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Business. Landlord acknowledges that it is not the intent of this [Section 30] to prohibit Tenant from using the Premises for the Permitted Use. Tenant may operate its business according to prudent industry practices so long as the use or presence of Hazardous Materials is strictly and properly monitored according to all then applicable Environmental Requirements. As a material inducement to Landlord to allow Tenant to use Hazardous Materials in connection with its business, Tenant agrees to deliver to Landlord prior to the Commencement Date a list identifying each type of Hazardous Materials to be brought upon, kept, used, stored, handled, treated, generated on, or released or disposed of from, the Premises and setting forth any and all governmental approvals or permits required in connection with the presence, use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of such Hazardous Materials on or from the Premises (“Hazardous Materials List”). Upon Landlord’s request, or any time that Tenant is required to deliver a Hazardous Materials List to any Governmental Authority (e.g., the fire department) in connection with Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a copy of such Hazardous Materials List. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord true and correct copies of the following documents (the “Haz Mat Documents”) relating to the use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, Net Multi-Tenant Laboratory825 Industrial/[[Tenant:Organization]] - Page 26

presence, use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of such Hazardous Materials on or from the Premises (“Hazardous Materials List”). Upon Landlord’s request, or any time that Tenant is required to deliver a Hazardous Materials List to any Governmental Authority (e.g., the fire department) in connection with Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a copy of such Hazardous Materials List. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord true and correct copies of the following documents (the “Haz Mat Documents”) relating to the use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of Hazardous Materials prior to the Commencement Date, or if unavailable at that time, concurrent with the receipt from or submission to a Governmental Authority: permits; approvals; reports and correspondence; storage and management plans, notice of violations of any Legal Requirements; plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in or under the Project (provided, said installation of tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion); all closure plans or any other documents required by any and all federal, state and local Governmental Authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on or under the Project for the closure of any such tanks; and a Decommissioning and HazMat Closure Plan (to the extent surrender in accordance with Section 28 cannot be accomplished in 3 months). Tenant is not required, however, to provide Landlord with any portion(s) of the Haz Mat Documents containing information of a proprietary nature which, in and of themselves, do not contain a reference to any Hazardous Materials or hazardous activities. It is not the intent of this Section to provide Landlord with information which could be detrimental to Tenant’s business should such information become possessed by Tenant’s competitors.

deliver to Landlord prior to the Commencement Date a list identifying each type of Hazardous Materials to be brought upon, kept, used, stored, handled, treated, generated on, or released or disposed of from, the Premises and setting forth any and all governmental approvals or permits required in connection with the presence, use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of such Hazardous Materials on or from the Premises (“Hazardous Materials List”). Upon Landlord’s request, or any time that Tenant is required to deliver a Hazardous Materials List to any Governmental Authority (e.g., the fire department) in connection with Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a copy of such Hazardous Materials List. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord true and correct copies of the following documents (the “Haz Mat Documents”) relating to the use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of Hazardous Materials prior to the Commencement Date, or if unavailable at that time, concurrent with the receipt from or submission to a Governmental Authority: permits; approvals; reports and correspondence; storage and management plans, notice of violations of any Legal Requirements; plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in or under the Project (provided, said installation of tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion); all closure plans or any other documents required by any and all federal, state and local Governmental Authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on or under the Project for the closure of any such tanks; and a Decommissioning and HazMat Closure Plan (to the extent surrender in accordance with Section 28 cannot be accomplished in 3 months). Tenant is not required, however, to provide Landlord with any portion(s) of the Haz Mat Documents containing information of a proprietary nature which, in and of themselves, do not contain a reference to any Hazardous Materials or hazardous activities. It is not the intent of this Section to provide Landlord with information which could be detrimental to Tenant’s business should such information become possessed by Tenant’s competitors.

