Example ContractsClausescreditorsVariants
Creditors contract clause examples

Action by Other Creditors. Any judgment, writ, warrant of attachment, distress or any similar process in an amount exceeding $250,000 is entered or filed against one or more of the Credit Parties or against any Collateral (or which, when combined with other judgments, writs, warrants of attachment, distress or other similar proceedings entered or filed against one or more Credit Parties or against any Collateral, exceeds an aggregate amount of $250,000), and such judgment, writ, warrant of attachment, distress or any similar process is not diligently appealed in good faith and vacated, bonded, stayed or satisfied within 30 days thereafter or, within such 30 day period, any Collateral is possessed or seized by any third party creditor.

Any one or more final, non-appealable money judgments, writs or warrants of attachment or similar process involving an aggregate amount at any time in excess of $2,000,000 (to the extent not adequately covered by insurance as to which a solvent and unaffiliated insurance company has acknowledged coverage in writing) shall be entered or filed against any Credit Party or any of its Subsidiaries, or any of their respective assets, and shall remain undischarged, un-vacated, un-bonded or un-stayed for a period of sixty (60) days; or

any judgment or judgments, writ or writs or warrant or warrants of attachment, or any similar process or processes, shall be entered or filed against any Loan Party or any Significant Subsidiary, or against any of their respective Property, in an aggregate amount for all such Persons in excess of $10,000,000 (except to the extent fully covered by insurance pursuant to which the insurer has accepted liability therefor in writing), and which remains undischarged, unvacated, unbonded or unstayed for a period of 30 days, or any action shall be legally taken by a judgment creditor to attach or levy upon any Property of any Loan Party or any Significant Subsidiary to enforce any such judgment;

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