Example ContractsClausesbooksVariants
Books contract clause examples

Books and Records. Each Party will keep and maintain accurate and complete records regarding Research Costs, during the three (3) preceding Calendar Years. Upon ​ days’ prior written notice from the other Party (the “Auditing Party”), the Party required to maintain such records (as applicable, the “Audited Party”) will permit an independent certified public accounting firm of internationally recognized standing, selected by the Auditing Party and reasonably acceptable to the Audited Party, to examine the relevant books and records of the Audited Party and its Affiliates, as may be reasonably necessary to verify the Summary Statements and Reconciliation Reports. An examination by the Auditing Party under this Section 2.9.1(d) will occur not more than ​ in any Calendar Year and will be limited to the pertinent books and records for any Calendar Year ending not more than ​ months before the date of the request. The accounting firm will be provided access to such books and records at the Audited Party’s facility or facilities where such books and records are normally kept and such examination will be conducted during the Audited Party’s normal business hours. The Audited Party may require the accounting firm to sign a customary non-disclosure agreement before providing the accounting firm access to its facilities or records. Upon completion of the audit, the accounting firm will provide both the Auditing Party and the Audited Party a written report disclosing whether the applicable Summary Statements and Reconciliation Reports are correct or incorrect and the specific details concerning any discrepancies. No other information will be provided to the Auditing Party. If the report or information submitted by the Audited Party results in an underpayment or overpayment, the Party owing underpaid or overpaid amount will promptly pay such amount to the other Party, and, if, as a result of such inaccurate

Records and Audit Rights. Each Party shall keep complete, true and accurate books of account and records for the purpose of determining the amounts payable under this Agreement. Such books and records shall be kept at the principal place of business of each Party, as the case may be, for at least ​ (or such longer period as required by applicable Law) following the end of the Calendar Year to which they pertain. Each Party (the “Audited Party”) shall make such account and records available, on reasonable notice sent by the other Party (the “Auditing Party”), for inspection during normal business hours, with not less than ​ advance written notice, by an independent certified public accounting firm nominated by such and reasonably acceptable for the Audited Party, for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of any statement or report given by the Audited Party and to verify the accuracy of the payments due hereunder for any Calendar Year. Such auditor shall advise the Parties simultaneously promptly upon its completion of its audit whether or not the payments due hereunder have been accurately recorded, calculated, and reported, and, if not, the amount of such discrepancy. Except in the case of willful misconduct or fraud, # a Party’s financial records with respect to a given period of time shall only be subject to one (1) audit per Calendar Year, and # the Auditing Party’s right to perform an audit pertaining to any Calendar Year shall expire ​ after the end of such Calendar Year. The auditor shall be required to keep confidential all information learned during any such inspection, and to disclose to the Auditing Party only such details as may be necessary to report [[Person A:Person]] the accuracy of the Audited Party’s statement or report. The Auditing Party shall be responsible for the auditor’s costs, unless the auditor certifies that an overpayment to, or an underpayment by, the Audited Party that resulted from a discrepancy in a report that the Audited Party provided to the Auditing Party during the applicable audit period, which underpayment or overpayment was more than ​ of the amount set forth in such report or ​, whichever is greater, in which case the Audited Party shall bear the full cost of such audit. If such accounting firm correctly identifies a discrepancy made during such period, any unpaid amounts or overpaid amounts that are discovered shall be paid/refunded promptly but in any event within ​ of the date of delivery of such accounting firm’s written report so correctly concluding, or as otherwise agreed upon by the Parties. The Auditing Party shall treat all financial information subject to review under this Section 9.8 in accordance with the confidentiality and non-use provisions of Article 10, and shall cause its accounting firm to enter into an acceptable confidentiality agreement with the Audited Party obligating it to retain all such information in confidence pursuant to such confidentiality agreement. Upon the expiration of ​ following the end of any Calendar Year, royalty calculations and joint Development Cost sharing calculations with respect to such Calendar Year shall be binding and conclusive upon both parties. Unless an audit is ongoing with respect to such period, the Parties shall be released from any liability or accountability with respect to said calculations for such Calendar Year.

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