In the event Landlord consents to Tenant’s use or storage of Hazardous Materials on the Premises or such consent is not required, Tenant represents and warrants that it shall comply with all Environmental Laws applicable to Hazardous Materials including doing the following: # adhere to all reporting and inspection requirements imposed by Environmental Laws and provide Landlord copies of any such reports or agency inspections; # prepare, obtain and provide Landlord copies of all necessary permits, registrations, business plans, and environmental notifications that need to be given to persons entering or occupying the Premises or neighboring properties, that are required for the presence, use or handling of Hazardous Materials on the Premises; # enforce Hazardous Materials handling, management and disposal practices consistent with industry standards; # surrender the Premises free from any Hazardous Materials arising from Tenant’s generating, bringing, using, storing, creating, treating, management, releasing, or disposing of Hazardous Materials; and # properly close the facility with regard to Hazardous Materials, including as applicable, the removal of any equipment, structures or facilities involved in Tenant’s use or management of Hazardous Materials, and the decontamination of any Building equipment, utilities, structures, floors, walls, ceilings, fixtures, piping, mechanical ducting, or other materials which have come into contact with Hazardous Materials, and if required under Environmental Laws, obtaining a closure certificate from the local administering agency prior to the Expiration Date or earlier termination of this Lease. Tenant shall be permitted to use and/or store only those Hazardous Materials that are necessary for Tenant's business and to the extent disclosed in a Hazardous Materials disclosure certificate (the "HazMat Certificate") substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E and as expressly approved by Landlord in writing, which approval may be withheld in Landlord's sole and absolute discretion. Tenant covenants, represents and warrants to Landlord that the information in the HazMat Certificate, if any, is true and correct and accurately describes the nature and use(s) of Hazardous Materials which will be made and/or used on the Premises by Tenant. Tenant shall, commencing with the date which is one year from the Commencement Date and continuing every year thereafter, and at such other times as Landlord may request, deliver to Landlord an updated executed HazMat Certificate describing Tenant's then-present use of Hazardous Materials on the Premises, and any other reasonably necessary documents and information as requested by Landlord. Any usage and storage of Hazardous Materials by Tenant may only be to the extent of the quantities of Hazardous Materials as specified in the then-applicable HazMat Certificate as expressly approved by Landlord, which approval may be withheld in Landlord's reasonable discretion. In all events such usage and storage must at all times be in full compliance with any and all Environmental Laws (as interpreted by judicial and administrative decisions), decrees, directives, guidelines, permits or permit conditions, currently existing and as amended, enacted, issued or adopted in the future which are or become applicable to Tenant or all or any portion of the Premises and in compliance with the recommendations of Landlord's consultants. Tenant agrees that any changes to the type and/or quantities of Hazardous Materials specified in the most recent HazMat Certificate be implemented only with the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be given or withheld in Landlord's sole and absolute discretion.

forth any and all governmental approvals or permits required in connection with the presence, use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of such Hazardous Materials on or from the Premises (“Hazardous Materials List”). Upon Landlord’s request, or any time that Tenant is required to deliver a Hazardous Materials List to any Governmental Authority (e.g., the fire department) in connection with Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a copy of such Hazardous Materials List. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord true and correct copies of the following documents (the “Haz Mat Documents”) relating to the use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of Hazardous Materials prior to the Commencement Date, or if unavailable at that time, concurrent with the receipt from or submission to a Governmental Authority: permits; approvals; reports and correspondence; storage and management plans, notice of violations of any Legal Requirements; plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in or under the Project (provided, said installation of tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion); all closure plans or any other documents required by any and all federal, state and local Governmental Authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on or under the Project for the closure of any such tanks; and a Decommissioning and HazMat Closure Plan (to the extent surrender in accordance with Section 28 cannot be accomplished in 3 months). Tenant is not required, however, to provide Landlord with any portion(s) of the Haz Mat Documents containing information of a proprietary nature which, in and of themselves, do not contain a reference to any Hazardous Materials or hazardous activities. It is not the intent of this Section to provide Landlord with information which could be detrimental to Tenant’s business should such information become possessed by Tenant’s competitors.

