Example ContractsClausesAdverse Event
Adverse Event
Adverse Event contract clause examples
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Adverse Event Reporting. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, within ​, or as soon as practicable after [[Nektar:Organization]], as agreed to by the Parties and prior to dosing the first study patient in any new Clinical Trial subject to this Agreement, the Parties (under the guidance of their respective pharmacovigilance departments, or equivalent thereof) shall use diligent efforts to define and finalize the responsibilities the Parties shall employ to protect patients and promote their well-being in connection with the use of the Nektar Assets and BMS Assets in the framework of this Agreement, and to execute one or more written pharmacovigilance agreements (each, a “Pharmacovigilance Agreement”). Such Pharmacovigilance Agreement shall include mutually acceptable guidelines and procedures for the receipt, investigation, recordation, communication, and exchange (as between the Parties) of adverse event reports, pregnancy reports, and any other information concerning the safety of the Nektar Assets and BMS Assets. Such guidelines and procedures shall be in accordance with, and enable the Parties and their Affiliates to fulfill, local and international regulatory reporting obligations to government authorities. Furthermore, such agreed procedures shall be consistent with relevant International Council for Harmonization (ICH) guidelines, except where said guidelines may conflict with existing local regulatory safety reporting requirements or Applicable Law, in which case local reporting requirements or Applicable Law shall prevail. Until such guidelines and procedures are set forth in the Pharmacovigilance Agreement, the Party responsible for pharmacovigilance prior to [[Nektar:Organization]] shall have sole pharmacovigilance responsibility for the Party’s Single Agent Compound subject to all applicable regulations and guidelines. To the extent any provision set forth in the Pharmacovigilance Agreement conflicts with any provision in this Agreement, the provision set forth in the Pharmacovigilance Agreement shall control as related to the exchange and reporting of safety information associated with use of the Nektar Asset and BMS Assets pursuant to this Agreement as well as product safety surveillance. The Pharmacovigilance Agreement can be amended from time to time. In the event that this Agreement is terminated, the Parties agree to implement the necessary procedures and practices to ensure that any outstanding pharmacovigilance reporting obligations are fulfilled.

Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Event Reporting. The Parties will cooperate with regard to the reporting and handling of safety information involving the Licensed Products in accordance with the Applicable Law, regulatory requirements, and regulations on pharmacovigilance and clinical safety. For each Licensed Product, GSK will be responsible for all processing of information related to any adverse events for such Licensed Product. Each Party will provide to the other Party the relevant safety information it receives (either directly or indirectly) related to a Licensed Product in a timely manner. The drug safety departments from each of the Parties shall meet and agree upon a written pharmacovigilance agreement for exchanging adverse event and other safety information and timelines within ​ days of the Effective Date, which pharmacovigilance agreement will provide for the transfer of ITEOS’s then-current safety database for Licensed Products to GSK, including the timing for such transfer. Such written pharmacovigilance agreement shall ensure that adverse event and other safety information is exchanged according to a schedule that will permit each Party (and its Sublicensees or designees) to comply with all Applicable Laws. GSK will own and maintain the global safety database for all Licensed Products.

Product Information/Adverse Event Reporting. To the extent any Services performed by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement result in Consultant’s collection, receipt or other form of knowledge of any information about Company’s medicinal or biological product(s) (“Product(s)”), from any source, in any form, relating to a Medication Error, Product Adverse Events, Product Quality Complaints, and/or Pregnancy Information (“Reportable Information”), Consultant represents and warrants that it shall cooperate with Company as set forth in this

Termination for Material Adverse Event. SFJ may terminate this Agreement at any time in the event of a Material Adverse Event.

Product Information/Adverse Event Reporting. To the extent any Services performed by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement result in Consultant’s collection, receipt or other form of knowledge of any information about Company’s medicinal or biological product(s) (“Product(s)”), from any source, in any form, relating to a Medication Error, Product Adverse Events, Product Quality Complaints, and/or Pregnancy Information (“Reportable Information”), Consultant represents and warrants that it shall cooperate with Company as set

Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Event Reporting. The Parties shall execute, within ​, a separate pharmacovigilance agreement (the “Pharmacovigilance Agreement”) to specify details of the Parties’ obligations with respect to reporting any adverse events associated with any Product, exchanging adverse event and other safety information relating to the Products, and any other pharmacovigilance obligations.

Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Event Reporting. The Parties shall cooperate with regard to the reporting and handling of safety information involving the [[Unknown Identifier]] Co-Co Products in accordance with the Applicable Laws, regulatory requirements, and regulations on pharmacovigilance and clinical safety. The Lead Regulatory Party for a [[Unknown Identifier]] Co-Co Product in a given country shall be responsible for all processing of information related to any adverse events for such [[Unknown Identifier]] Co-Co Product for such country. Each Party shall provide to the other Party the relevant safety information it receives (either directly or indirectly) related to a [[Unknown Identifier]] Co-Co Product within such time to ensure that all regulatory requirements and timelines are met in the respective Territories. No later than ​ prior to the first IND submission, unless mutually agreed in writing by the Parties, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith and enter into one or more (as appropriate) written Pharmacovigilance Agreements for the [[Unknown Identifier]] Co-Co Products, which agreements shall define the pharmacovigilance responsibilities of the Parties and include safety data exchange procedures governing the exchange of information affecting the [[Unknown Identifier]] Co-Co Products (e.g., serious adverse events, emerging safety issues) to enable each Party to comply with all of its legal and regulatory obligations related to such [[Unknown Identifier]] Co-Co Products (each a “Pharmacovigilance Agreement”). Between the execution of this Agreement and the execution of the Pharmacovigilance Agreement, each Party shall provide to the other Party within ​, any and all known information that may impact human safety with respect to the [[Unknown Identifier]] Research Program and [[Unknown Identifier]] Co-Co Products. Acadia shall own and maintain, and be responsible for, the global safety database for each [[Unknown Identifier]] Co-Co Product. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and the Pharmacovigilance Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail and govern, except to the extent such conflicting terms relating directly to the pharmacovigilance responsibilities of the Parties (including the exchange of safety data), in which case the terms of the Pharmacovigilance Agreement shall prevail and govern.

