Example ContractsClausesAppeal
Appeal contract clause examples

The specific reason or reasons why the appeal is denied.

Section # Timing and Notification of the Determination of an Appeal.

Upon receipt of the second appeal, a full review of the information in the claim file and any new information submitted to support the appeal will be conducted. The claim decision will be made by a second review appeals committee appointed by the Employer. This committee will consist of individuals who were not involved in the initial benefit determination or the first review appeals committee, nor will such individuals be subordinate to any person involved in the initial benefit or first appeal determination.

a final judgment or judgments for the payment of $10,000,000 (or its foreign currency equivalent) or more (excluding any amounts covered by insurance) in the aggregate rendered against the Company or any Significant Subsidiary of the Company, which judgment is not discharged, bonded, paid, waived or stayed within 60 days after # the date on which the right to appeal thereof has expired if no such appeal has commenced, or # the date on which all rights to appeal have been extinguished.

Judgment upon an arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction, except that, if the arbitration award exceeds $4,000,000, any party shall be entitled to a de novo appeal of the award before a panel of three arbitrators. To allow for such appeal, if the award (including Administrator, arbitrator, and attorney’s fees and costs) exceeds $4,000,000, the arbitrator will issue a written, reasoned decision supporting the award, including a statement of authority and its application to the Dispute. A request for de novo appeal must be filed with the arbitrator within 30 days following the date of the arbitration award; if such a request is not made within that time period, the arbitration decision shall become final and binding. On appeal, the arbitrators shall review the award de novo, meaning that they shall reach their own findings of fact and conclusions of law rather than deferring in any manner to the original arbitrator. Appeal

Indebtedness consisting of # unsecured guarantees incurred in the ordinary course of business with respect to surety and appeal bonds, performance bonds, bid bonds, appeal bonds, completion guarantee and similar obligations; and # unsecured guarantees arising with respect to customary indemnification obligations to purchasers in connection with permitted dispositions;

the acceptance of the request for withdrawal of or motion to dismiss the IPR petition in [[Unknown Identifier]] by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board of the United States Patent and Trademark Office and termination of the IPR proceedings by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board; and

any waiver of the right to attack or appeal a judgment;

Within seven (7) calendar days of the Appeal Commencement Date, the Appellant # shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Appeal Panel copies of the Appeal Notice, all discovery conducted in connection with the Arbitration, and all briefs, pleadings and other documents filed with the Original Arbitrator (which material Appellee shall have the right to review and supplement if necessary), and # may, but is not required to, deliver to the Appeal Panel and to the Appellee a Memorandum in Support of the Appellant’s arguments concerning or position with respect to all Claims, counterclaims, issues, or accountings presented or pleaded in the Arbitration. Within seven (7) calendar days of the Appellant’s delivery of the Memorandum in Support, as applicable, the Appellee shall deliver to the Appeal Panel and to the Appellant a Memorandum in Opposition to the Memorandum in Support. Within seven (7) calendar days of the Appellee’s delivery of the Memorandum in Opposition, as applicable, the Appellant shall deliver to the Appeal Panel and to the Appellee a Reply Memorandum to the Memorandum in Opposition. If the Appellant shall fail to substantially comply with the requirements of [clause (i) of this subparagraph (a)], the Appellant shall lose its right to appeal the Arbitration Award, and the Arbitration Award shall be final. If the Appellee shall fail to deliver the Memorandum in Opposition as required above, or if the Appellant shall fail to deliver the Reply Memorandum as required above, then the Appellee or the Appellant, as the case may be, shall lose its right to so deliver the same, and the Appeal shall proceed regardless.

#9019 Order. The 9019 Order has # not been reversed, stayed, modified or amended and (B)(x) any appeal that has been taken with respect to the 9019 Order has been finally determined or dismissed or # the time to appeal or seek reconsideration of the 9019 Order has expired by reason of statute or otherwise and no appeal or petition for review, certiorari or reconsideration of the 9019 Order has been taken or is pending (or if such appeal or petition has been granted, it has been finally decided), as a result of which the 9019 Order has become final in accordance with applicable law (provided that this Section 6(a)(ii) may be waived by [[Organization B:Organization]] in its sole discretion);

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