Example ContractsClausesCommercialization Plan
Commercialization Plan
Commercialization Plan contract clause examples

Commercialization Plan. Beginning ​ (​) calendar quarters prior to the anticipated First Commercial Sale of a Licensed Product in the Field in the Territory, Licensee shall provide a written plan to the Commercialization Committee for review and approval (the Commercialization Plan) setting forth in reasonable detail the planned Commercialization activities (or preparations for First Commercial Sale, as applicable) in relation to the Licensed Products planned for the four (4) calendar quarters following such quarter. Each Commercialization Plan shall include at least the information as set forth in [Schedule 6.3] to this Agreement. Such Commercialization Plan shall be updated, reviewed, and approved by the Commercialization Committee ​ at least on an annual basis.

Commercialization Plan. At least [​] days in advance of the anticipated [​] of a Licensed Product in [​] in the Territory, Bayer shall prepare and submit to Atara a written plan setting forth the activities to be undertaken with respect to the Commercialization of Licensed Products (the “Commercialization Plan”), which shall describe in reasonable detail Bayer’s Commercialization activities for the rest of the relevant [​]. Thereafter, Bayer shall prepare and submit to Atara for the rest of the term of the Agreement a Commercialization Plan on any new [​] no later than [​] days after [​].

Commercialization Plan. No later than ​ before the anticipated date of the submission of the first NDA for the Product in the Field in the Territory, Ji Xing shall submit to the JCC for review and discussion a written Commercialization plan that sets the timeline and details of all major Commercialization activities planned for the Product in the Territory (the “Commercialization Plan”). Thereafter, from time to time, but at least ​, Ji Xing shall prepare updates or amendments to the Commercialization Plan to reflect changes in such plans, including those in response to changes in the marketplace, relative success of the Product, and other relevant factors influencing such plan and activities, and submit such updated or amended plan to JCC for review and discussion before such updates and amendments become effective. Except as expressly agreed by [[Cytokinetics:Organization]] in writing or to the extent required by the applicable Regulatory Authority or to address specific operational requirements in the Territory, the Commercialization Plan shall be ​ for the Product, and the Commercialization of the Product in the Territory shall be conducted in accordance with the Commercialization Plan as amended from time to time.

Commercialization Plan. As soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than ​ after the first MAA for a Product is submitted in the Territory, Licensee shall prepare and present to the JSC for review and discussion a reasonably detailed plan for the commercialization of the Product in the Field in the Territory (the “Commercialization Plan”). Licensee shall update and amend the Commercialization Plan on an annual basis following the First Commercial Sale of the Product in the Field in the Territory and present such updates and any amendments to the JSC for review and discussion.

Commercialization Plan. The Commercialization Plan shall contain in reasonable detail the significant Commercialization activities and the projected timelines for achieving such activities, including ​ in the Territories. Zai shall deliver an initial Commercialization Plan to the JSC for review and discussion no later than ​ of the first Regulatory Approval Application for a Product in the Territory. Thereafter, from time to time, but at least once every ​ months, Zai shall propose updates or amendments to the Commercialization Plan to reflect changes in such plans, including those in response to changes in the marketplace, relative success of the Products, and other relevant factors influencing such plan and activities, and submit such proposed updated or amended Commercialization Plan to the JSC. In preparing the initial Commercialization Plan and any updates or amendments thereto, Zai shall provide TPTX with an opportunity to comment and Zai shall consider any TPTX’s comments in good faith in finalizing the initial Commercialization Plan and any updates or amendments thereto.

Commercialization Plan. Without limiting the generality of the other provisions in this ARTICLE VI, each Party will prepare and submit to the JSC a plan containing the strategy, activities and timeline for marketing and selling the Products in its respective Territory (as updated pursuant to this [Section 6.2.3], the “Commercialization Plan”). The Commercialization Plan shall include, among other things, all market planning and implementation, distribution, sales booking, pricing and reimbursement activities with respect to the Products that are conducted in its respective Territory, and shall be, to the extent reasonably practicable and subject to Section 3.3.2, aligned with the Global Commercialization Strategy, subject to Section 6.1. Ono will submit a proposed draft of the Commercialization Plan for the Ono Territory to the JSC no later than ​ prior to the anticipated date of the First Commercial Sale of any Product in the Ono Territory. [[Forty Seven:Organization]] will submit a proposed draft of the Commercialization Plan for [[Forty Seven:Organization]] Territory to the JSC no later than ​ prior to the anticipated date of the first commercial sale of any Product in the [[Forty Seven:Organization]] Territory. Following the submission of the Commercialization Plan, each Party will deliver to the JSC an update of the relevant sections of the Commercialization Plan at least once every ​ during the Term. Updates to the Commercialization Plan will reflect, among other things, each new indication in the Field for which the Product has received Regulatory Approval. Each Party will be solely responsible for all decisions regarding the day-to-day conduct of Commercialization within its respective Territory.

