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Contract Review
Contract Review contract clause examples

Review. Executive acknowledges that he has carefully read the foregoing Agreement, that he fully understands the meaning and intent of this document, that he has signed this Agreement voluntarily and knowingly, that he had a full opportunity to consult with his advisors prior to executing this Agreement, and that he intends to be legally bound by the promises contained in this Agreement.

Acknowledgment. The Executive states and represents that the Executive has had an opportunity to fully discuss and review the terms of this Agreement with an attorney. The Executive further states and represents that the Executive has carefully read this Agreement, understands the contents herein, freely and voluntarily assents to all of the terms and conditions hereof, and signs the Executive's name of the Executive's own free act.

Acknowledgment. The Executive states and represents that the Executive has had an opportunity to fully discuss and review the terms of this Agreement with an attorney. The Executive further states and represents that the Executive has carefully read this Agreement, understands the contents herein, freely and voluntarily assents to all of the terms and conditions hereof, and signs the Executive’s name of the Executive’s own free act.

Executive Acknowledgement. The Executive acknowledges that he has had the opportunity to discuss this Agreement with and obtain advice from his private attorney, has had sufficient time to and has carefully read and fully understands all of the provisions of this Agreement, and is knowingly and voluntarily entering into this Agreement.

The Executive acknowledges having read this Agreement in its entirety. The Executive agrees that the Executive fully understands the terms, conditions and obligations of the Agreement, that in deciding to sign the Agreement the Executive has not relied on any representation or statement not set forth in this Agreement, that the Executive is competent to execute this Agreement, that the Executive’s decision to sign the Agreement was not been obtained by any duress, that the Executive freely and voluntarily enters this Agreement with the Company, and that the Executive is being employed by the Company at-will. The Executive either has retained counsel in connection with this Agreement or has voluntarily declined to retain counsel.

Full Understanding. Executive declares and represents that Executive has carefully read and fully understands the terms of this Agreement, has had the opportunity to obtain advice and assistance of counsel with respect thereto, and knowingly and of Executive’s own free will, without any duress, being fully informed and after due deliberation, voluntarily accepts the terms of this Agreement and represents that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement does not violate any agreement to which Executive is subject.

By signing this Agreement, the Executive acknowledges that the Executive # has read and understood the entire Agreement; # has received a copy of it; # has had the opportunity to ask questions and consult counsel or other advisors about its terms; and # agrees to be bound by it.

Knowing and Voluntary Execution. Executive represents and warrants that Executive has read this Agreement, has had adequate time to consider it, has been advised to consult with an attorney before signing this Agreement, understands the meaning and application of this Agreement and has signed this Agreement knowingly, voluntarily and of Executive’s own free will with the intent of being bound by it.

Acknowledgment. Executive acknowledges that he has had the opportunity to discuss this matter with and obtain advice from Executive’s private attorney, has had sufficient time to, and has carefully read and fully understands all the provisions of this Agreement, and is knowingly and voluntarily entering into this Agreement.

Executive Acknowledgement. The Executive acknowledges that the Executive has read and understands this Agreement, is fully aware of its legal effect, has not acted in reliance upon any representations or promises made by the Company other than those contained in writing herein, and has entered into this Agreement freely based on the Executive’s own judgment.

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