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Business. Landlord acknowledges that it is not the intent of this Section 30 to prohibit Tenant from using the Premises for the Permitted Use. Tenant may operate its business according to prudent industry practices so long as the use or presence of Hazardous Materials is strictly and properly monitored according to all then applicable Environmental Requirements. As a material inducement to Landlord to allow Tenant to use Hazardous Materials in connection with its business, Tenant agrees to deliver to Landlord prior to the Commencement Date a list identifying each type of Hazardous Materials to be brought upon, kept, used, stored, handled, treated, generated on, or disposed of from, the Premises and setting forth any and all governmental approvals or permits required in connection with the presence, use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, Release or disposal of such Hazardous Materials on or from the Premises (“Hazardous Materials List”). The Hazardous Materials List shall not be required to include janitorial supplies, office products such as ink and ink printer cartridges, over-the counter lubricants, paint, plaster, adhesives, and similar building maintenance products, food waste, commercial garbage or domestic sewage, all in volumes not to exceed those typically found in comparable buildings in the I-270 corridor in Montgomery County, Maryland, unless the generation, storage, or disposal of a particular material is regulated under applicable Legal Requirements. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord an updated Hazardous Materials List at least once a year and shall also deliver an updated list before any new Hazardous Material is brought onto, kept, used, stored, handled, treated, generated on, or Released or disposed of from, the Premises. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord true and correct copies of the following documents (“Haz Mat Documents”) relating to the use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, Release or disposal of Hazardous Materials prior to the Commencement Date, or if unavailable at that time, concurrent with the receipt from or submission to a Governmental Authority: permits; approvals; reports and correspondence; storage and management plans, notice of violations of any Legal Requirements; plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in or under the Project (provided, said installation of tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion); all closure plans or any other documents required by any and all federal, state and local Governmental Authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on or under the Project for the closure of any such tanks; and a Surrender Plan (to the extent surrender in accordance with Section 28 cannot be accomplished in 3 months). Tenant is not required, however, to provide Landlord with any portion(s) of the Haz Mat Documents containing information of a proprietary nature that, in and of themselves, do not contain a reference to any Hazardous Materials or hazardous activities. It is not the intent of this Section to provide Landlord with information that could be detrimental to Tenant’s business should such information become possessed by Tenant’s competitors.

Landlord acknowledges that it is not the intent of this Article to prohibit Tenant from operating its business for the Permitted Use. Tenant may operate its business according to the custom of Tenant’s industry so long as the use or presence of Hazardous Materials is strictly and properly monitored in accordance with Applicable Laws. As a material inducement to Landlord to allow Tenant to use Hazardous Materials in connection with its business, Tenant agrees to deliver to Landlord # a list identifying each type of Hazardous Material to be present at the Premises that is subject to regulation under any environmental Applicable Laws in the form of a Tier II form pursuant to [Section 312] of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (or any successor statute) or any other form reasonably requested by Landlord, # a list of any and all approvals or permits from Governmental Authorities required in connection with the presence of such Hazardous Material at the Premises and # correct and complete copies of # notices of violations of Applicable Laws related to Hazardous Materials and # plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in, on, under or about the Premises (provided that installation of storage tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent Landlord may withhold in its sole and absolute discretion) and closure plans or any other documents required by any and all Governmental Authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on, under or about the Premises for the closure of any such storage tanks (collectively, “Hazardous Materials Documents”). Tenant shall deliver to Landlord updated Hazardous Materials Documents, within fourteen (14) days after receipt of a written request therefor from Landlord, not more often than once per year, unless # there are any changes to the Hazardous Materials Documents or # Tenant initiates any Alterations or changes its business, in either case in a way that involves any material increase in the types or amounts of Hazardous Materials, in which case Tenant shall deliver updated Hazardous Materials documents (without Landlord having to request them) before or, if not practicable to do so before, as soon as reasonably practicable after the occurrence of the events in [Subsection 20.2(m) or (n)])]. For each type of Hazardous Material listed, the Hazardous Materials Documents shall include # the chemical name, # the material state (e.g., solid, liquid, gas or cryogen), # the concentration, # the storage amount and storage condition (e.g., in cabinets or not in cabinets), # the use amount and use condition (e.g., open use or closed use), # the location (e.g., room number or other identification) and # if known, the chemical abstract service number. Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, Tenant shall not be required to provide Landlord with any documents containing information of a proprietary nature, unless such documents contain a reference to Hazardous Materials or activities related to Hazardous Materials. Landlord may, at Landlord’s expense, cause the Hazardous Materials Documents to be reviewed by a person or firm qualified to analyze Hazardous Materials to confirm compliance with the provisions of this Lease and with Applicable Laws. In the event that a review of the Hazardous Materials Documents indicates non-compliance with this Lease or Applicable Laws, Tenant shall, at its expense, diligently take steps to bring its storage and use of Hazardous Materials into compliance. Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the contrary or Landlord’s review into Tenant’s Hazardous Materials Documents or use or disposal of hazardous materials, however, Landlord shall not have and expressly disclaims any liability related to Tenant’s or other tenants’ use or disposal of Hazardous Materials, it being acknowledged by Tenant that Tenant is best suited to evaluate the safety and efficacy of its Hazardous Materials usage and procedures.