Commercialization Plan. As soon as practicable, but not later than ​ each Party will prepare and provide to the JSC a Commercialization Plan for which such Party will conduct Commercialization in the respective Territory for such Collaboration Product. If FATE has exercised the FATE CDCC Option, a Commercialization Plan for which the Parties will conduct Commercialization in the FATE CDCC Territory will be prepared pursuant to [Section 2.4.4(b)] (CDCC Option). The applicable Party(ies) will prepare and provide a budget with respect to the activities covered by such Commercialization Plan. The applicable Party(ies) shall continue to provide to the other Party, through the JSC, regular updates from time to time to its Commercialization Plan, as applicable. The applicable Party(ies) will consider in good faith the other Party's comments on such Commercialization Plan and any updates thereto.

Commercialization Plan. The JCC will oversee the Commercialization of Products in the Field in the Territory. A designated Party or its relevant Affiliate shall be the lead Commercializing Party for Products in the Field in the Territory (the “Lead Commercialization Party”)2. The Lead Commercialization Party shall be agreed to by the Parties after holding good faith discussions regarding which Party is best positioned to serve in the function during the negotiation of the Joint Development & Commercialization Agreement as set forth in Section 4.1.1 of the Research Collaboration Agreement. No later than twelve months prior to the anticipated first commercial launch of a Product in the first country in the Territory, the JCC, will develop and submit to the JSC for approval, a Commercialization plan (as may be amended, the “Commercialization Plan”) that sets forth the Commercialization activities to be undertaken by the Parties with respect to the Commercialization of such Product in the Field in the Territory. In allocating responsibilities between the Parties, the JCC will take into consideration each Party’s expertise, capabilities, staffing and available resources to take on such activities. The Commercialization Plan may include activities on a region-by-region or country-by-country basis, as determined by the JCC. The JCC will update the Commercialization Plan on an annual basis (or more frequently as needed) and submit it to the JSC for approval. The Commercialization Plan will include # the Global Branding Strategy, # a marketing strategy, # a communications strategy that includes plans for public relations, conferences and exhibitions and other external meetings, internal meetings and communications, publications and symposia, internet activities and core brand package, # a high level operating plan for the implementation of such strategies on an annual basis, including information related to Product positioning, core messages to be communicated and pricing strategies, # a detailing strategy, # a pricing strategy, # all other material activities to be conducted in connection with the Commercialization of the Product in the Field in the Territory and # a budget for activities conducted under the Commercialization Plan (the “Commercialization Budget”).

Commercialization Plan. Following the commencement of Commercialization activities under this Agreement by Licensee, its Affiliates or Sublicensees, within forty-five (45) days after the end of each Calendar Year during the Term, Licensee shall provide to [[Sanofi:Organization]] an annual summary update with respect to Licensee’s Commercialization activities with respect to the Licensed Compounds and Licensed Products for such preceding Calendar Year, and such update is the Confidential Information of Licensee.

Commercialization Plan. ​, the Parties, under the direction of the JGC, will mutually prepare a Worldwide Commercialization Plan, and the JGC will review and approve such initial Worldwide Commercialization Plan. Thereafter, the JGC will have one or the other Party (or both) update the Worldwide Commercialization Plan each calendar year ​, and the JGC will review and approve any such update or any other amendment to the Worldwide Commercialization Plan. Notwithstanding anything in this CCPS Agreement to the contrary, the Parties acknowledge and agree that # Bluebird may decline to perform any Commercialization activity proposed to be conducted by Bluebird in the Worldwide Commercialization Plan (other than Manufacturing of Vectors and associated Payloads), and # the Worldwide Commercialization Plan will not include, and Bluebird will have no obligation to perform, any such Commercialization activity that Bluebird has declined to perform, provided that once Bluebird has agreed to perform a Commercialization activity, it will be obligated to perform, and cannot decline to perform, such activity. In addition, either Party may request at any time that the JGC consider and approve other updates to the Worldwide Commercialization Plan. Further:

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