Example ContractsClausesDebt Fund Affiliate
Debt Fund Affiliate
Debt Fund Affiliate contract clause examples

transactions between the Lead Borrower and any Person that is an Affiliate solely due to the fact that a director of such Person is also a director of the Lead Borrower or Holdings; provided, however, that such director abstains from voting as a director of the Lead Borrower or Holdings, as the case may be, on any matter involving such other Person; and

Affiliate Transactions. The Company shall not itself, nor shall it cause, permit or allow any of its Subsidiaries to enter into any material transaction, including, the purchase, sale or exchange of property or the rendering of any service, with any Affiliate of the Company except upon terms consistent with applicable laws and regulations and reasonably found by the appropriate board(s) of directors to be fair and reasonable and no less favorable to the Company or such Affiliate than would be obtained in a comparable arm’s length transaction with a Person not an Affiliate.

0 Agent’s Office; Certain Addresses for Notices

Affiliate Transactions. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement [[Organization B:Organization]] contrary and subject to Section 6.3, the Company shall not enter into or become a party to any transaction with any Sponsor Member (or any of their respective Affiliates), or amend, modify, or waive any requirements under existing affiliate arrangements or agreements with any Sponsor Member (or any of their respective Affiliates) without the prior written consent of the Holders of the majority in interest of the outstanding # Series C Units, excluding all Series C Units held by a Sponsor Member or any of its respective Affiliates, and # Common Units, excluding all Common Units held by a Sponsor Member or any of its respective Affiliates, each voting as a separate class, except for any transaction entered into in connection with the exercise of rights under this Agreement, any Transaction Agreement or any other agreement, arrangement or transaction existing as of the date of this Agreement.

Affiliate Transactions. In connection with the provision of the Services under this Agreement, the Consultant may purchase necessary goods, supplies, rights and services # from or through any of its Affiliates or # pursuant to arrangements Consultant Related Facilities so long as # any such transaction, series of transactions or arrangement is disclosed to the Company and approved by the Board including at least one Board member not affiliated with the Consultant, # in respect of any such Affiliate transaction or series of transactions, the terms and conditions thereof are competitive with the prices and terms of goods, supplies, rights and services of like quality available from non‑Affiliated third parties in an arm’s length transaction, and # in respect of such shared arrangements, the allocations of costs with respect thereto are fair and reasonable and, if applicable, consistent with the methodology used by the Consultant and its subsidiaries and Affiliates to allocate similar costs among the Consultant Related Facilities.

Affiliate Transactions. Except as otherwise provided herein, enter into, or be a party to, any transaction with an Affiliate of any Borrower Control Person, except in the ordinary course of business and on terms that are intrinsically fair and substantially similar to those that would be available on an arm’s length basis with third parties other than an Affiliate.

Affiliate Transactions. Each of the Loan Parties shall not, and shall not permit any of its Subsidiaries to, enter into or carry out any transaction with any Affiliate of any Loan Party (including purchasing property or services from or selling property or services to any Affiliate of any Loan Party or other Person) unless such transaction # is in accordance with [Section 8.2.7(iii), or (ii)])] is not otherwise prohibited by this Agreement, is entered into upon fair and reasonable arm’s-length terms and conditions and is in accordance with all applicable Law.

Trust Fund. Employer shall be responsible for the payment of all benefits provided under the Supplemental Plan. At its discretion, Employer may establish one or more trusts, with such trustees as the Board may approve, for the purpose of providing for the payment of such benefits. Such trust or trusts may be irrevocable, but the assets thereof shall be subject to the claims of Employer’s creditors. To the extent any benefits provided under the Supplemental Plan are actually paid from any such trust, Employer shall have no further obligation with respect thereto, but to the extent not so paid, such benefits shall remain the obligation of, and shall be paid by, Employer.

FUND ELECTIONS. The Fund (or its Investment Advisor acting on its behalf) may elect to enter into and execute foreign exchange transactions with third parties that are not affiliated with the Custodian, with [[Custodian:Organization]] Global Markets, which is the foreign exchange division of [[Custodian:Organization]] and Trust Company and its affiliated companies (“SSGM”), or with a sub-custodian. Where the Fund or its Investment Advisor gives Proper Instructions for the execution of a foreign exchange transaction using an indirect foreign exchange service described in the Client Publications (as defined below), the Fund (or its Investment Advisor) instructs the Custodian, on behalf of the Fund, to direct the execution of such foreign exchange transaction to SSGM or, when the relevant currency is not traded by SSGM, to the applicable sub-custodian. The Custodian shall not have any agency (except as contemplated in preceding sentence), trust or fiduciary obligation to the Fund, its Investment Advisor or any other person in connection with the execution of any foreign exchange transaction. The Custodian shall have no responsibility under this Agreement for the selection of the counterparty to, or the method of execution of, any foreign exchange transaction entered into by the Fund (or its Investment Advisor acting on its behalf) or the reasonableness of the execution rate on any such transaction. Client Publications means the general client publications of [[Custodian:Organization]] and Trust Company available from time to time available to clients and their investment managers.

Covered Fund. No Relevant Party is a “covered fund” under Section 13 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended.

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