Example ContractsClausesagreed currenciesVariants
Agreed Currencies
Agreed Currencies contract clause examples

Agreed Currencies” means # Dollars and # each Foreign Currency.

Agreed Currencies” means Dollars and each Alternate Currency.

Agreed Currencies” means Dollars and each Alternative Currency.

"Agreed Currencies" means # Dollars and # so long as such currency is freely transferable and convertible into Dollars # Euro and # Pounds Sterling.

Agreed Currencies” means # U.S. Dollars, # Euro, # Pounds Sterling, # Swiss Francs, and # any other Foreign Currency acceptable to all of the Lenders.

Agreed Currencies” means # U.S. Dollars, # Euro, # Pounds Sterling, # Swiss Francs, # Australian Dollars, # Japanese Yen, # Canadian Dollars, # Singapore Dollars and # any other Foreign Currency acceptable to all of the Lenders and the Issuing Banks.

Agreed Currencies” means U.S. Dollars and each Alternative Currency.

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