Tenant shall not cause or permit any Hazardous Material to be brought upon, kept or used in or about the Premises or otherwise in the Complex by Tenant, its agents, employees, contractors or invitees, without the prior written consent of Landlord, except for Hazardous Materials which are typically used in the operation of offices or laboratories, provided that such materials are stored, used and disposed of in strict compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws and with good scientific and medical practice. Within twenty (20) days of Landlord’s request, Tenant shall provide Landlord with a list of all Hazardous Materials, including quantities used and such other information as Landlord may reasonably request, used by Tenant in the Premises or otherwise in the Complex. Tenant represents that the list attached hereto as [Exhibit J] is a complete list of all Hazardous Materials and quantities that may be used by Tenant in the Premises as of the Execution Date, which list Tenant may supplement or revise during the Term. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to any of Tenant's Hazardous Material which Tenant does not properly handle, store or dispose of in compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws and good scientific and medical practice, Tenant shall, upon written notice from Landlord, no longer have the right to bring such material into the Premises, Building of which the Premises is a part until Tenant has demonstrated, to Landlord's reasonable satisfaction, that Tenant has implemented programs to thereafter properly handle, store or dispose of such material.

Tenant shall not cause or permit any Hazardous Materials to be brought upon, stored, used, generated, released or disposed of on, under, from or about the Premises (including without limitation the soil and groundwater thereunder) without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be given or withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall have the right, without obtaining prior written consent of Landlord, to utilize within the Premises (collectively, the “Permitted Hazmats”): # a reasonable quantity of standard office and cleaning products that may contain Hazardous Materials (such as photocopy toner, “White Out”, and the like), provided however, that Tenant shall follow all instructions with respect to the storage, use and disposal of such products; and # those Hazardous Materials in kind and content listed on the Survey Form delivered to Landlord prior to the execution of this Lease. Tenant shall comply with all applicable laws with respect to such products, and # all of the other terms and provisions of this Section 5.3 shall apply with respect to Tenant’s storage, use and disposal of all Permitted Hazmats. Landlord may, in its sole and absolute discretion, place such conditions as Landlord deems appropriate with respect to Tenant’s use, storage and/or disposal of any Hazardous Materials requiring Landlord’s consent. Tenant understands that Landlord may utilize an environmental consultant to assist in determining conditions of approval in connection with the storage, use, release, and/or disposal of Hazardous Materials by Tenant on or about the Premises, and/or to conduct periodic inspections of the storage, generation, use, release and/or disposal of such Hazardous Materials by Tenant on and from the Premises, and Tenant agrees that any costs incurred by Landlord in connection therewith shall be reimbursed by Tenant to Landlord as additional rent hereunder upon demand.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, Tenant, at its sole cost, shall comply with, and shall cause the Tenant Parties to comply with, all Laws relating to the storage, use and disposal of Tenant’s Hazardous Materials at the Property; provided, however, that Tenant shall not be responsible for contamination of the Leased Premises and/or the Buildings or the Property (including any parking garage) by Hazardous Materials # existing as of the date the Leased Premises are delivered to Tenant (whether before or after the Lease Commencement Date), # that have migrated from outside the Leased Premises not caused by Tenant or the Tenant Parties, or # used, stored, disposed or otherwise released by Landlord’s or any Landlord Party, excepting only contamination caused or permitted by Tenant or the Tenant Parties. Tenant shall not store, use or dispose of any Hazardous Materials except for those Hazardous Materials listed in a Hazardous Materials management plan (“HMMP”) which Tenant shall deliver to Landlord within thirty (30) days after mutual execution and delivery of this Lease and update at least annually with Landlord and after any new Hazardous Materials are brought to the Leased Premises (“Permitted Materials”) which may be used, stored and disposed of provided # such Permitted Materials are used, stored, transported, and disposed of in strict compliance with applicable laws, # such Permitted Materials shall be limited to the materials listed on and may be used only in the quantities specified in the HMMP, and # Tenant shall provide Landlord with copies of all material safety data sheets and other documentation required under applicable Laws in connection with Tenant’s use of Permitted Materials as and when such documentation is provided to any regulatory authority having jurisdiction. Landlord agrees to reasonably cooperate with Tenant, at no liability and at material cost to Landlord, in obtaining any permits required by applicable Law for the use of the Leased Premises by Tenant for the Permitted Use, such cooperation to exclude executing or joining in the execution of such applications and other documentation, provided that if Tenant is required by Laws to obtain a conditional use permit or other similar land use approval in order to use the Leased Premises for the Permitted Use and in connection therewith the applicable governmental agency requires Landlord, as owner, to sign a consent or similar document, then Landlord will agree to act reasonably, at no liability and at material cost to Landlord, in connection with such requirement. In no event shall Tenant or any of the Tenant Parties conduct any invasive or destructive environmental tests of the Leased Premises or cause or permit to be discharged into the plumbing or sewage system of the Building or onto the land underlying or adjacent to the Building any Hazardous Materials. Tenant shall be solely responsible for and shall defend, indemnify, and hold Landlord and its agents harmless from and against all claims, costs and liabilities, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with Tenant’s storage, use and/or disposal of Hazardous Materials. If the presence of Hazardous Materials on the Leased Premises caused or permitted by Tenant or any of the Tenant Parties results in contamination or deterioration of water or soil, then Tenant shall promptly take any and all action necessary to clean up such contamination, but the foregoing shall in no event be deemed to constitute permission by Landlord to allow the presence of such Hazardous Materials. Tenant shall further be solely responsible for, and shall defend, indemnify, and hold Landlord and its agents harmless from and against all claims, costs and liabilities, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with any removal, cleanup and restoration work and materials required hereunder to return the Leased Premises and any other property of whatever nature to their condition as required under applicable Law.

