Example ContractsClausesClaimant
Claimant contract clause examples

Claimant. Claimant means a Participant or Beneficiary filing a claim under Article XI of this Plan.

Claimant. Claimant means a Participant or Beneficiary filing a claim under Article XII of this Plan.

If you purchased or acquired Granite Construction Incorporated (“Granite”) publicly traded common stock during the period from February 17, 2017, through October 24, 2019, inclusive, and held the share(s) in your name, you are the beneficial purchaser or acquirer as well as the record purchaser or acquirer. If, however, the share(s) were registered in the name of a third party, such as a nominee or brokerage firm, you are the beneficial purchaser and the third party is a record purchaser.

Notification to Claimant of Decision. Within 90 days after receipt of a claim by the Committee (or within 180 days if special circumstances require an extension of time), the Committee shall notify the claimant of the decision with regard to the claim. In the event of such special circumstances requiring an extension of time, there shall be furnished to the claimant prior to expiration of the initial 90-day period written notice of the extension, which notice shall set forth the special circumstances and the date by which the decision shall be furnished. If such claim shall be wholly or partially denied, notice thereof shall be in writing and worded in a manner calculated to be understood by the claimant, and shall set forth: # the specific reason or reasons for the denial; # specific reference to pertinent provisions of the Plan on which the denial is based; # a description of any additional material or information necessary for the claimant to perfect the claim and an explanation of why such material or information is necessary; and # an explanation of the procedure for review of the denial and the time limits applicable to such

Action by Authorized Representative of Claimant. All actions set forth in this [Section 16] to be taken by the claimant may likewise be taken by a representative of the claimant duly authorized by him to act in his behalf on such matters. The Committee may require such evidence of the authority to act of any such representative as it may reasonably deem necessary or advisable.

the views presented by the claimant of health care professionals treating the claimant or vocational professionals who evaluated the claimant;

the views presented by the claimant of health care professionals treating the claimant or vocational professionals who evaluated the claimant;

In no event may a claimant commence a legal action for benefits the claimant believes are due to the claimant until the claimant has exhausted all of the remedies and procedures set forth in this Section and under ERISA.

Signature of Claimant Signature of Joint Claimant, if any

Print Name of Claimant Print Name of Joint Claimant, if any

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