Example ContractsClausesbid processVariants
Bid Process
Bid Process contract clause examples

Review Process. Before any paper is submitted for publication or oral presentation is made, which publication or presentation is subject to review under [Section 12.5.1] or [Section 12.5.2], the publishing or presenting Party (the “Publishing Party”) shall deliver a then-current copy of the paper or presentation materials to the non-publishing Party no later than ​ before submission for publication or presentation (or ​ in advance in the case of an abstract). The non-publishing Party will review such paper or presentation materials and provide its comments to the Publishing Party within ​ (or ​ in the case of an abstract) after the non-publishing Party’s receipt of such paper or presentation materials. The Publishing Party shall comply with the other Party’s request to delete the other Party’s Confidential Information in any such paper or presentation and will, at the other Party’s request, withhold publishing any such paper or making any such presentation for an additional ​ in order to permit the Parties to obtain Patent protection for any invention disclosed in such paper or presentation.

The publishing Party shall provide the non-publishing Party with the opportunity to review any such proposed abstract, manuscript or presentation by delivering a copy thereof to the non-publishing Party no less than ​ days (​ days with respect to abstracts) before its intended submission for publication or presentation. The non-publishing Party shall have ​ days (​ days for abstracts) of its receipt of any such abstract, manuscript or presentation to comment, and the publishing Party shall consider in good faith such non-publishing Party’s comments in such abstract, manuscript or presentation. In the event the non-publishing Party objects to the disclosure in writing within the applicable review period, the publishing Party agrees to delete from the proposed disclosure any of the non-publishing Party’s Confidential Information upon the request of the non-publishing Party. In the event of concern over patent protection, the publishing Party shall not submit such publication or make such presentation containing such information until the non-publishing Party is given a reasonable period of time, and in no event less than ​ days, to seek patent protection for any material in such publication or presentation which it believes is patentable, unless the publishing Party reasonably determines that publication of such information is required by applicable Law.

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