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Appeal contract clause examples
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Appeals. If a claimant wishes to appeal the denial of a claim, he or she must file a written appeal with the Committee on or before the 60th day after he receives the Committee’s written notice that the claim has been wholly or partially denied. The written appeal must identify both the grounds and specific Plan provisions upon which the appeal is based. A written appeal may also include any comments, statements or documents that the claimant may desire to provide. The claimant shall lose the right to appeal if the appeal is not timely made. The Committee shall rule on an appeal within a reasonable period of time, ordinarily within 60 days of receipt of the appeal, unless the Committee determines additional time is required to make a determination. If an appeal is wholly or partially denied, the Committee shall provide the claimant with a notice identifying the reason or reasons for such denial. The determination rendered by the Committee shall be binding upon all parties.

A Participant may appeal the denial of a claim by submitting a written request for review to the Committee, within sixty (60) days after written notification of denial is received. Receipt of such denial shall be deemed to have occurred if the notice of denial is sent via first class mail to the Participant’s last shown address on the books of the Employer. Such period may be extended by the Committee for good cause shown. The claim will then be reviewed by the Committee. In connection with this appeal, the Participant (or his or her duly authorized representative) may # be provided, upon written request and free of charge, with reasonable access to (and copies of) all documents, records, and other information relevant to the claim, and # submit to the Committee written comments, documents, records, and other information related to the claim. If the Committee deems it appropriate, it may hold a hearing as to a claim. If a hearing is held, the Participant shall be entitled to be represented by counsel.

If you believe you are entitled to payments and benefits under the Plan, then contact the Committee in writing. If a claim for benefits under the Plan is denied in full or in part, you, or your authorized representative, may appeal the decision to the Committee, or its designee. To appeal a decision, you, or your authorized representative, must submit a written document through the U.S. Postal Service or other courier service appealing the denial of the claim within 60 days after your termination of employment or you will no longer be eligible to receive benefits under the Plan. You, or your authorized representative, may also include information or other documentation in support of your claim. The Committee, or its designee, will have 90 days from the date it receives your appeal in which to reach a decision regarding your claim for benefits. This 90 day period may be extended to 180 days, if required. If the Committee, or its designee, requires an extension of time to consider your claim, you will be notified prior to the end of the initial 90 day period of # the need for such an extension, and # when the Committee, or its designee, anticipates reaching a decision regarding your claim. Once the Committee, or its designee reaches a decision on your claim, it will provide you with written notice of that decision. This notice will include the reasons for the denial and the specific provision(s) on which the denial is based, a description of any additional information needed to resubmit the claim, and an explanation of the claims review procedure. In connection with your appeal, you, or your authorized representative, can review all plan documents and you, or your authorized representative, may have a qualified person represent you, or your authorized representative, during the appeal process. Any documents or records that support your position must be submitted with your appeal letter.

Action on Application. Within ninety (90) days after receipt of an application and all necessary information, the Committee will furnish the claimant a written notice of its decision. If the Committee denies the claim in whole or in part, the notice will set forth # specific reason for the denial, with specific reference to Plan provisions upon which the denial is based; # a description of any additional information or material necessary to process the application with an explanation why such material or information is necessary; and # an explanation of the claim review procedure under the Plan.

Review Procedure. Within 60 days after the date on which a person receives a written notification of denial of claim (or, if written notification is not provided, within 60 days of the date denial is considered to have occurred), such person (or his duly authorized representative) may # file a written request with the Claims Administrator for a review of his denied claim and of pertinent documents and # submit written issues and comments to the Claims Administrator. The Claims Administrator will notify such person of its decision in writing. Such notification will be written in a manner calculated to be understood by such person and will contain specific reasons for the decision as well as specific references to pertinent Plan provisions. The decision on review will be made within 60 days after the request for review is received by the Claims Administrator (or within 120 days, if special circumstances require an extension of time for processing the request, such as an election by the Claims Administrator to hold a hearing, and if written notice of such extension and circumstances is given to such person within the initial 60-day period). If the decision on review is not made within such period, the claim will be considered denied. Except as otherwise provided in [Section 9.5], the decision, action or inaction of the Claims Administrative shall be final, conclusive and binding on all persons having an interest in the Plan.

Original Claim. Any person may file with the Committee a written claim for benefits under the Supplemental Plan. Within thirty (30) days after the filing of such a claim, the Committee shall notify the claimant in writing whether his or her claim is upheld or denied in whole or in part or shall furnish the claimant a written notice describing specific special circumstances requiring a specified amount of additional time (but not more than sixty days from the date the claim was filed) to reach a decision on the claim. If the claim is denied in whole or in part, the Committee shall state in writing:

Any Participant whose claim for benefits is denied in whole or in part may appeal for a review of the decision by the full Committee. Such appeal must be made within three months after the Participant has received actual or constructive notice of the denial as provided above. An appeal must be submitted in writing within such period and must:

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