised or paid following the Participant’Option Holder's death shall be transferred to the Option Holder's estate. If the Option Holder and his or paidher Beneficiary shall die in accordance withcircumstances that cause the Participant’s will orCommittee, in its discretion, to be uncertain which shall have been the laws of descent and distribution.first to die, the Option Holder shall be deemed to have survived the Beneficiary.
Beneficiary Designation. A Participant may designate“Designated Beneficiary” shall mean the beneficiary designated by a beneficiary to receive any Options that may be exercised after death or to receive any other Award that may be paid after his death, as provided forParticipant, in the Award Agreement. Such designation and any change or revocation of such designation shall be made in writing in the form anda manner prescribeddetermined by the Committee (or its delegee). InCommittee, to exercise rights of the event that the designated beneficiary dies prior to the Participant, orParticipant under an Award in the event that no beneficiary has been designated, any Awards that may be exercised or paid followingof the Participant’s deathdeath. In the absence of an effective designation by a Participant the Designated Beneficiary shall be transferred or paid in accordance with the Participant’s will or the laws of descent and
Section # Beneficiary Designation. AEach Participant may designate aname, from time to time, any beneficiary to receive any Options thator beneficiaries (who may be exercised after deathnamed contingently or successively) to receivewhom any other Award that maybenefit under the Plan is to be paid afterin case the Participant should die or become Disabled before receiving any or all of his death, as provided foror her Plan benefits. Each beneficiary designation will revoke all prior designations by the same Participant, must be in the Award Agreement. Such designation and any change or revocation of such designation shall be made in writing in thea form and manner prescribed by the Committee (or its delegee). InCommittee, and must be made during the event thatParticipant’s lifetime. If the Participant’s designated beneficiary dies prior topredeceases the Participant,Participant or in the event that no beneficiary has been designated, any Awards that may be exercised or paid followingbenefits remaining unpaid at the Participant’s death shallwill be transferred or paid in accordance withto the Participant’s willestate or other entity described in the laws of descent and distribution.Award Agreement.
Beneficiary Designation. A11.4Beneficiary Designations. If permitted by the Committee, a Participant under the Plan may designatename a beneficiary or beneficiaries to receivewhom any Options that may be exercised after death or to receive any othervested but unpaid Award that mayshall be paid after his death, as provided for in the Award Agreement. Such designation and any change or revocationevent of the Participant’s death. Each such designation shall revoke all prior designations by the Participant and shall be madeeffective only if given in writing in thea form and manner prescribed byacceptable to the Committee (or its delegee).Committee. In the event that the designated beneficiary dies prior to the Participant, or in the event that no beneficiary has been designated,absence of any Awards that may be exercised or paid followingsuch designation, any vested benefits remaining unpaid at the Participant’s death shall be transferred or paid in accordance withto the Participant’s willestate and, subject to the terms of the Plan and of the applicable Award Agreement, any unexercised vested Award may be exercised by the administrator, executor or the lawspersonal representative of descent and distribution.the Participant’s estate.
Beneficiary Designation. AEach Participant may designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive any Options that may be exercised after death or to receive any other Award that may be paid after his death, as provided for in the Award Agreement. Such designation and any change or revocation of such designation shall be made in writing in the form and manner prescribed by the Committee (or its delegee). In the event that the designated beneficiary dies prior to the Participant, orreceive, in the event that noof such Participant’s death, any Award amounts due to the Participant under the Plan. Each Participant shall have the right to revoke any such designation and to redesignate a beneficiary has been designated,or beneficiaries by written notice to the Company to such effect. If any Awards that mayParticipant dies without naming a beneficiary or if all of the beneficiaries named by a Participant predecease the Participant, then any Award amounts due to the Participant shall be exercised or paid followingto the Participant’s deathestate. Prior to a Participant’s death, except as otherwise required by applicable law, any interest, benefit, payment, claim or right of such Participant under the Plan may not be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged, encumbered or hypothecated by the Participant and shall not be subject in any manner to any claims of any creditor of the Participant or beneficiary, and any attempt to take any such action shall be transferred or paid in accordance withnull and void. During the Participant’s will orlifetime of a Participant, payment of an Award shall only be made to the laws of descent and distribution.Participant.
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