Landlord acknowledges that it is not the intent of this Article to prohibit Tenant from operating its business for the Permitted Use. Tenant may operate its business according to the custom of Tenant’s industry so long as the use or presence of Hazardous Materials is strictly and properly monitored in accordance with Applicable Laws. As a material inducement to Landlord to allow Tenant to use Hazardous Materials in connection with its business, Tenant agrees to deliver to Landlord # a list identifying each type of Hazardous Material to be present at the Premises that is subject to regulation under any environmental Applicable Laws in the form of a Tier II form pursuant to [Section 312] of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (or any successor statute) or any other form reasonably requested by Landlord, # a list of any and all approvals or permits from Governmental Authorities required in connection with the presence of such Hazardous Material at the Premises and # correct and complete copies of # notices of violations of Applicable Laws related to Hazardous Materials and # plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in, on, under or about the Project (provided that installation of storage tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent Landlord may withhold in its sole and absolute discretion) and closure plans or any other documents required by any and all Governmental Authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on, under or about the Project for the closure of any such storage tanks (collectively, “Hazardous Materials Documents”). Tenant shall deliver to Landlord updated Hazardous Materials Documents, within fourteen (14) days after receipt of a written request therefor from Landlord, not more often than once per year, unless # there are any changes to the Hazardous Materials Documents or # Tenant initiates any Alterations or changes its business, in either case in a way that involves any material increase in the types or amounts of Hazardous Materials, in which case Tenant shall deliver updated Hazardous Materials documents (without Landlord having to request them) before or, if not practicable to do so before, as soon as reasonably practicable after the occurrence of the events in [Subsection 21.2(m) or (n)])]. For each type of Hazardous Material listed, the Hazardous Materials Documents shall include # the chemical name, # the material state (e.g., solid, liquid, gas or cryogen), # the concentration, # the storage amount and storage condition (e.g., in cabinets or not in cabinets), # the use amount and use condition (e.g., open use or closed use), # the location (e.g., room number or other identification) and # if known, the chemical abstract service number. Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, Tenant shall not be required to provide Landlord with any documents containing information of a proprietary nature, unless such documents contain a reference to Hazardous Materials or activities related to Hazardous Materials. Landlord may, at Landlord’s expense, cause the Hazardous Materials Documents to be reviewed by a person or firm qualified to analyze Hazardous Materials to confirm compliance with the provisions of this Lease and with Applicable Laws. In the event that a review of the Hazardous Materials Documents indicates non-compliance with this Lease or Applicable Laws, Tenant shall, at its expense, diligently take steps to bring its storage and use of Hazardous Materials into compliance. Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the contrary or Landlord’s review into Tenant’s Hazardous Materials Documents or use or disposal of hazardous materials, however, Landlord shall not have and expressly disclaims any liability related to Tenant’s use or disposal of Hazardous Materials, it being acknowledged by Tenant that Tenant is best suited to evaluate the safety and efficacy of its Hazardous Materials usage and procedures.

