Example ContractsClausesCredit Inquiries
Credit Inquiries
Credit Inquiries contract clause examples

Credit Inquiries. Agent may (but shall have no obligation) to respond to usual and customary credit inquiries from third parties concerning any Obligor or Subsidiary.

Credit Inquiries. Agent and Lenders may (but shall have no obligation) to respond to usual and customary credit inquiries from third parties concerning any Obligor or Subsidiary.

. Agent may (but shall have no obligation) to respond to usual and customary credit inquiries from third parties concerning any Obligor or Subsidiary.

Credit Inquiries. Lender may (but shall have no obligation) to respond to usual and customary credit inquiries from third parties concerning any Obligor or Subsidiary.

Credit Inquiries. Agent and Lenders may (but shall have no obligation) to respond to usual and customary credit inquiries from third parties concerning any Obligor or Subsidiary.

Credit Inquiries. Agent may (but shall have no obligation) to respond to usual and customary credit inquiries from third parties concerning any Obligor or Subsidiary.

Credit Inquiries. Agent and Lenders may (but shall have no obligation) to respond to usual and customary credit inquiries from third parties concerning any Obligor or Subsidiary.

Credit Inquiries. Administrative Agent and Lenders may (but shall have no obligation) to respond to usual and customary credit inquiries from third parties concerning any Obligor or Subsidiary.

Credit Inquiries. Agent may (but shall have no obligation) to respond to usual and customary credit inquiries from third parties concerning any Obligor or Subsidiary.

Inquiries. Each of Seller and Purchaser shall promptly refer to the other Party any inquiry regarding the acquisition of or need for rights in the Purchaser Licensed IP or Seller Licensed IP, respectively.

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