Brokers. Landlord and Tenant each warrants to the other that in connection with this Lease it has not employed or dealt with any broker, agent or finder, other than the Brokers. Landlord acknowledges that, provided the Brokers are each licensed in the jurisdiction in which the Building is to be located, Landlord shall pay the Brokers pursuant to separate agreements between Landlord and each of such Brokers; or, if applicable, Landlord shall pay Landlords Broker, a commission pursuant to the terms of a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Landlord, and Landlords Broker shall pay Tenants Broker (as the local co-broker and consultant) its sub-commission, out of Landlords Brokers commission from Landlord, pursuant to a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Tenants Broker. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions, or for a lien under any applicable brokers lien law, asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Tenant or with whom Tenant has dealt in connection with this Lease or the Building, other than the Brokers. Landlord shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Landlord or with whom Landlord has dealt in connection with this Lease, other than the Brokers. Tenants and Landlords indemnities set forth in this Section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.
Brokers. Landlord covenants, represents and Tenant each warrants to the other that Landlord has had no dealings or negotiations with any broker or agent in connection with the consummation of this Lease it has not employed or dealt with any broker, agent or finder,Agreement other than the Brokers.Broker, and Landlord acknowledges that, providedcovenants and agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify Tenant from and against any and all cost, expense (including reasonable attorneys fees, including in enforcing the Brokers are each licensed inforegoing indemnification) or liability for any compensation, commissions or charges claimed by any broker or agent who claims to have dealt with Landlord (including the jurisdiction in whichBroker) with respect to this Agreement or the Building is to be located,negotiation thereof. Landlord shall pay all commissions due the Brokers pursuant to separate agreements between Landlord and each of such Brokers; or,Broker, if applicable, Landlord shall pay Landlords Broker, a commissionany, pursuant to the terms of a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Landlord, and Landlords Broker shall pay Tenants Broker (as the local co-broker and consultant) its sub-commission, out of Landlords Brokers commission from Landlord, pursuant to a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Tenants Broker. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions, or for a lien under any applicable brokers lien law, asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Tenant or with whom Tenant has dealt in connection with this Lease or the Building, other than the Brokers. Landlord shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Landlord or with whom Landlord has dealt in connection with this Lease, other than the Brokers. Tenants and Landlords indemnities set forth in this Section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.agreements.
Brokers.No Broker. Landlord and Tenant eachrepresents and warrants to the other that in connection with this Lease it has not employed or dealt with any broker,no agent or finder, other than the Brokers. Landlord acknowledges that, provided the Brokers are each licensedbroker in the jurisdiction in which the Building is to be located, Landlord shall pay the Brokers pursuant to separate agreements betweenbringing about or procuring this Agreement. Each of Landlord and each of such Brokers; or, if applicable, Landlord shall pay Landlords Broker, a commission pursuant toTenant hereby indemnifies and holds the terms of a separate agreement between Landlords Brokerother harmless from any and Landlord,all claims, demands, suits, judgments and Landlords Broker shall pay Tenants Broker (as the local co-broker and consultant) its sub-commission,costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, which may arise out of Landlords Brokers commission from Landlord, pursuant to a separate agreement between Landlords Brokerthe failure of this representation and Tenants Broker. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions, or for a lien under any applicable brokers lien law, assertedwarranty by any broker, agent or finder employed by Tenant or with whom Tenant has dealt in connection with this Lease or the Building, other than the Brokers. Landlord shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Landlord or with whom Landlord has dealt in connection with this Lease, other than the Brokers. Tenants and Landlords indemnities set forth in this Section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.such party.