Business. Landlord acknowledges that it is not the intent of this Section 30 to prohibit Tenant from using the Premises for the Permitted Use. Tenant may operate its business according to prudent industry practices so long as the use or presence of Hazardous Materials is strictly and properly monitored according to all then applicable Environmental Requirements. As a material inducement to Landlord to allow Tenant to use Hazardous Materials in connection with its business, Tenant agrees to deliver to Landlord prior to the Commencement Date a list identifying each type of Hazardous Materials to be brought upon, kept, used, stored, handled, treated, generated on, or released or disposed of from, the Premises and setting forth any and all governmental approvals or permits required in connection with the

Premises and setting forth any and all governmental approvals or permits required in connection with the presence, use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of such Hazardous Materials on or from the Premises (“Hazardous Materials List”). Upon Landlord’s request, or any time that Tenant is required to deliver a Hazardous Materials List to any Governmental Authority (e.g., the fire department) in connection with Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a copy of such Hazardous Materials List. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord true and correct copies of the following documents (the “Haz Mat Documents”) relating to the use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of Hazardous Materials prior to the Commencement Date, or if unavailable at that time, concurrent with the receipt from or submission to a Governmental Authority: permits; approvals; reports and correspondence; storage and management plans, notice of violations of any Legal Requirements; plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in or under the Project (provided, said installation of tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion); all closure plans or any other documents required by any and all federal, state and local Governmental Authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on or under the Project for the closure of any such tanks; and a Decommissioning and HazMat Closure Plan (to the extent surrender in accordance with [Section 28] cannot be accomplished in 3 months). Tenant is not required, however, to provide Landlord with any portion(s) of the Haz Mat Documents containing information of a proprietary nature which, in and of themselves, do not contain a reference to any Hazardous Materials or hazardous activities. It is not the intent of this Section to provide Landlord with information which could be detrimental to Tenant’s business should such information become possessed by Tenant’s competitors.

presence, use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of such Hazardous Materials on or from the Premises (“Hazardous Materials List”). Upon Landlord’s request, or any time that Tenant is required to deliver a Hazardous Materials List to any Governmental Authority (e.g., the fire department) in connection with Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a copy of such Hazardous Materials List. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord true and correct copies of the following documents (the “Haz Mat Documents”) relating to the use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of Hazardous Materials prior to the Commencement Date, or if unavailable at that time, concurrent with the receipt from or submission to a Governmental Authority: permits; approvals; reports and correspondence; storage and management plans, notice of violations of any Legal Requirements; plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in or under the Project (provided, said installation of tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion); all closure plans or any other documents required by any and all federal, state and local Governmental Authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on or under the Project for the closure of any such tanks; and a Decommissioning and HazMat Closure Plan (to the extent surrender in accordance with Section 28 cannot be accomplished in 3 months). Tenant is not required, however, to provide Landlord with any portion(s) of the Haz Mat Documents containing information of a proprietary nature which, in and of themselves, do not contain a reference to any Hazardous Materials or hazardous activities. It is not the intent of this Section to provide Landlord with information which could be detrimental to Tenant’s business should such information become possessed by Tenant’s competitors.

forth any and all governmental approvals or permits required in connection with the presence, use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of such Hazardous Materials on or from the Premises (“Hazardous Materials List”). Upon Landlord’s request, or any time that Tenant is required to deliver a Hazardous Materials List to any Governmental Authority (e.g., the fire department) in connection with Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a copy of such Hazardous Materials List. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord true and correct copies of the following documents (the “Haz Mat Documents”) relating to the use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of Hazardous Materials prior to the Commencement Date, or if unavailable at that time, concurrent with the receipt from or submission to a Governmental Authority: permits; approvals; reports and correspondence; storage and management plans, notice of violations of any Legal Requirements; plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in or under the Project (provided, said installation of tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion); all closure plans or any other documents required by any and all federal, state and local Governmental Authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on or under the Project for the closure of any such tanks; and a Decommissioning and HazMat Closure Plan (to the extent surrender in accordance with Section 28 cannot be accomplished in 3 months). Tenant is not required, however, to provide Landlord with any portion(s) of the Haz Mat Documents containing information of a proprietary nature which, in and of themselves, do not contain a reference to any Hazardous Materials or hazardous activities. It is not the intent of this Section to provide Landlord with information which could be detrimental to Tenant’s business should such information become possessed by Tenant’s competitors.

