Example ContractsClausesBranding
Branding contract clause examples

Branding. [[Organization A:Organization]] shall provide all proposed […​…] and related […​…] for […​…] (“[…​…]”) to [[Agenus:Organization]] for review and discussion. All uses of the […​…] to identify and/or in connection with the […​…] of […​…] shall be in accordance with applicable Regulatory Approvals and all Applicable Laws. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure that [[Organization A:Organization]]’s […​…] activities with respect to […​…] are consistent with […​…] for the [[Agenus:Organization]] Antibody, which […​…] will share with [[Organization A:Organization]] at [[Organization A:Organization]]’s request. [[Organization A:Organization]] shall ensure that […​…] activities pursuant to this Agreement do not result in the infringement, dilution or other violation of any Third Party trademark or other proprietary rights, are permissible under Applicable Law in the applicable jurisdiction, and would not be deemed as immoral, scandalous, misleading and/or confusing to a reasonable consumer in such jurisdiction.

Branding. The Marketing Materials (including Promotional Materials) will contemplate branding that acknowledges ITEOS’s role in discovering the Licensed Products, ​ in the Profit-Sharing Territory where permitted by Applicable Law. GSK will use reasonable efforts to include an agreed-upon standard ​.

Branding. Vertex or its designated Affiliates or Sublicensees will select and own all trademarks used in connection with the Commercialization of any and all Products. CRISPR will not use nor seek to register, anywhere in the world, any trademark that is confusingly similar to any trademark used by or on behalf of Vertex, its Affiliates or Sublicensees in connection with any Product.

Branding. Subject to further mutual written agreement of the Parties, to the extent permitted by applicable Law and applicable Regulatory Authorities, # all Licensed Product sold or distributed for U.S. Administration will have the corporate brands of each Party displayed on an equally prominent basis, and # all Licensed Product sold or distributed for ROW Administration will have the corporate brand of Bluebird displayed on a reasonably prominent basis. At such time as the JGC will deem appropriate, the Parties will enter into appropriate trademark licensing agreements to achieve the foregoing.

Branding. Raven may, in its sole discretion, sell/re-sell the AgEagle System under any Raven, or Raven subsidiary brand. Such labeling and branding is in the sole discretion of Raven. AgEagle shall be permitted to brand the AgEagle system, in a location and size approved, in writing, by Raven, so as to complement any Raven branding. AgEagle may not in any way modify the AgEagle branding, including, but not limited to altering the color, size or placement of branding, once approved by Raven, until Raven has approved such modification in writing. AgEagle is solely responsible for the payment of all expenses and fees associated with the AgEagle branding.

The Product will be branded as a QIAGEN product, including identified as “manufactured by QIAGEN.” QIAGEN shall secondarily display a [[Organization A:Organization]] brand on # the ​ component of the Product; # the test report (if the QIAGEN brand appears on the test report) and # any promotional materials for the Product. [[Organization A:Organization]] may update the [[Organization A:Organization]] brand to be used upon reasonable written notice to QIAGEN.

Global Branding Strategy. [[Agenus:Organization]] will control the global branding strategy (including global positioning, messages, logo, colors and other visual branding elements) for the Licensed Antibodies and Licensed Products throughout the world (the “Global Branding Strategy”). Betta will comply with the Global Branding Strategy; provided, however, that Betta will be permitted to deviate from the Global Branding Strategy for a Licensed Product in relation to the Territory to the extent ​ (such deviations “Permissible Deviations”). Betta will discuss any Permissible Deviation from the Global Branding Strategy with [[Agenus:Organization]] and consider any comments [[Agenus:Organization]] may have with respect thereto ​.

Changes to Branding. If American determines that the interior branding of a Covered Aircraft (other than any item addressed by the Cabin Interiors Program) should be altered or changed, then American shall provide Contractor with Notice of such alteration or change and within at least ​ following such Notice, ​ so that American may determine whether to

Global Branding Strategy. The JCC will develop a global branding strategy for the Products in the Field in the Territory, including, with respect to each Product, a life cycle plan, brand vision, positioning, key messaging, concept and imagery, Trademarks (including name and logos), brand public relations and supporting market research (the “Global Branding Strategy”) and submit such strategy to the JSC for approval.

Global Branding Strategy. Acorda shall have the right, from time to time during the Term, to implement (and thereafter modify and update) a global branding strategy, including global messaging, for the Licensed Product for use in the Field throughout the world (the “Global Branding Strategy”). To the extent Acorda determines to utilize such Global Branding Strategy, Licensee shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to adhere to the Global Branding Strategy in its Commercialization of the Licensed Product in the Territory, including with respect to any Promotional Materials.

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