Example ContractsClausesbid processVariants
Bid Process
Bid Process contract clause examples

Approval Process. Landlord shall notify Tenant whether it approves of the submitted working drawings within ten business days after Tenant's submission thereof. If Landlord disapproves of such working drawings, then Landlord shall notify Tenant thereof specifying in reasonable detail the reasons for such disapproval, in which case Tenant shall, within five business days after such notice, revise such working drawings in accordance with Landlord's objections and submit the revised working drawings to Landlord for its review and approval. Landlord shall notify Tenant in writing whether it approves of the resubmitted working drawings within five business days after its receipt thereof. This process shall be repeated until the working drawings have been finally approved by Tenant and Landlord. If Landlord fails to notify Tenant that it disapproves of the initial working drawings within ten business days (or, in the case of resubmitted working drawings, within five business days) after the submission thereof, then Landlord shall be deemed to have approved the working drawings in question.

Approved Working Drawings. Landlord shall approve (or disapprove) the working drawings prepared by Architect within ​ (​) business days after Landlord receives the final Construction Drawings (as so approved by Landlord, the "Approved Working Drawings"). If Landlord disapproves (which disapproval shall be in writing and shall specify in reasonable detail the basis of such disapproval) of the Construction Drawings, Tenant shall revise such Construction Drawings within ​ (​) Business Days after receipt of Landlord's disapproval

Approved Working Drawings. Following the completion of the Draft Working Drawings, Landlord shall send to Tenant via electronic mail one .pdf electronic copy of the Draft Working Drawings for Tenant’s reasonable approval. Tenant shall approve the Draft Working Drawings within five business days of receipt by delivery of written notice thereof to Landlord. Tenant may only disapprove the Draft Working Drawings to the extent they are not a logical extension of, or they are inconsistent with, the Space Plan, in which event Tenant shall provide a reasoned explanation for such disapproval. In such event, Landlord shall redraft the Draft Working Drawings and resubmit them to Tenant for its reasonable approval, until Tenant approves them. In any event, Landlord shall have the absolute right to reject any proposed changes or modifications proposed by Tenant that, in Landlord’s reasonable opinion, # are inconsistent with, or not a logical extension of, the Space Plan, # will increase the cost of the Tenant Improvements, # will materially detract from the value of the Project or # will impact the Building's structure, systems or future marketability. If Tenant does not approve or disapprove the Draft Working Drawings within five business days after receipt of any version of them, Tenant shall be deemed to have approved the Draft Working Drawings. The Draft Working Drawings as approved (or deemed approved) by Tenant are hereinafter referred to as the "Approved Working Drawings".

and resubmit the revised Construction Drawings back to Landlord for Landlord's review. Thereafter, within ​ (​) Business Days following receipt of same, Landlord will either approve or disapprove the Construction Drawings. This process shall be repeated until the Construction Drawings are ultimately approved by Landlord such that they become Approved Working Drawings. Tenant shall submit the Approved Working Drawings to all applicable governmental agencies and diligently pursue its receipt of all applicable building permits and approvals. Tenant hereby agrees that neither Landlord nor Landlord's consultants shall be responsible for obtaining any building permit or certificate of occupancy for the Tenant Improvements and that obtaining the same shall be Tenant's responsibility; provided, however, that Landlord shall cooperate with Tenant in executing permit applications and performing other ministerial acts reasonably necessary to enable Tenant to obtain any such permit or certificate of occupancy. No changes, modifications or alterations in the Approved Working Drawings may be made without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may not be unreasonably withheld.

Landlord. Within ten (10) days after delivery of the Tenant Phase 1 Working Drawings. Landlord shall either reasonably approve the Tenant Phase 1 Working Drawings or notify Tenant of the reasons Landlord does not reasonably approve them. Tenant shall revise the Tenant Phase 1 Working Drawings to address the concerns raised by Landlord and then resubmit for Landlord’s approval or disapproval pursuant to this section.

Landlord for Landlord’s approval. Tenant shall supply Landlord with four (4) copies signed by Tenant of such Final Working Drawings. Landlord shall have the right to have its building architect and engineers review the Final Working Drawings. Landlord shall advise Tenant within five (5) business days after Landlord’s receipt of the Final Working Drawings for the Premises if, in Landlord’s reasonable determination, the same is unsatisfactory or incomplete in any respect. Landlord shall not disapprove the Final Working Drawings if the same are consistent with the Construction Drawings. If Tenant is so advised, Tenant shall promptly # revise the Final Working Drawings in accordance with such review and any reasonable disapproval of Landlord in connection therewith, and # deliver such revised Final Working Drawings to Landlord. The foregoing process shall be repeated until the Final Working Drawings are approved.