Safety and Adverse Event Reporting. At least 90 days prior to submission of the initial IND for the first Product, the Parties will meet to discuss and determine the desirability of entering into a separate, related safety data exchange agreement (the “Safety Data Exchange Agreement”) providing details related to managing adverse events that occur during Clinical Studies, safety issues arising from pre-clinical research and other safety and reporting practices and procedures in compliance with all applicable Laws. If the Parties determine that a separate, written Safety Data Exchange Agreement is desirable, then the Parties will negotiate the terms of such agreement in good faith. Any breach of the Safety Data Exchange Agreement by either Party shall not, in and of itself, be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement.

Adverse Event Reporting; Pharmacovigilance Agreement. ​ after the Effective Date, the Parties shall enter into a pharmacovigilance agreement setting forth the worldwide pharmacovigilance procedures for the Parties with respect to the Products, such as Safety Data sharing, adverse event reporting, and safety signal and risk management (the “Pharmacovigilance Agreement”), which agreement shall be amended by the Parties from time to time as necessary to comply with any changes in Applicable Laws or any guidance received from Regulatory Authorities. Such procedures shall be in accordance with, and enable the Parties to fulfill, local and national regulatory reporting obligations under Applicable Laws (including, to the extent applicable, those obligations contained in ICH guidelines) to monitor patients’ safety. Ovid has established, and shall continue to hold (either by itself or through a vendor engaged by Ovid) the global safety database for the Products, and shall maintain such global safety database for so long as such Product is under Development or Commercialization by the Parties. The Parties envision that Ovid will separately maintain the Product global safety database and Licensee will maintain its own Product safety database with respect to the Licensee Territory and the Parties will synchronize the Product databases in accordance with the Pharmacovigilance Agreement so that they each maintain all Product safety data; however, the Parties agree that the Ovid global safety database will be the source for all periodic reports. Ovid shall ​ from its database and Licensee will maintain ​ its own Product safety database. The CGB shall establish a safety subcommittee to draft the Pharmacovigilance Agreement to define the process for exchanging adverse event reports using the Ovid global safety database, as well as periodic reports, regulatory communication, and other key elements. The Parties will collaboratively agree on data cut points for periodic safety reports and Ovid will review and approve all such reports. The Parties will jointly review and approve such reports before submission to Regulatory Authorities in the Licensee Territory as required. Such safety subcommittee shall implement the Pharmacovigilance Agreement and coordinate with respect to any Safety Data reporting for the Products to the Regulatory Authorities in the Licensee Territory including, responding to safety issues, communicating with Regulatory Authorities related to the Products under any MAA or Regulatory Approval for the Product held by such Party and filed with such Regulatory Authorities, including maintaining the qualified person for Pharmacovigilance and individual case safety report processing, in each case at its own cost. Each Party agrees to comply with its respective obligations under the Pharmacovigilance Agreement and to cause its Affiliates, licensees, and Sublicensees to comply with such obligations.

Adverse Event Reporting; Pharmacovigilance Agreement. ​ after the Effective Date, the Parties shall enter into a pharmacovigilance agreement setting forth the worldwide pharmacovigilance procedures for the Parties with respect to the Products, such as Safety Data sharing, adverse event reporting, and safety signal and risk management (the “Pharmacovigilance Agreement”), which agreement shall be amended by the Parties from time to time as necessary to comply with any changes in Applicable Laws or any guidance received from Regulatory Authorities. Such procedures shall be in accordance with, and enable the Parties to fulfill, local and national regulatory reporting obligations under Applicable Laws (including, to the extent applicable, those obligations contained in ICH guidelines) to monitor patients’ safety. Ovid has established, and shall continue to hold (either by itself or through a vendor engaged by Ovid) the global safety database for the Products, and shall maintain such global safety database for so long as such Product is under Development or Commercialization by the Parties. The Parties envision that Ovid will separately maintain the Product global safety database and Licensee will maintain its own Product safety database with respect to the Licensee Territory and the Parties will synchronize the Product databases in accordance with the Pharmacovigilance Agreement so that they each maintain all Product safety data; however, the Parties agree that the Ovid global safety database will be the source for all periodic reports. Ovid shall ​ from its database and Licensee will maintain ​ its own Product safety database. The CGB shall establish a safety subcommittee to draft the Pharmacovigilance Agreement to define the process for exchanging adverse event reports using the Ovid global safety database, as well as periodic reports, regulatory communication, and other key elements. The Parties will collaboratively agree on data cut points for periodic safety reports and Ovid will review and approve all such reports. The Parties will jointly review and approve such reports before submission to Regulatory Authorities in the Licensee Territory as required. Such safety subcommittee shall implement the Pharmacovigilance Agreement and coordinate with respect to any Safety Data reporting for the Products to the Regulatory Authorities in the Licensee Territory including, responding to safety issues, communicating with Regulatory Authorities related to the Products under any MAA or Regulatory Approval for the Product held by such Party and filed with such Regulatory Authorities, including maintaining the qualified person for Pharmacovigilance and individual case safety report processing, in each case at its own cost. Each Party agrees to comply with its respective obligations under the Pharmacovigilance Agreement and to cause its Affiliates, licensees, and Sublicensees to comply with such obligations.

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