deliver to Landlord prior to the Commencement Date a list identifying each type of Hazardous Materials to be brought upon, kept, used, stored, handled, treated, generated on, or released or disposed of from, the Premises and setting forth any and all governmental approvals or permits required in connection with the presence, use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of such Hazardous Materials on or from the Premises (“Hazardous Materials List”). Upon Landlord’s request, or any time that Tenant is required to deliver a Hazardous Materials List to any Governmental Authority (e.g., the fire department) in connection with Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a copy of such Hazardous Materials List. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord true and correct copies of the following documents (the “Haz Mat Documents”) relating to the use, storage, handling, treatment, generation, release or disposal of Hazardous Materials prior to the Commencement Date, or if unavailable at that time, concurrent with the receipt from or submission to a Governmental Authority: permits; approvals; reports and correspondence; storage and management plans, notice of violations of any Legal Requirements; plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in or under the Project (provided, said installation of tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion); all closure plans or any other documents required by any and all federal, state and local Governmental Authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on or under the Project for the closure of any such tanks; and a Decommissioning and HazMat Closure Plan (to the extent surrender in accordance with Section 28 cannot be accomplished in 3 months). Tenant is not required, however, to provide Landlord with any portion(s) of the Haz Mat Documents containing information of a proprietary nature which, in and of themselves, do not contain a reference to any Hazardous Materials or hazardous activities. It is not the intent of this Section to provide Landlord with information which could be detrimental to Tenant’s business should such information become possessed by Tenant’s competitors.

Hazardous Materials Documents. Landlord acknowledges that it is not the intent of this [Subsection 6.2.8] above or this [Subsection 6.2.9] to prohibit Tenant from operating its business for the Permitted Uses. Tenant may operate its business according to the custom of Tenant’s industry so long as the use or presence of Hazardous Materials is strictly and properly monitored in accordance with applicable laws. As a material inducement to Landlord to allow Tenant to use Hazardous Materials in connection with its business, Tenant agrees to deliver to Landlord # a list identifying each type of Hazardous Material to be present at the Premises that is subject to regulation under any environmental applicable laws, # a list of any and all approvals or permits from governmental authorities required in connection with the presence of such Hazardous Material at the Premises and # correct and complete copies of # notices, orders or similar documents concerning any violations of applicable laws related to Hazardous Materials or with respect to any Hazardous Materials affecting the Premises or Property and # plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in, on, under or about the Property (provided that installation of storage tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent Landlord may withhold in its sole and absolute discretion) and closure plans or any other documents required by any and all governmental authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on, under or about the Property by a Tenant Party for the closure of any such storage tanks (collectively, “Hazardous Materials Documents”). Tenant shall deliver to Landlord updated Hazardous Materials Documents # no later than thirty (30) days prior to the initial occupancy of any portion of the Premises or the initial placement of equipment using Hazardous Materials anywhere at the Property, # annually thereafter, but only if there are any changes to the Hazardous Materials Documents from the prior submitted documents or if otherwise required by applicable law, and # thirty (30) days prior to the initiation by Tenant of any Alterations or changes in Tenant’s business that involve any material increase in the types or amounts of Hazardous Materials. For each type of Hazardous Material listed, the Hazardous Materials Documents shall include # the chemical name, # the material state (e.g., solid, liquid, gas or cryogen), # the concentration, # the storage amount and storage condition (e.g., in cabinets or not in cabinets), # the use amount and use condition (e.g., open use or closed use), # the location (e.g., room number or other identification) and # if known, the chemical abstract service number. Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, Tenant shall not be required to provide Landlord with any Hazardous Materials Documents containing information of a proprietary nature. Landlord may, at Landlord’s expense, cause the Hazardous Materials Documents to be reviewed by a person or firm qualified to analyze Hazardous Materials to confirm compliance with the provisions of this Lease and with applicable laws. In the event that a review of the Hazardous Materials Documents indicates non-compliance with this Lease or applicable laws, Tenant shall, at its expense, diligently take steps to bring its storage and use of Hazardous Materials into compliance.

