Example ContractsClausesBid Process
Bid Process
Bid Process contract clause examples

Bid Process. Tenant hereby acknowledges that:

Bid Process. Landlord will cause the Contractor to use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain at least three (3) bids from each qualified subcontractor for subcontracts anticipated to cost in excess of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000.00) (each, a “Major Subcontractor”) in connection with the Landlord’s First Floor Expansion Premises TI Work, and shall share such bids with Tenant promptly after receipt thereof. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the selection of subcontractors for the Landlord’s First Floor Expansion Premises TI Work shall be conducted on an “open book” basis as between Landlord, Contractor and Tenant, and Tenant shall have the right to review all bid materials received by Contractor prior to the selection of each Major Subcontractor. Landlord and Contractor shall keep Tenant reasonably informed in the selection of the subcontractors for the Landlord’s First Floor Expansion Premises TI Work, provided that in the event of any disagreement between the parties, Landlord shall have the right, in its sole but reasonable discretion, and acting in good faith, to make all final determinations regarding the choice of each subcontractor.

Competitive Bid Fee. Simultaneously with the delivery of each Notice of Competitive Bid Borrowing, the Borrowers shall pay to the Administrative Agent for its own account, a fee equal to $2,500.

Process. The Parties will maintain a written governance process whereby, by mutual agreement, additional accounts or territories may be added to the Exclusive Territory based on the Parties or their respective Affiliates’ relative strength of capability and/or opportunity within a given territory or account. Such governance process will also provide for accounts or territories to be removed from the Exclusive Territory if either RA or an Affiliate of RA is not providing sufficient account coverage or if requested by the applicable account.

Process. The Indemnified Party will # give the Indemnifying Party prompt written notice of the applicable Claim and # allow the indemnifying Party to exclusively control the defense thereof and all related negotiations. The indemnified Party will reasonably cooperate with the Indemnifying Party in the defense of the Claim and all related negotiations. The Indemnifying Party will not enter into any stipulated judgment or settlement that purports to bind the Indemnified Party (or any other indemnified person or entity) without the indemnified Party’s express written authorization, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

Process. During the Term, the Parties will work together to prepare for JSC approval a TDP for each Customer Product, with Customer initially submitting a written work request to Ginkgo for a specific Customer Product and Ginkgo using commercially reasonable efforts to promptly generate a draft TDP covering such Customer Product for review and discussion with Customer prior to Ginkgo’s submission of such TDP to the JSC for formal approval. All TDPs will be in the format attached hereto as [Exhibit D] (TDP Template). For clarity, each TDP will cover one Collaboration Strain or the development of Production protocols for one Collaboration Strain, as the case may be. For each TDP, upon its approval by the JSC, such TDP will be incorporated herein by reference and be deemed attached hereto as part of [Exhibit E] (Approved Technical Development Plans). The Parties may collaborate on multiple TDPs at any one time, and TDPs may have different start and end dates.

Process. As a condition to an Institute Indemnitee’s or Licensee Indemnitee’s (each, an “Indemnitee”) right to receive indemnification under Section 15.1 or [Section 15.2], as applicable, an Indemnitee shall: # promptly notify (not to exceed thirty (30) days) the indemnifying Party as soon as it becomes aware of a claim or suit for which indemnification may be sought pursuant hereto; # reasonably cooperate, and cause the individual Indemnitees claiming indemnification under this Article 15 to reasonably cooperate, with the indemnifying Party in the defense, settlement or compromise of such claim or suit; and # permit the indemnifying Party to control the defense, settlement or compromise of such claim or suit, including the right to select defense counsel. In no event, however, may the indemnifying Party compromise or settle any claim or suit in a manner which # admits fault or negligence on the part of any Indemnitee; # commits any Indemnitee to take, or forbear to take, any action, without the prior written consent of the other Party (which consent in the case of either (i) or (ii) shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned), or # where the indemnifying Party is Licensee, grant any rights under the Patent Rights except for Sublicenses permitted under Article 2. The Indemnitees shall reasonably cooperate with the indemnifying Party and its counsel in the course of the investigation of, preparation for and defense of any such suit, claim or demand, such cooperation to include without limitation using reasonable efforts to provide or make available documents, information and witnesses, and provided further that no Indemnitee may compromise or settle any such Third Party claim without the indemnifying Party’s written consent.

Process. You will have the right to be represented by legal counsel at any arbitration proceeding. Questions of whether a claim is subject to arbitration under this agreement shall be decided by the arbitrator. Likewise, procedural questions which grow out of the dispute and bear on the final disposition are also matters for the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall: # have the authority to compel adequate discovery for the resolution of the dispute and to award such relief as would otherwise be permitted by law; and # issue a written statement signed by the arbitrator regarding the disposition of each claim and the relief, if any, awarded as to each claim, the reasons for the award, and the arbitrator’s essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based. The arbitrator shall be authorized to award all relief that you or the Company would be entitled to seek in a court of law. The Company shall pay all JAMS arbitration fees in excess of the administrative fees that you would be required to pay if the dispute were decided in a court of law.

The Borrower is insolvent or enters into bankruptcy process and fails to remedy or terminate the bankruptcy process within sixty (60) days upon the occurrence of such events.

Describe planned use, and include brief description of manufacturing processes employed.

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