Brokers.BROKER: Except as provided below, Landlord and Tenant each hereby warrants to the other that no real estate broker has been involved in connection with this Lease it has not employedtransaction on its behalf and that no finder's fees or dealt withreal estate commissions have been earned by any broker, agent or finder, other than the Brokers. Landlord acknowledges that, provided the Brokers are each licensed in the jurisdiction in which the Building isthird party. Tenant hereby agrees to be located, Landlord shall pay the Brokers pursuant to separate agreements betweenindemnify Landlord and eachLandlord hereby agrees to indemnify Tenant for any liability or claims for commissions or fees arising from a breach of such Brokers; or, if applicable, Landlordthis warranty by it. The only real estate broker involved in this transaction is Cassidy Turley Commercial Real Estate Services, whose commission or fee with respect to this transaction shall pay Landlords Broker, a commission pursuant to the terms of a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Landlord, and Landlords Broker shall pay Tenants Broker (as the local co-broker and consultant) its sub-commission, out of Landlords Brokers commission from Landlord, pursuant to a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Tenants Broker. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions, or for a lien under any applicable brokers lien law, asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Tenant or with whom Tenant has dealt in connection with this Lease or the Building, other than the Brokers. Landlord shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions asserted by any broker, agent or finder employedbe paid by Landlord orin accordance with whom Landlord has dealt in connection with this Lease, other than the Brokers. Tenants and Landlords indemnities set forth in this Section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.that certain letter to Mr. Sean M. Teague dated January 8, 2014.
Brokers. LandlordBroker. Tenant represents and Tenant each warrants to the other that it has not dealt with any broker in connection with the negotiation or execution of this Lease it has not employed or dealt with any broker, agent or finder,Amendment. Tenant and Landlord each agree to Indemnify the other than the Brokers. Landlord acknowledges that, provided the Brokers are each licensed in the jurisdiction in which the Building is to be located, Landlord shall pay the Brokers pursuant to separate agreements between Landlordagainst all costs, expenses, attorneys' fees, liens and each of such Brokers; or, if applicable, Landlord shall pay Landlords Broker, a commission pursuant to the terms of a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Landlord, and Landlords Broker shall pay Tenants Broker (as the local co-broker and consultant) its sub-commission, out of Landlords Brokers commission from Landlord, pursuant to a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Tenants Broker. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any claimother liability for brokeragecommissions or other commissions, or for a lien under any applicable brokers lien law, assertedcompensation claimed by any broker,broker or agent claiming the same by, through, or finder employed by Tenant or with whom Tenant has dealt in connection with this Lease orunder the Building, other than the Brokers. Landlord shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Landlord or with whom Landlord has dealt in connection with this Lease, other than the Brokers. Tenants and Landlords indemnities set forth in this Section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.indemnifying party.
Brokers.Broker. Each of Tenant and Landlord and Tenant each warrantsrepresents to the other that in connection withthe negotiation and consummation of this LeaseAgreement it has not employed or dealt with any broker, agent or finder,no broker. Each of Tenant and Landlord indemnifies the other than the Brokers. Landlord acknowledges that, provided the Brokers are each licensed in the jurisdiction in which the Building is to be located, Landlord shall pay the Brokers pursuant to separate agreements between Landlordagainst liability (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and each of such Brokers; or, if applicable, Landlord shall pay Landlords Broker, a commission pursuant to the terms of a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Landlord, and Landlords Broker shall pay Tenants Broker (as the local co-broker and consultant) its sub-commission,disbursements) arising out of Landlords Brokers commission from Landlord, pursuant to a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Tenants Broker. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any claim for brokeragean inaccuracy or other commissions, or for a lien under any applicable brokers lien law, asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Tenant or with whom Tenant has dealt in connection withalleged inaccuracy of the above representation. The provisions of this Lease or the Building, other than the Brokers. Landlord shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Landlord or with whom Landlord has dealt in connection with this Lease, other than the Brokers. Tenants and Landlords indemnities set forth in this SectionParagraph shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.Lease.