Agents. Tenant shall obtain and maintain any and all necessary permits, licenses, certifications and approvals appropriate or required for the use, handling, storage, and disposal of any Hazardous Materials used, stored, generated, transported, handled, blended, or recycled by Tenant on the Premises. Landlord shall have a continuing right, without obligation, to require Tenant to obtain, and to review and inspect any and all such permits, licenses, certifications and approvals, together with copies of any and all Hazardous Materials management plans and programs, any and all Hazardous Materials risk management and pollution prevention programs, and any and all Hazardous Materials emergency response and employee training programs respecting Tenant’s use of Hazardous Materials. Upon request of Landlord, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a narrative description explaining the nature and scope of Tenant’s activities involving Hazardous Materials and showing to Landlord’s satisfaction compliance with all Environmental Laws and the terms of this Lease.

Tenant may utilize certain hazardous substances in the Premises provided that the specific types, amounts and proposed uses of such hazardous substances will require the approval of Landlord (which approval Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold, condition or delay) and the approval of any mortgagee of the Premises (to the extent provided in the loan documents with such mortgagee). In connection with any request by Tenant to utilize hazardous substances in the Premises, Tenant must demonstrate and document to Landlord's reasonable satisfaction that all hazardous substances utilized by Tenant in the Premises # are necessary or useful to Tenant's business, # will be used, kept, and stored in a manner so as to prevent releases to the environment or exposure to people and in compliance with all environmental laws so brought or used or kept in or about the Premises, and # Tenant obtains, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, any environmental permits, plans or approvals required for its operations under this Lease and for the Premises, including, but not limited to Hazardous Materials Business Plans, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, Spill Response Plans, Air Pollution Control Permits, Waste Discharge Requirements and NPDES Permits. Any such request by Tenant to utilize hazardous substances at the Premises shall be accompanied with copies of any Material Safety Data Sheets (as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act) relating to such hazardous substances. Prior to bringing any hazardous substances on to the Premises pursuant to this [section 6.4], Tenant shall complete the Landlord's Hazardous Substances Questionnaire in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof (a "Hazardous Substances Questionnaire"). Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, Tenant shall be permitted to use and store in the Premises hazardous substances that are identified on Tenant’s Hazardous Substances Questionnaire provided such use and storage of such hazardous substances is in compliance with applicable Legal Requirements, including applicable environmental laws, and the conditions in [clauses (i) through (iii)] in this [section 6.4(a)] are satisfied. Tenant hereby certifies to Landlord that the information set forth in any Hazardous Substances Questionnaire completed by Tenant and delivered to Landlord is true, correct, and complete. Tenant covenants to comply with the use restrictions shown on such Hazardous Substances Exhibit, if any. In addition, Tenant also shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for any hazardous substances stored on the Premises by Tenant.

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