Example ContractsClausesAdditional Limited Partner
Additional Limited Partner
Additional Limited Partner contract clause examples

Each Partner (including, without limitation, each Additional Limited Partner or Substituted Limited Partner as a condition to becoming an Additional Limited Partner or Substituted Limited Partner, respectively) hereby acknowledges that no representations as to potential profit, cash flows, funds from operations or yield, if any, in respect of the Partnership, or the Company have been made by any Partner or any employee or representative or Affiliate of any Partner, and that projections and any other information, including, without limitation, financial and descriptive information and documentation, that may have been in any manner submitted to such Partner shall not constitute any representation or warranty of any kind or nature, express or implied.

Limited Partner” means the Company and any other Person named as a limited partner of the Partnership in Exhibit A attached hereto, as such Exhibit may be amended from time to time, or any Substituted Limited Partner or Additional Limited Partner, in such Person’s capacity as a limited partner of the Partnership. For purposes of this Agreement and the Act, the Limited Partners shall constitute a single class or group of limited partners.

Admission of Additional Limited Partners. No Person shall be admitted as an Additional Limited Partner without the consent of the General Partner, which consent shall be given or withheld in the General Partner’s sole and absolute discretion. A Person who makes a Capital Contribution to the Partnership in accordance with this Agreement or who exercises an option to receive Partnership Units shall be admitted to the Partnership as an Additional Limited Partner only with the consent of the General Partner and only upon furnishing to the General Partner # evidence of acceptance in form satisfactory to the General Partner of all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, without limitation, the power of attorney granted in Section 8.2 and # such other documents or instruments as may be required in the discretion of the General Partner to effect such Person’s admission as an Additional Limited Partner. The admission of any Person as an Additional Limited Partner shall become effective on the date upon which the name of such Person is recorded on the books and records of the Partnership, following the consent of the General Partner to such admission.

elects to adopt a daily, weekly or monthly proration method, in which event Profits, Losses, and each item thereof would be prorated based upon the applicable period selected by the General Partner). Solely for purposes of making such allocations, each of such item for the calendar month in which an admission of any Additional Limited Partner occurs shall be allocated among all the Partners and assignees including such Additional Limited Partner. All distributions by the Partnership with respect to which the Partnership Record Date is before the date of such admission shall be made solely to Partners and assignees other than the Additional Limited Partner, and all distributions by the Partnership thereafter shall be made to all the Partners and assignees including such Additional Limited Partner.

Commercialization Partner”. Commercialization Partner means a pharma company that # receives a sublicense under Section 2.1(c) to Manufacture and Commercialize a Licensed Product, # is one of the largest twenty (20) pharma companies in the world by revenue at the time of granting of such sublicense and # is not Novo.

TransTech shall use commercially reasonable best efforts to enter into, on or before the date (the “Partner Deadline”) that is ​ prior to the earliest date on which TransTech expects to conclude the First Commercial Sale of such Licensed Product, one or more binding agreements requiring a Commercialization Partner to use commercially reasonable best efforts to Manufacture and Commercialize at least one Licensed Product in at least the Major Markets (each such agreement, a “Commercialization Agreement”). TransTech, in its sole discretion, shall determine the terms of any such Commercialization Agreement subject to the efforts requirements set forth in this [subsection (a)]. At the start of negotiations with any potential Commercialization Partner, TransTech shall offer to Novo an opportunity to negotiate a Commercialization Agreement in good faith and on a non-exclusive basis, provided that TransTech, in its sole discretion, shall decide whether or not to enter into a Commercialization Agreement with Novo or any potential Commercialization Partner. Novo shall have one (1) month from the date of TransTech’s offer to accept or reject such offer to negotiate a Commercialization Agreement.

PARTNER Names. REGENX, its Affiliates and all of their respective employees and agents must not use PARTNER’s name, seal, logo, trademark, or service mark (or any adaptation thereof) in any way without the prior written consent of PARTNER; provided, however that REGENX may acknowledge the existence and general nature of this Agreement and the Penn Sublicense Agreement, subject to ARTICLE 10.

Partner Indemnification. Partner will defend, indemnify and hold harmless [[Illumina:Organization]], its Affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, representatives, employees, successors and assigns (“[[Illumina:Organization]] Indemnitee(s)”), from and against any and all claims, causes of action, and proceedings brought or asserted by a third party (“Claims”), and all associated losses, liabilities, damages, fines, and penalties of any and every kind, including legal expenses and reasonable attorneys’ fees (“Losses”) to the extent resulting from or arising out of Partner’s or a Partner Indemnitee’s: # development, use, or commercialization of the IVD Test Kits or Custom Software; # breach of this Agreement, including any representation, warranty or failure to exert good faith or Commercially Reasonable Efforts as required; # gross negligence or intentional misconduct in performing or failing to perform under this Agreement; or # sale (including making, using, selling, offering for sale, and importing) by or on behalf of Partner of an IVD Test Kit in the Territory that infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party; in each case except to the extent resulting from or arising out of [[Illumina:Organization]]’s or an [[Illumina:Organization]] Indemnitee’s gross negligence, intentional misconduct, or breach of this Agreement.

General Partner. The General Partner shall be the sole manager of the Partnership business, and shall have the right and power to make all decisions and take any and every action with respect to the property, the business and affairs of the Partnership and shall have all the rights, power and authority generally conferred by law, or necessary, advisable or consistent with accomplishing the purposes of the Partnership. All such decisions or actions made or taken by the General Partner hereunder shall be binding upon all of the Partners and the Partnership. The powers of the General Partner to manage the Partnership business shall include, without limitation, the power and authority to:

Except for fraud, willful misconduct and gross negligence, no Partner shall have any personal liability whatever, whether to the Partnership or to the other Partner, for the debts or liabilities of the Partnership or its obligations hereunder, and the full recourse of the other Partner shall be limited to the interest of that Partner in the Partnership. To the fullest extent permitted by law, no officer, director or shareholder of the General Partner shall be liable to the Partnership for money damages except for # active and deliberate dishonesty established by a final judgment or # actual receipt of an improper benefit or profit in money, property or services. Without limitation of the foregoing, and except for fraud, willful misconduct and gross negligence, no property or assets of any Partner, other than its interest in the Partnership, shall be subject to levy, execution or other enforcement procedures for the satisfaction of any judgment (or other judicial process) in favor of any other Partner(s) and arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement. This Agreement is executed by the officers of each Partner solely as officers of the same and not in their own individual capacities. No advisor, trustee, director, officer, partner, employee, beneficiary, shareholder, participant or agent of any Partner (or of any Partner of a Partner) shall be personally liable in any matter or to any extent under or in connection with this Agreement, and the Partnership, each Partner and their respective successors and assigns shall look solely to the interest of the other Partner in the Partnership for the payment of any claim or for any performance hereunder.

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