Brokers.No Broker. Landlord and Tenant each warrants to the otherwarrant that they have dealt with no real estate broker in connection with this Lease it has not employed or dealttransaction with any broker, agent or finder, other than the Brokers. Landlord acknowledges that, providedexception of the Brokers are each licensedbrokers, if any, named in the jurisdiction in which the Building is to be located, Landlord shall pay the Brokers pursuant to separate agreements betweenExhibit F. Landlord and Tenant each of such Brokers; or, if applicable, Landlord shall pay Landlords Broker, a commission pursuantagree to the terms of a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Landlord, and Landlords Broker shall pay Tenants Broker (as the local co-broker and consultant) its sub-commission, out of Landlords Brokers commission from Landlord, pursuant to a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Tenants Broker. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlordeach other harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions, orand all damages, costs and expenses resulting from any claim(s) for a lien under any applicable brokerbrokerage commission or finders lien law,fee that may be asserted against either of them by any broker, agentbroker or finder employed by Tenant or with whom Tenantthe other has dealt in connection with this Lease or the Building, other than the Brokers. Landlord shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Landlord or with whom Landlord has dealt in connection with this Lease, other than the Brokers. Tenants and Landlords indemnities set forth in this Section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.dealt.
Brokers. Landlord and Tenant each represents and warrants to the other that in connection with this Lease it has not employed or dealt with any broker, agent or finder, other thanperson (collectively, Broker) in connection with the Brokers. Landlord acknowledges that, provided the Brokers are each licensedtransaction reflected in the jurisdiction in which the Building is to be located, Landlord shall pay the Brokers pursuant to separate agreements betweenthis Fifth Amendment. Landlord and Tenant each of such Brokers; or, if applicable, Landlord shall pay Landlords Broker, a commission pursuanthereby agrees to the terms of a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Landlord, and Landlords Broker shall pay Tenants Broker (as the local co-broker and consultant) its sub-commission, out of Landlords Brokers commission from Landlord, pursuant to a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Tenants Broker. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlordthe other harmless from and against any claim for brokerageclaims by any Broker claiming a commission or other commissions, or for a lien under any applicable brokers lien law, assertedform of compensation by any broker, agent or finder employed byvirtue of having dealt with Tenant or Landlord, as applicable, with whom Tenant has dealt in connection withregard to this Lease or the Building, other than the Brokers. Landlord shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Landlord or with whom Landlord has dealt in connection with this Lease, other than the Brokers. Tenants and Landlords indemnities set forth in this Section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.Fifth Amendment.
Brokers. Landlord and Tenant each warrantshereby warrant to theeach other that they have had no dealings with any real estate broker or agent in connection with the negotiation of this Lease, excepting only the real estate brokers or agents specified in Section 12 of the Summary (the "Brokers"), and that they know of no other real estate broker or agent who is entitled to a commission in connection with this Lease it has not employedLease. Each party agrees to indemnify and defend the other party against and hold the other party harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, lawsuits, judgments, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees) with respect to any leasing commission or dealtequivalent compensation alleged to be owing on account of any dealings with any broker, agentreal estate broker or finder,agent, other than the Brokers. Landlord acknowledges that, providedBrokers, occurring by, through, or under the Brokers are each licensed in the jurisdiction in which the Building is to be located, Landlord shall pay the Brokers pursuant to separate agreements between Landlord and each of such Brokers; or, if applicable, Landlord shall pay Landlords Broker, a commission pursuant to theindemnifying party. The terms of a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Landlord, and Landlords Broker shall pay Tenants Broker (as the local co-broker and consultant) its sub-commission, out of Landlords Brokers commission from Landlord, pursuant to a separate agreement between Landlords Broker and Tenants Broker. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions, or for a lien under any applicable brokers lien law, asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Tenant or with whom Tenant has dealt in connection with this Lease or the Building, other than the Brokers. Landlord shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claim for brokerage or other commissions asserted by any broker, agent or finder employed by Landlord or with whom Landlord has dealt in connection with this Lease, other than the Brokers. Tenants and Landlords indemnities set forth in this Section 29.24 shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.
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