Hazardous Materials Documents. Landlord acknowledges and agrees that neither [Section 6.2.8] nor this [Section 6.2.9] shall prohibit Tenant from operating its business for the Permitted Uses. Tenant may operate its business and use Hazardous Materials in connection therewith (including materials used in research and development, materials used in the operation, maintenance and use of the building systems, materials used in the construction of any work, cleaning supplies, office supplies and equipment and petroleum products used in motor vehicles or equipment), so long as the use or presence of Hazardous Materials is conducted or monitored in accordance with Environmental Laws. As a material inducement to Landlord to allow Tenant to use Hazardous Materials in connection with its business, Tenant agrees to deliver to Landlord # a list identifying each type of Hazardous Material to be used by Tenant at the Premises that is subject to regulation under any Environmental Laws, # a list of any and all approvals or permits from governmental authorities required in connection with the presence of such Hazardous Material at the Premises and # correct and complete copies of # notices of violations of Environmental Laws related to such Hazardous Materials and # plans relating to the installation of any storage tanks to be installed in, on, under or about the Property (provided that installation of storage tanks shall only be permitted after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which consent Landlord may withhold in its sole and absolute discretion) and closure plans or any other documents required by any and all governmental authorities for any storage tanks installed in, on, under or about the Property by a Tenant Party for the closure of any such storage tanks (collectively, “Hazardous Materials Documents”). Tenant shall deliver to Landlord updated Hazardous Materials Documents # fifteen (15) days prior to the initial occupancy of any portion of the Premises or the initial placement of equipment anywhere at the Property, # if there are any material changes to the Hazardous Materials Documents, annually thereafter no later than December 31 of each year, and # thirty (30) days prior to the initiation by Tenant of any Alterations that involve any material increase in the types or amounts of Hazardous Materials other than materials normally used in construction activities. For each type of Hazardous Material (other than materials typically used for office uses, including materials used in the operation, maintenance and use of the building systems, materials used in the construction of any work, cleaning supplies, office supplies and equipment and petroleum products used in motor vehicles or equipment) listed, the Hazardous Materials Documents shall include, to the extent applicable and reasonably available to Tenant, # the chemical name, # the material state (e.g., solid, liquid, gas or cryogen), # the concentration, # the storage amount and storage condition (e.g., in cabinets or not in cabinets), # the use amount and use condition (e.g., open use or closed use), # the location (e.g., room number or other identification) and # if known, the chemical abstract service number. Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, Tenant shall not be required to provide Landlord with any Hazardous Materials Documents containing information of a proprietary nature. Landlord may, at Landlord’s expense, cause the Hazardous Materials Documents to be reviewed by a person or firm qualified to analyze Hazardous Materials to confirm compliance with the provisions of this Lease and with Environmental Laws. In the event that a review of the Hazardous Materials Documents shows non-compliance with this Lease or Environmental Laws, Tenant shall, at its expense, diligently take steps to bring its storage and use of Hazardous Materials into compliance.

Business. Landlord acknowledges that it is not the intent of this Section 30 to prohibit Tenant from using the Premises for the Permitted Use. Tenant may operate its business according to prudent industry practices so long as the use or presence of Hazardous Materials is strictly and properly monitored according to all then applicable Environmental Requirements. As a material inducement to Landlord to allow Tenant to use Hazardous Materials in connection with its business, Tenant agrees to deliver to Landlord prior to the Commencement Date a list identifying each type of Hazardous Materials to be brought upon, kept, used, stored, handled, treated, generated on, or released or disposed of from, the Premises and setting [[Landlord:Organization]] Technology Forest/[[Tenant:Organization]] - Page 27

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