Tenant Improvement Working Drawings: Tenant shall prepare and submit to Landlord for its approval Tenant Improvement working drawings (“Tenant Improvement Working Drawings”) including mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plans (“MEP”). Within five (5) business days after receipt of Tenant’s drawings Landlord shall return one set of prints thereof with Landlord’s approval and/or suggested modifications noted thereon. If Landlord fails to respond within five (5) business days, then Tenant may send a notice to Landlord, which notice must contain the following inscription, in 12 point font and bold faced lettering: “SECOND NOTICE DELIVERED PURSUANT TO WORK LETTER—FAILURE TO TIMELY RESPOND WITHIN FIVE # BUSINESS DAYS SHALL RESULT IN DEEMED APPROVAL.” If Tenant sends such a notice, and Landlord fails to respond within five (5) business days after its receipt of same, the proposed drawings shall be deemed approved. If Landlord has approved Tenant’s drawings subject to modifications, such modifications shall be deemed to be acceptable to and approved by Tenant unless Tenant shall prepare and resubmit revised drawings for further consideration by Landlord. If Landlord has suggested modifications without approving Tenant’s drawings Tenant shall prepare and resubmit revised drawings for consideration by Landlord. All revised drawings shall be submitted, with changes highlighted, to Landlord following Landlord’s return to Tenant of the drawings originally submitted, and Landlord shall approve or disapprove such revised drawings within five (5) business days following receipt of the same. The parties shall follow the foregoing process until the Tenant Improvement Working Drawings are approved. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Landlord may only object to such Tenant Improvement Working Drawings if they present a Design Problem.

Final Plans. Tenant shall cause the Architect to prepare final working drawings, which shall be consistent with the Preliminary Plans, compatible with the design, construction and equipment of the Building, comply with all Applicable Laws, capable of logical measurement and construction, and contain all specifications for materials and contain such information as may be required for obtaining all permits and other governmental approvals for the construction of the Tenant Improvements (the “Working Drawings”). As soon as is commercially reasonable after approval of the Preliminary Plans are approved by the parties as provided above, Tenant shall submit two copies of the Working Drawings to Landlord for its review and approval in its good faith discretion. Within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the Working Drawings, Landlord shall notify Tenant in writing that # Landlord approves of such Working Drawings, or # Landlord disapproves of such Working Drawings, the basis for disapproval and the changes requested by Landlord. Tenant shall cause the Working Drawings to be revised and shall submit the revised Working Drawings to Landlord for its review and approval as provided in this section. The Working Drawings approved in writing by the parties shall be referred to as the “Final Plans.”

Working Drawings. After the Space Plan has been approved by Landlord, Tenant shall cause the Architect and the Engineers to promptly complete the architectural and engineering drawings, and Architect shall compile a fully coordinated set of drawings, including but not limited to architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire sprinkler and life safety in a form which is complete to allow subcontractors to bid on the work and to obtain all applicable permits (collectively, the “Working Drawings”) and shall submit the same to Landlord for Landlord’s review and approval (such approved Working Drawings, “Approved Working Drawings”). Tenant shall supply Landlord with four (4) copies signed by Tenant of the Working Drawings. Landlord shall advise Tenant within ten (10) business days after Landlord’s receipt of the Working Drawings if Landlord, in good faith, determines that the same are approved or are unsatisfactory or incomplete, and any disapproval of the Working Drawings shall accompany Landlord’s detailed reasons for such disapproval. If Tenant is so advised, Tenant shall promptly revise the Working Drawings to correct any deficiencies or other matters Landlord may reasonably require and deliver such revised Working Drawing to Landlord. Landlord’s failure to respond within five (5) business days thereafter, if such failure continues following a second, three (3) business day notice, shall be deemed approval by Landlord.

Tenant Improvement Working Drawings: Tenant shall prepare and submit to Landlord for its approval Tenant Improvement working drawings (“Tenant Improvement Working Drawings”) including mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plans (“MEP”). Within ten (10) business days after receipt of Tenant’s drawings Landlord shall return one set of prints thereof with Landlord’s approval and/or suggested modifications noted thereon. If Landlord has approved Tenant’s drawings subject to modifications, such modifications shall be deemed to be acceptable to and approved by Tenant unless Tenant shall prepare and resubmit revised drawings for further consideration by Landlord. If Landlord has suggested modifications without approving Tenant’s drawings Tenant shall prepare and resubmit revised drawings within fifteen (15) business days for consideration by Landlord. All revised drawings shall be submitted, with changes highlighted, to Landlord within fifteen (15) business days following Landlord’s return to Tenant of the drawings originally submitted, and Landlord shall approve or disapprove such revised drawings within ten (10) business days following receipt of the same.

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